
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Signage in good repair with no damage to logos or lettering, illuminated correctly?<br>

  • POS in good repair with correct messages?<br>

  • All outside tables & chairs clean and undamaged. Table bases and chair legs clean and well presented.

  • Are door staff correctly presented, smiling, welcoming?

  • Outside litter free with no cigarette butts or chewing gum, and regularly cleaned?<br>

  • Windows, doors, and shop front - all clean, free from smears, dirt, cobwebs etc.<br>

  • Cigarette bin clean and emptied?

  • Windows clean and streak free?


  • All lights and fittings working, with shades clean and free of insects etc.<br>

  • Lights at correct level for the time of day?<br>

  • Are all staff wearing the correct uniform?

  • Are the floors clean: swept, mopped and vacuumed effectively?

  • Entrance mat dirt free and in good condition?

  • Music played at a suitable level for the amount of guests, all speakers working and appropriate for the time of day

  • Venue at a comfortable temperature for our guests.<br>

  • Wifi working?<br>

  • Is there a management presence front of house? Who is Duty Manager?<br>

  • Menus clean & correct<br>

  • Tables set correctly?<br>

  • Trading area clean, tidy, and set for business?<br>

  • Are staffing levels correct for level of trade?<br>

  • Are the team smiling

  • Are the staff engaging with guests?

Bar Area

  • Bar top clean and no chewing gum under bar top?

  • Bar gantry clean, presentable and well stocked?

  • Beer fonts polished?

  • All products available and stocking policy being followed?

  • All products in date and stored correctly?

  • Is there soap hand, hand towels and hot water available at every station.

  • Is the area free from barfly?

  • Is there a price list present and up to date

  • Is the glass washer clean and in working order


  • Toilets checked regularly ensuring they are clean, dry, & tidy?<br>

  • Light bulbs & fittings all work?<br>

  • Disabled toilet alarm working?<br>

  • Sanitary Equipment all neat & working<br>

  • Is the baby change unit in present and in good condition?

  • Hand Driers working and in good state of repair. No Stickers or grafitti

  • Do the toilets smell fresh?

Back of House

  • Is the celler clean and tidy

  • Is the ice machine clean and cleaning record in place

  • All products stored correctly

  • Is the ice scoop stored in a container?

  • Gas cylinders correctly located and chains used<br>

  • All products in date


  • Are the Weights and Measures Act & Under 18 signs displayed?

  • Is there a copy of the Licensing Summary displayed front of house?

  • PLH - sufficient on shift, certificates on site<br>

  • Security staff - door log book used correctly (managers details, capacity log, incidents, ID checks)<br>

  • Security Staff - Copies of SIA badges available, staff details & badges within date etc.<br>

  • Premises License and operating plan available

  • Staff Training records available

Fire Safety

  • Fire risk assessment up to date and available?<br>

  • Is the fire alarm tested weekly and recored?<br>

  • All emergency lights working

  • Monthly record of testing for emergency lights

  • All fire exits clear and well lit, correct signs by each call point?<br>

  • Staff on duty aware of fire meeting points (ask random member)<br>

  • Fire fighting equipment in good working order, correctly located, serviced and in date?<br>

  • All staff have been trained and signed off on the fire plan?

Health and Safety

  • First aid boxes all fully stocked<br>

  • No immediate risk in the building of slip, trips or falls found<br>

  • No evidence of pest infestation found during visit<br>

  • No Faulty Equipment Present

  • Accident book being being used properly

  • Staff have completed ladder training


  • Food Allergy Information Available

  • All chefs in correct uniform?

  • Are the doors, walls and grouting clean?

  • Are the ceilings and lights clean?<br>

  • Fly Killer clean and operational

  • Is the floor clean, not greasy and clear of debris (check under equipment)?<br>

  • Is the canopy clean and filters being changed regularly

  • Fryers free from grease and carbon build up?

  • Chargrills; are they clean, free from dirt and carbon build up?<br>

  • Dishwasher is it clean?

  • Does the dishwasher have sufficient detergent/rinse aid?

  • Is food stored correctly?

  • All food in date?

  • All food items correctly labelled?

  • Are benches, food sink, prep and work areas clean, tidy and free from clutter?<br>

  • Fridges at correct temp. (Check two)

  • Salamander; clean, free from dirt and carbon build up?<br>

  • Shelving; clean and free from grease? (check legs & wheels)<br>

  • Microwaves - clean and free from dirt? (check inside roof and rear filters)<br>

  • Oven clean and in good repair?

  • Fridge seals in a good state of repair

  • Freezer at correct temp

  • Freezer seals in a good state of repair

  • Are kitchen bins clean, have lids and rubbish being correctly separated?

  • Sanitiser - Is there D10 and blue roll available on each section in the kitchen?<br>

  • Raw Food Handling- are correct procedures being followed and raw stored on bottom shelves?<br>

  • Are probe wipes available and in date?<br>

  • Chopping Boards-are they available, in good repair and being used correctly? Red-meat. Blue-Raw fish. Green-Salad. Brown-Vegetables. White- Dairy. Yellow-Cooked Meats<br>

  • Is the kitchen free from glass?<br>

  • Food Rotation- rotated, covered and stored correctly?<br>

  • Cleaning Materials- all plastic bottles labelled with correct product (D1, D2, D9, D10)?<br>

  • Is fire blanket present

  • Is all food stored in food safe containers, no cracks, with lids or wrapped with cling film?<br>

  • Hand Washing Facilities- are they available? (soap, blue roll and a clean sink).<br>

  • Are chemicals stored correctly?<br>

  • All in one record being correctly completed check the last few days?

  • Last 3 months of All in one records available on site?

  • Nightly Management kitchen check being completed


  • All staff receiving a company induction and compaince packs available

  • All staff have completed the following: Food Safety L2, Allergens, Licensing and Social Responsibility

  • Proof of eligibility documents upload to fourth for all employees


  • What was great in this visit?

  • What could have been better?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.