

  • Store Name:

  • Store Number:

  • Store Managers Name:


  • Date of Visit:

  • Conducted By:








  • Site Specific Fire Risk Assessment Memo filed within Risk Management Folder?

  • REPORTLINE - Are all accident report forms stored in a secure location with the confirmation email attached (Cupboard / Safe / Employee File)

  • ACF BOOK - All completed jobs are signed by the manager

  • NO evidence of Leaving Alone?

  • Fire Route Info displayed?








  • All actions fully briefed to Store Management

  • Signed by Auditor

  • Briefed to


  • LS1- External fire doors unlocked, unbarred and unbolted.

  • LS2 - Fire routes clear to at least one metre

  • LS3 - Fire Alarm Tested for previous 3 weeks and recorded in Fire Log Folder

  • LS4 - Fire Evacuation Completed in the last 6 months and recorded in Fire Log Folder

  • LS5 - Emergency Lighting tested last month and recorded in Fire Log Folder

  • LS6 - Current Store Risk Assessment and Op Best Practice Document, fully completed. (Check 20% of the current team members, minimum 3 in small stores. Are they documented on the training records sheet as having received training?)

  • Store Risk Assessment Training Record INCOMPLETE

  • Store Risk Assessment NOT Fully Completed

  • LS7 - Current Manual Handling, completed and filed in Risk Management. (Check 20% of the current team members, minimum 3 in small stores. Are they documented on the training records sheet as having received training?)

  • Manual Handling Risk Assessment Training Record INCOMPLETE

  • Manual Handling Risk Assessment NOT Fully Completed

  • LS8 - Ladders & Kickstool inspections completed within the last 3 months and recorded in log - filed in Risk Management folder

  • LS9 - All Price Increases and Decreases on the back office have been printed and put out. Spot check 10 price changes from previous price changes to check on shelf price is correct.

  • NOT Printed

  • NOT Fully Actioned

  • LS10 - Date code. Review the current & previous 3 weeks system generated reports. Reports to be fully completed. Have all lines been identified and relevant action codes completed. Check 20 date coded lines

  • Out of date product found on salesfloor

  • Out of date product found in warehouse

  • Any more than 1 fail deduct 10 points

  • Action Codes NOT Completed

  • Date code task printout NOT Signed

  • Action NOT taken on products highlighted

  • Date coded lines NOT correctly rotated

  • Details of out of date products found: (DESCRIPTION FROM HHT/SKU/EXPIRY DATE)

  • LS11 - Are WEEE talkers displayed on the beauty electrical section. Is the battery disposal box available for customers on the sales floor.

  • WEEE Talkers NOT displayed.

  • Battery disposal box NOT available


  • Additional LEGAL & SAFE Photographs can be attached here:


  • S01 - Weekly Audit Document fully completed and signed by management for current and previous week (deadline Monday midday), Minimum score 80%. Tests should not have consecutive zeros over last 2 weeks.

  • Book NOT signed off for previous week (10 POINTS)

  • Daily/Weekly Actions NOT fully completed

  • Consecutive Zeros

  • Below 80% Score

  • SO2 - Is Tellermate machine in full use for cashing up, change runs and banking, with all slips signed?

  • Tellermate receipts NOT signed as per best practice

  • NOT used for cashing up

  • NOT used for change run

  • NOT used for banking

  • SO3 - is all cardboard flattened and separated from plastic, with plastic in clear sacks and red sacks used for non recycling.

  • Cardboard and plastic mixed

  • Red sacks NOT used correctly

  • Clear sacks NOT used correctly

  • SO4 - Has the Store scored " Yes" for Zero to Zero and event counting for previous 2 weeks - As measured on the weekly report?

  • SO5 - Daily Floor Walk Book fully completed for previous and current week and signed off daily

  • NOT completed daily for current and previous week

  • Team brief NOT completed

  • Actions required NOT recorded

  • NOT signed by the person completing

  • SO6 - Store Audit Action plan in place from previous audit, with evidence of actions being worked on?

  • SO7 - Order and collect bay in warehouse fully set up, check all parcels in store are correctly logged onto the intranet.

  • SO8 - Check that no stock/fixtures and fittings or paperwork is stored in cages or lidded totes (except current days delivery)

  • SO9 - Check 5 daily safe checks from the last seven days and the relevant Epos Declaration sheets: All details inc Dual Control captured on the Tellermate printout with printout attached to the Safe Declaration.

  • All details INCORRECTLY/NOT recorded

  • NO Dual Controlled

  • SO10 - Check 5 promotional sites are compliant to promotion bulletin and promotion test document from last event completed.

  • SO11 - Check 5 lines from the Price Verify Report - are displayed and reduced on the salesfloor?

  • SO12 - iPad carried by duty manager, or secured safely in the office.


  • Additional STORE OPERATIONS Photographs can be attached here:


  • PS1 - Observe Till activity for 5 mins. Are all cashiers following The 5 steps to selling - " STARS"?

  • DID NOT Say hello with a smile

  • DID NOT say Thank You, can I put that in your bag?

  • DID NOT ask are you aware of today's Superdeals/No active selling


  • DID NOT say Thank You and Goodbye

  • PS2 - Are customers being issued with a 25% off own brand voucher after receiving a 100% happiness refund.

  • PS3 - Check 20% of Employee files (3 files in small stores) to include 1 New starter since the last audit, is there a copy of the relevant RTW documentation in their file.

  • PS4 - Within the same files is there a signed copy of contract?

  • Contract found NOT valid

  • Contract NOT signed

  • Evidence of EXPIRED temporary contracts

  • PS5 - Within the same files is there Receipt for the current edition of the Welcome To Superdrug Booklet?

  • PS6 - Within the same files is there Evidence of Team Academy or Star in the Making Sign Off?

  • PS7 - Within the same files is there evidence that Service Observations have been carried out on the employee in the previous month and feedback provided - check with 1 team member currently in store.

  • Service observations NOT carried out within last month

  • Team member awareness

  • PS8 - Within the same files are all Return to Work Interviews on file for absences over the rolling 12 months (as per T & A ) and any occasions of absence over 3 are being managed within the Absence Management Procedure

  • Missing Return to work paperwork

  • Absence management process NOT followed

  • PS9 - Within the same files do any new starters have a copy of service challenge briefing including score sheet and structured interview notes and score sheet?

  • Missing Service Challenge and Score Sheet

  • Missing Interview notes or Score Sheet

  • PS10 - For each of the staff above check 1 weeks payroll submission for previous week using T&A archive reports, confirm that team schedules and staff search sheet match hours paid.

  • PS11 - Within the same files do any new starters have references covering previous 2 years, all requests to be recorded on reference tracker

  • No references

  • References do not cover the last 2 years

  • Reference Tracker not in use

  • PS12 - Are current and next 3 weeks team schedules on display - do they reflect current staffing in store?

  • PS13 - Within the same 3 files is there evidence of Data Protection Training sign off on store training record sheet.


  • Additional PEOPLE & SERVICE Photographs can be attached here:


  • SH1 - Electronic Shrinkage tracker is fully completed and up to date (including Top 3 loss departments and relevant actions recorded)

  • SH2 - Current Top 30 COMPANY Shrinkage Lines event count tracker fully completed and up to date.( check 5 lines for red dots on SEL in red stores).

  • SH3 - Is the Delivery Summary sheet used to record receipt of all cages and totes? Evidence of Cross Dock Checks? Signed by the person Checking?

  • NO Evidence of Cross Dock checks

  • Delivery Summary Sheet NOT used for each delivery

  • NOT Signed by the person checking

  • SH4 - Complete a full dual controlled and documented safe check and declare on EPOS. Difference must be zero.

  • Value £

  • Flash the cash completed?

  • SH5 - Spot Check 5 refunds from last week( 10 in Red stores) for evidence of dual control, original purchase details and names and addresses obtained where required

  • SH6 - Spot Check 5 Transaction Voids from last week ( 10 in Red Stores) for evidence of dual control and receipt

  • SH7 - All staff inc management, visitors and contractors are searched using security spinner for current and previous week, checks to include mid shift check, all details on sheet fully completed.

  • Team member and checker signatures MISSING (10 POINTS)

  • NO Type of Check recorded

  • NO Mid shift checks completed

  • NO Time of check recorded

  • NO End of Day/Mid shift box completed

  • SH8 - Is their evidence of Shrinkage Awareness training fully completed and signed off within the staff files checked?

  • SH9 - Check 25 lines across all depts priced £7 and above are tagged 80% compliance to be achieved (pre-promotion price) - Also check that Spider Wraps and Pins are correctly applied new company policy.

  • Tagging compliance BELOW 20/25 80%

  • Pins

  • Wraps

  • SH10 - Statement Of Movement Report fully checked off for previous week including HO deliveries from Delivery Summary Sheet, food,directs, transfers ,damages and OTC and signed by person checking.

  • SOM NOT Fully Completed

  • SOM NOT Signed

  • SH11 - Are "Security Protected" Tag flags in place for lines as per company policy (Selected: Loreal,Nicorette,Nicolites,Pregnancy and Ovulation test kits,St Tropez, Nurofen Lines).

  • SH12 - Products refunded as unsaleable damages have duplicate refund slip attached and retained in damages area for sign off. Beauty electrical products to have a fully completed electrical damages label attached.

  • No duplicate receipts attached to damages

  • Electrical damages labels missing / incomplete.



  • SH13 - Is the Shrinkage Action Plan on display, up to date and live in store with cosmetics featured?

  • NOT on display

  • NOT up to date or live in store

  • Cosmetics NOT featured

  • SH14 - Damages - Are all damages being processed in line with company policy. Processed weekly, sold within last 2 weeks, signed off by Area manager?

  • NOT processed as per policy

  • NOT sold within last 2 weeks

  • NO area manger sign of

  • SH15 - Team Awareness - Ask 2 team members: Current shrinkage result including weekly loss figure. Top 3 loss departments.

  • No awareness of Shrinkage Result

  • No awareness of Top 3 Departments

  • SH16 - Is there evidence of any unsigned stock in the canteen, office, warehouse or back of house?

  • SH17 - First Aisle cover in place on entry?

  • SH18 - Radio link in full use(asigned to member of team on sales floor), No radio in office out of use.

  • SH19 - Review cashier maintenance do all team members have the correct level of authority for their position.

  • SH20 - Is the warehouse tidy with all stocktake stickers removed and no stock stored on the floor?

  • Evidence of stock take stickers

  • Stock is stored on floor

  • SH21 - Are the following keys secured as per policy, safe, counter cache, back door,till drawer, CCTV, key cupboard.

  • Safe Keys

  • Counter Cache Keys

  • Back Door Keys

  • CCTV

  • Key Cupboard keys

  • Till drawer keys


  • Additional SHRINKAGE Photographs can be attached here:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.