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Program Management

  • Has the commander appointed a primary and alternate Safety Representative to assist them in implementing their Safety Program? AFI 91-202,

  • Does the USR attend the mandatory USR meeting? If the primary or alternate USR cannot attend, a designated representative from the unit must be present. AFI 91-202 para 8.5.8

  • Does the USR advise the commander on safety related matters at least on a quarterly basis or more frequently as necessary and document key elements briefed? AFI 91-202 para 8.5.1

  • Does the unit forward the USAFE Form 281, Supervisor's Report of Mishap to Ground Safety as soon as possible or within 5 duty days following the mishap? AFI 91-204 USAFE Sup, para

  • Does the commander ensure request for equipment, products and services using purchase orders and/or Government Purchase Card are reviewed for potential safety and health impact? AFI 91-202 para

  • Does the commander periodically attend, as deemed necessary, squadron athletic events involving assigned personnel to monitor potentially hazardous conditions and unsafe behavior? AFI 91-202 para

  • Does the supervisor review work processes annually, when new tasks or equipment are added, or when existing tasks change and include changes in the Job Safety Training Guide or other applicable training documents? AFI 91-202 para

  • Has the supervisor developed a work center specific JSTG based on Attachment 5, Job Safety Training Outline on safety, fire protection/ prevention and health requirements? AFI 91-202 Para

  • Have supervisors provided job safety training to all newly assigned individuals on the work hazards of their job before they start work and immediately when their is a change in equipment, processes or safety, fire and health requirements? AFI 91-202 para

  • Have supervisors reviewed and updated the JSTG annually and/ or when there is a change in equipment, processes, or safety, fire and health requirements and document the review? Annual review of JSTG will be completed by the shop supervisor and documented with the date of review and the person conducting the review. AFI 91-202 para

  • Does the supervisor document and maintain completed safety, fire, health, and environmental training in the work area on the AF 55, Employee Safety and Health Record, or equivalent product? AFI 91-202 para

  • Do Airman hand carry their AF Form 55 or equivalent training record to the new supervisor when deploying or PCSing to another AF position/location? AFI 91-202 para

  • Do USRs verify that monthly spot inspections of work areas are being conducted and documented in the unit's spot inspection data base? AFI 91-202 para 8.5.6

  • Do USRs perform monthly spot inspection to check day-to-day safety and health of their work centers, facilities, etc. and document those spot inspections in the unit's spot inspection database? AFI 91-202 para 3.5

  • Do supervisors conduct monthly spot inspections of there work areas and document those inspections in there unit spot inspection database? AFI 91-202 para

  • Are personal injury, property damage, and suspected exposure to chemicals reported to their supervisor as soon as practical but not to exceed 24 hours? AFI 91-202 para

  • Have the USRs attended training hosted by the Wing Safety Office within 30 days of appointment? AFI 91-202 para 2.2

  • If appointed, have flight level Safety Representative been trained by the Wing Safety Office within 30 days of appointment? AFI 91-202 Para 2.2.3

  • Does the USR advise their commander on safety related matter at least on a quarterly or more frequently as necessary and document key elements briefed in the unit's commander briefing database? AFI 91-202 para 8.5.1

  • Does the USR assist flight supervisors in developing their flight's JSTG? AFI 91-202 Para 8.5.4

  • Does the USR disseminate safety education materials to unit personnel? AFI 91-202 Para 8.5.5

  • Does the USR ensure monthly safety briefings are conducted for unit personnel and documented in the unit's monthly briefing database? AFI 91-202 Para 8.5.5

  • Have supervisors ( officers, NCOs, and civilian personnel) attended Supervisor Safety Training course and is the training documented on their AF Form 55? AFI 91-202 para

  • Does the unit have a safety briefing program and are monthly safety briefings documented in the unit's monthly safety briefing database for every flight if not covered during a commander's call? AFI 91-202, 2.2.45, 2.3

  • Are personnel informed of the Hazard Reporting Program via JSTG? Are personnel who do not have access to E-PUBS provided access to the AF Form 457 USAF Hazard Report? AFI 91-202 para 4.3

  • Does the unit maintain a Safety Bulletin Board with required documents as directed by the Wing Safety Office? AFI 91-202 para 8.5.9

Risk Management

  • Has the commander appointed a primary Risk Management Advisor to assist them in managing their Risk Management Program? AFI 90-802 para 4.9.3

  • Has the RM advisor completed the online RM Fundamentals CBT? AFI 90-802 para 11.2.1

  • Do RM advisors serve as the unit's RM point of contact? AFI 90-802 Para 4.10.3

  • Has the RM Advisor ensured RM Fundamentals training is conducted with 60 days of a member's assignment to a unit and included as part of in-processing? Training is only required one time in an Airman's career and shall be documented IAW AFI 90-802 para 12.1?

Motorcycle Program Management

  • Has the commander appointed a primary and alternate Motorcycle Safety Representative to assist them in implementing their motorcycle safety program? AFI 91-207,

  • Has the unit's MSR attended training within 30 days of appointment? AFI 91-207 USAFE SUP I para

  • Does the USR periodically inspect the Unit's Motorcycle Safety Program? AFI 91-202 Para 8.5.7

  • Does the unit have a system in place to identity new and newly assigned motorcycle riders to ensure they are enrolled in MUSTT? AFI 91-207 Para

  • Are identified riders requiring motorcycle training scheduled for training by he MSR? AFI 91-207 Para

  • Is MUSTT used to track all unit motorcycle and three wheeled vehicle riders? AFI 91-207 Para

  • Does the unit commander or designated MSR provide an initial briefing to all new or newly assigned motorcycle riders within 30 days from initial assignment, identification as a rider or purchase of a motorcycle? AFI 91-207 para

  • Are unit riders given time to attend the mandatory annual/ preseason motorcycle riders' briefing? AFI 91-207 para

  • Does the MSR QC the MUSTT database regularly to identify deficiencies with the unit rider's training and required briefings? AFI 91-207 para

Lock Out/Tag out

  • Are only standardized AF tags used to tag out equipment? AFI 91-203 para 21.3.3

  • Are LOTO devices used as a positive means of isolating energy sources and preventing unexpected start-up of machines and equipment? AFI 91-203 para 21.2.7

  • Are procedures developed and documented for the safe and proper use of locks and tags? AFI 91-203 para

  • Has a training plan been developed for initial and recurring training on LOTO procedures? AFI 91-203 para

  • Are periodic self-inspections conducted and documented by the unit? AFI 91-203 Para 21.6.1

  • Is an adequate supply of safety tags and locks available for use? AFI 91-203 Para 21.3.3

  • Are specific written procedures utilized during shift or personnel changes to ensure the continuity of LOTO protection? AFI 91-203 para Para 21.4.10

  • Do supervisor, authorized worker and operator responsible for the equipment or machinery know the type, magnitude and the hazards of the energy source? AFI 91-203 Para

Confined Spaces

  • Has the commander or functional manager identified all confined spaces within the organization, located both on and off the installation? AFI 91-203 para 23.3.2<br>

  • Are personnel who work with or in the vicinity of confined spaces, but do not enter the confined space provided awareness training via the JSTG? AFI 91-203 para 23

  • Does the organization ensure all members assigned permit- required confined space duties are trained prior to being assigned? AFI 91-203 para

  • Are all master entry plans (MEPs) reviewed by the Confined Space Program Team (CSPT) at least annually, to ensure conditions have not changed? AFI 91-203 para

  • Does the commander and/or functional manager ensure required equipment is available and properly maintained? AFI 91-203 para

  • Does the commander and/or functional manager maintain a current list of all confined spaces, both permit- required and non-permit required, under the control of their organization? AFI 91-203 para

  • Is initial testing of confined spaces accomplished by a technically qualified member of the installation CSPT prior to the space being classified? AFI 91-203 para 23.3.3

  • Are entry permits, including those cancelled or revoked, retained on file for one year? AFI 91-203 para

Specialty Vehicle Program

  • Have All Terrain Vehicle operators completed Specialty Vehicle Institute of America's ATV Rider Course? AFI 91-207 para

  • Are operator's of OGMVCs educated on the Wing Commander's RM policy prior to operating? AFI 91-207 para

  • Are operators trained on use of OGMVs prior to operation and is the training documented in the individuals training record? AFI 91-207 para

Emergency Eyewash Units and Showers

  • Do supervisors ensure emergency showers and eyewashes are provided, inspected, tested and maintained IAW this standard? AFI 91-203 para 19.3

  • Are emergency shower and eyewash units in conspicuously identified accessible locations that do not require more than 10 seconds to reach? AFI 91-203 para 19.5

  • Are emergency shower and eyewash units located so the water spray does not contact any electrical circuit? AFI 91-203 Para 19.5

  • Is the delivered water temperature in a comfortable range that would not discourage use of the the unit? AFI 91-203 para 19.6.1

  • Where shutoff valves are installed on water supply lines to emergency shower and eyewash units, have signs or tags been installed to prevent accidental shutoff? AFI 91-203 para 19.6.3

  • Do supervisors activate permanently installed shower and eyewash units weekly to verify proper operation? Activation shall be documented IAW with United Kingdom Health and Safety requirements and last for two minutes. AFI 91-203, 19.9.1

  • Is the fluid level of self-contained units checked monthly and changed as required by the manufacturer? Are tags or labels attached to the unit or adjacent to it reflecting the fluid change schedule? AFI 91-203 para 19.9.3


  • Are all personnel briefed on the findings and recommendations contained in Bioenviromental Engineering industrial hygiene surveys and reports? Is a copy of the survey report posted on the work place bulletin board for a period of 10 days after receipt to allow all workers free access to the findings? Are the reports maintained on file in the work place for a minimum of two years? AFI 91-202 Para

  • Are supervisors and employees who handle, use, or are potentially exposed to hazardous materials in the course do official AF duties provided training on the AF HAZCOM program, including training to address work area specific hazards prior to the use of hazardous chemicals. Do supervisors ensure the appropriate functionals review and approve the shop HAZCOM training program for technical accuracy and completeness prior to implementation in the work area/shop? AFI 90-821 para 2.7.1

Hangar Doors

  • Have all personnel who routinely work in hangars or require access through the hangar doors received annual Hangar Door Awareness training? AFI 91-202 para 24.14.5

  • Are only qualified personnel, approved by the squadron commander or designated representative, authorized to operate hangar doors? AFI 91-203 para

  • Do facility managers conduct monthly inspections of hangar door operational and safety features? AFI 91-203 para

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