
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • 1. All floors are clean and fully intact without any cracked VCT tiles.

  • 2. All carpets are clean and intact and securely fastened to the floor.

  • 3. All walls are clean, intact, without holes, peeling paint or cracks. Walls are painted or otherwise covered whenever there is evidence of excessive peeling or chipped paint or heavily soiled conditions.

  • 4. All ceilings are clean, intact, without broken or water stained or mold infested tiles, peeling paint.

  • 5. Classrooms are identified by number or name, with labels posted outside classroom.

  • 6. Classrooms are well lit and all overhead lights are in working condition.

  • 7. Classrooms maintain interior temperatures in child occupied areas within 68-82 degree F range.

  • 8. Toys, materials and furniture are safe, durable and in good condition (e.g. materials free of sharp edges and loose pieces; balloons and/or plastic bags not used; no choking hazards).

  • 9. Toys are stored in a safe and orderly fashion.

  • 10. Facilities enable the safe and effective participation of children with disabilities.

  • 11. Bathroom facilities for children are separate from areas used for cooking, eating or children's activities.

  • 12. Hand-washing sinks are accessible to staff and children, with stepstools available if needed, and supplied with liquid soap, paper towels and trash receptacles.

  • 13. Bathroom facilities are clean (evidence of being cleaned and sanitized daily) and supplied with liquid soap, toilet paper, paper towels, and trash receptacles. Grout on floor and wall tiles is clean and free from mold.

  • 14. Hot water is moderated to be a comfortable temperature (no more than 110F) in all sinks accessible to children.

  • 15. Stairways and walkways are free of tripping hazards (e.g. toys, boxes, uneven treads or risers).

  • 16. All shelving is secured and not overloaded, with no items placed on shelves that could pose a danger for a child reaching for them (such as play strollers or large toys stored on shelving).

  • 17. Electrical plugs and power strips accessible to children are covered with child resistant safety covers.

  • 18. Electrical cords are covered or positioned to eliminate potential hazards to children.

  • 19. All fluorescent tubes and incandescent light bulbs have protective covers or shields. Protective shields are clean and secure.

  • 20. Steam and hot water pipes, radiators and electrical space heaters are protected by screens, guards, insulation or any other suitable, non-combustible protective device.

  • 21. All floor and window fans that are accessible to the children have a grille, screen, mesh or other protective covering.

  • 22. There is an absence of highly flammable furnishings, decorations, or materials that emit toxic fumes.

  • 23. All corrosive agents, insecticides, bleaches, detergents, polishes, any products under pressure in an aerosol spray can, and any toxic or highly flammable substance are stored in a locked cabinet.

  • 24. All cleaning equipment (e.g. brooms, mops, vacuums, etc.) is hung out of the reach of children or stored outside of the classroom.

  • 25. Classroom/hallway garbage receptacles are:<br>* Made of durable, leak-proof and nonabsorbent materials;<br>* Lined if used for food waste;<br>* Covered in a secure manner;<br>* Emptied to the outdoor garbage receptacle when filled;<br>* Maintained In a sanitary manner

  • 26. The center is free of rodent or insect infestation.

  • 27. Rooms used by landlord are inaccessible to children.

  • 28. Adult bathrooms are labeled as such and have hand washing procedures clearly posted.

  • 29. Toilets, wash basins, kitchen sinks and other plumbing are in good operating condition.

  • 30. Bathroom mirrors, dispensers and other equipment are fastened securely.

  • 31. When adult size toilets and/or urinals are used by children, platforms are available as appropriate.

  • 32. The building structure is sufficiently maintained to prevent excessive drafts or heat loss, and water from entering. The center is free of moisture resulting from water leaks or seepage, or mold of any kind.

  • 33. Ventilation outlets are clean and free from obstructions; filters are replaced when saturated.

  • 34. All windows and other glass surfaces located within 36 inches above the floor (and not made of safety glass) have protective guards.

  • 35. All lally columns in areas used by children have protective padding around them from the floor to at least 48 inches high. If applicable

  • 36. Reports of drinking water tests are posted at the center when received from water supply company or prepared by the center, if applicable.

  • 37. Fresh air is available in rooms occupied by children.

  • 38. The environment is free of air pollutants, including, mold, smoke, lead, pesticides, asbestos, and herbicides, as well as solid and water pollutants?

  • 39. The program has a pest management program.

  • 40. Chemicals for controlling pests not used while children are present?

  • 41. There is an absence of unvented fuel-fired heaters.

  • 42. The program maintains a smoke-free environment on center grounds.

  • 43. Sewage and liquid waste is disposed of so as not to expose children and adults.


  • 1. The building, land, walkways, and outdoor play area are free for hazards to the health, safety or well-being of the children, including no litter or debris present in entryway or surrounding the building.

  • 2. Street address and number is affixed to building and easily visible from the street.

  • 3. All Acelero signage and/or banners are in good condition, and attached safely and secured to the building.

  • 4. All exterior doors and windows are weather and water tight, preventing the entrance of insects and vermin.

  • 5. All fencing or natural or man-made barriers or enclosures are free from sharp points and hazardous protrusions.

  • 6. Spacing between vertical components and/or under fence must not exceed three and a half inches. Wire fence is securely attached to guideposts.

  • 7. The outdoor play area is arranged such that children are within sight and sound of staff at all times, and such that no child can leave the premises or get into unsafe or unsupervised areas.<br>

  • 8. The entire playground is free from miscellaneous debris or litter such as tree branches, soda cans, bottles, glass, etc. There is no animal feces or evidence of the presence of animals on or around the playground.

  • 9. There are no missing or full trash receptacles.

  • 10. Playground equipment has no sharp points, corners, or edges; hazardous protrusions or projections; or missing or damaged protective caps or plugs,

  • 11. The equipment has no rust, rot, cracks or splinters, or mold, especially where it comes in contact with the ground.

  • 12. There are no broken or missing components on the equipment (e.g. handrails, guardrails, protective barriers, steps, or rungs on ladders) and there are no damaged fences, benches, or signs on the playground.

  • 13. There are no loose fastening devices or worn connections (e.g. S-hooks) and no potential clothing entanglement hazards (e.g. open S-hooks or protruding bolts).

  • 14. There are no pinch, crush or shearing points or exposed/worn moving components (e.g. swing hangers or merry-go-round bearings).

  • 15. There are no trip hazards, such as exposed footings on anchoring devices and rocks, roots, or any other environmental obstacles in the play area.

  • 16. Loose-fill surfacing materials have no foreign objects or debris. They are not compacted and do not have reduced depth in heavy use areas such as under swings or at slide exits.

  • 17. There are no areas of visible leaded paint chips or accumulation of lead dust on the playground.

  • 18. Parking areas, pedestrian walkways,or other exterior portions of the premises subject to use by center occupants at night are illuminated to provide safe entrance to and egress from the center.

  • 19. The railings of balconies, landings, porches, or steps are maintained in safe condition. All balconies, rooftops, and/or verandas that are above the first floor and subject the children to an open drop are protected by barriers, consisting of safety glass, plexiglass or other approved materials, which extend at least five feet above the floor level.

  • 20. Playground equipment has adequate protective surfacing under and around it, which is not deteriorated. The playground area meets specifications for resilient surfacing and all other elements set forth in the Handbook for Public Playground Safety of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

  • 21. All playground equipment is securely anchored.

  • 22. The outdoor play area is graded or has satisfactory drainage to dispose of surface water, especially in heavy use areas such as under swings and at slide exits.

  • 23. Sandboxes are constructed to allow for drainage, covered when not in use, and cleaned of foreign matter on a regular basis. Staff replace sand as often as necessary to keep sand clean.

  • 24. Any body of water (swimming pools, built-in wading pools or irrigation ditches) is enclosed by a fence at least 4 feet high, with gates childproofed to prevent entry by unattended children.


  • 1. Regular and emergency exits are clearly marked and free from obstruction, with emergency lighting available.

  • 2. Evacuation procedures in case of fire alarm or other emergencies are clearly posted by classroom and facility exit doors.

  • 3. Policies and plans of action for emergencies that require rapid response on the part of staff (e.g., a child choking) or immediate medical or dental attention are clearly posted.

  • 4. Fire extinguishers have been maintained/serviced within the year, and have tags documenting up to date inspection clearly attached.

  • 5. A fire inspection has been conducted.

  • 6. Fire extinguishers are easily accessible.

  • 7. The fire alarm system includes all the following:<br>* Manual means of initiation (e.g. pull boxes)<br>* Connection to the smoke detector systems<br>* Use of both audio and visual signals when activated

  • 8. The fire alarm system was tested within the last 12 months.

  • 9. Smoke detectors are located in the following areas:<br>* Each story, in front of doors to the stairway<br>* Corridors on all floors<br>* Lounges and recreation areas<br>* Sleeping rooms


  • 1. There is a minimum of 35 square feet of usable space per child in each of the primary indoor activity areas.<br>* In determining the square footage of a classroom, do not include spaces used for permanent fixtures (sinks, cribs, diaper stations, etc.); however, moveable furniture such as table and chairs do not count against the usable square footage.<br>* Areas not counted as usable indoor space: staff rooms, hallways, stairways, closets, lockers/cubbies, laundry rooms, janitor rooms, furnace rooms, sick-child area, storage areas, or built-in shelving.<br>* Specialty areas such as computer rooms, reading rooms and lunchrooms (where children are expected to remain seated for short periods of time) may be excluded from the minimum space requirement.

  • 2. The center has one toilet and one sink for every 15 children. Toilets, drinking water and hand-washing facilities are within easy reach of the indoor areas that children use.

  • 3. Lead paint and asbestos precautions have been followed.

  • 4. The center has been tested for radon gas within the last five years and has posted the test results in a prominent location in the center.

  • 5. The kitchen has adequate sewage disposal and plumbing, including floor drains where needed.

  • 6. If licensed as a commercial kitchen: The kitchen has a grease trap and required ventilation system (hood) for stove.

  • 7. The facility has an appropriate number of approved, working fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. Date of last smoke detector inspection:__________.

  • 8. There is at least 75 square feet of usable outdoor space per child..

  • 9. The program ensures that occupancy loads are calculated and posted.

  • 10. Grantee/delegate ensures that occupancy loads are calculated and posted for assembly spaces.

  • 11. The center has an occupancy load of more than 50 persons.

  • 12. The center has an occupancy load of more than 100 persons.

  • 13. Children and/or staff occupy the basement level of the building.

  • 14. Every exit door is equipped with panic hardware.

  • 15. Exit doors have no more than one locking or latching device.

  • 16. A building inspection was conducted in the last 12 months.

  • 17. Appropriate licenses are posted and visible:<br>* Certificate of Occupancy<br>* Fire Safety Inspection<br>* Child Care License<br>* Health Permit<br>* Other - water/sewage, vendor/contractor licenses

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.