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BASIC's Interview

Student Arrival, Attendance, and Accountability

  • When/how are you informed that a child is absent from day school and that you should not expect them in ASEP? •Check daily attendance report in Main Office<br>•Check early dismissals/bus & car riders/walkers etc.<br>•Inform Associates of known student absences prior to start of program<br>•Associates inform SC of other absences not accounted for within first 10 minutes of program time<br>•Verify that the student is not with their day school teacher<br>•Call parents of students whose absence is not accounted for within first 10 minutes of program time-call all #’s if necessary and leave messages

  • When/how are you informed that a child has a change in the mode of transportation for the afternoon and you should not expect them in ASEP? •Parent provides verbal notification the day before at pick up<br>•Check with day teacher for parent note<br>•Parent calls/emails that day to inform SC/Office<br>•Check early dismissals/bus & car riders/walkers etc.<br>•Call parents if absent and no notification provided.

  • Walk me through a typical dismissal from the time the bell rings through the first 15 minutes of program time? •Students are escorted to ASEP via their teachers or ASEP escorts them down from their classroom; especially the younger students<br>•Students are greeted by name upon arrival, attendance is taken and unknown absences are verified through the SC<br>•Students are greeted by name, they place their personal items in their basket and go wash their hands<br>•If applicable- students have snack, go through the line and enter their #<br>

  • Do you have shuttle stop students and if so, who is responsible for retrieving them? Walk me through how they are greeted and/or their absence verified. Back up person? •A student bus roster list is on a clipboard. This list includes the Bus #, Arrival Time and student names. The designated staff member takes the clipboard with them to greet the bus. Attendance is taken as students depart. <br>•Call sending school; verify absence<br>•Call parents to verify absence-call all #’s if necessary and leave messages<br>•Associates mark attendance on their daily attendance roster and record arrival time of back page of attendance; signing them in.<br>•Find My Bus App-parents can share their student’s information via the app and sites can track the bus arrival time. This does not guarantee the student is on the bus.

  • Do you have students involved in school-based clubs? If so, who is responsible for accounting for them? Please walk me through it. •Students/Club are listed on the back of the daily attendance roster. The club days are noted. <br>•The club sponsor escorts students to ASEP so we verify their arrival. Upon arrival attendance is taken and students are signed in. If the club sponsor states, the student has been picked up then they are marked “A” Absent.

  • How do you note that a student has been picked up on your daily attendance sheet? •When attendance is taken and “/ “is placed in the box. When a student leaves an “\” making an “X”.

  • How often do staff do headcounts throughout program time? •During transitions from point A to point B as well as during transitions between activities, when taking students to the restroom, playground etc.

Student Dismissal Procedures

  • Are parents required to be buzzed in during BSC/ASEP? What door do the parents use for entry? •All doors to ASEP/BSC are locked and parents are required to be buzzed in

  • Who buzzes the parents in? If that person is absent, who is responsible for buzzing parents in? •All staff are responsible if the buzzer is in the area where all groups are housed.<br>•If the Site Coordinator is not in a group, he/she is responsible for allowing parents access. An Assistant may be used when numbers become low if someone has to be at the front desk to allow access by camera phone.<br>

  • What do you do if a non-ASEP parent wants to come into the building during program time? •Ask who are they there to see<br>•Notify the principal or A/P of a visitor.<br>•Let them know all day school staff have gone for the day and give them the school number and business hours requesting they come back at that time. <br>

  • How do you ensure that parents are signing their child in/out daily? •Review the daily sign in/ out log to insure parents are following this procedure.<br>•Do not allow students to come into BSC alone or leave ASEP by themselves.<br>•In staff meetings, remind the team to make sure students are signed out.<br>

  • How are you informed if someone other than someone on the pick-up list is going to pick the child up? •If a parent calls, they should also send an email if someone other than those listed will be picking up. Verbal notifications are not sufficient, unless it is an absolute emergency<br>•If you have a BSC program parents can write a note advising of such.<br>•Call the parent & verify person picking up<br>

  • When do you check ID’s? <br>•When a new student enrolls in the program •When someone other than those persons you are familiar with comes to pick up.


  • When are students allowed to NOT be in visual supervision of an ASEP employee? •When in the restroom stall.<br>•After they have been signed out by their parents, guardians or other designee.

  • Transitions can be tricky, as some schools have multiple hallways, or multiple routes to get to the same area. How do you ensure that all students are within visual supervision during transitions? •Staff conduct head counts prior to transition.<br>•One staff member is at the front of the line and the other staff member follows up in the rear.<br>•Going around corners the staff should position themselves to see both the front and rear of the line.<br>

  • What is the ratio of staff:students for a group of 25? What is the ratio of staff:students for a group of 25, with kindergartners in the group? What is the maximum number of students that a staff person can have by themselves? <br> Four Stars<br>•4 to 5 year-olds 1:13, 2:25<br>•5 year-olds: 1:15, 2:25<br>•6 years-old or older: 1:20, 2:25<br> Five Stars<br>•4 to 5 year-olds 1:12, 2:24<br>•5 year-olds: 1:14, 2:25<br>•6 years-old or older: 1:19, 2:25 <br>

  • What is the ratio of staff:students when the group goes outside to play? <br>•Same as above<br>•Staff should not go outside by themselves

  • What procedures are in place before, during, and after you take a group of students to the restroom? <br>•Conduct a headcount of the students in your group<br>•One staff in front and one staff at the end of the line<br>•Conduct a verbal & visual sweep of both restrooms prior to students entering, ensure hand washing signs, paper towels, toilet tissue and soap are available for use<br>•Staff position themselves where they can see students enter & exit restrooms<br>•Students may enter after another student exits<br>•Line up, staff completes another verbal & visual sweep, conduct headcount and continues on to the next activity<br>•Limit the number of students who enter at a time<br>


  • How often are ASEP expectations reviewed with your students?<br>•The first 21 days of school by following the PBIS lesson plans<br>•When new students enroll<br>•Daily, as needed

  • What is the process for continuous behavior issues with the same student?<br>•Verbal conversations<br>•Documentation of incidents<br>•Implement a Positive Behavior Plan<br>•Parent Conferences<br>•If needed, follow the Suspension Process

  • How often do you discuss behavior with parents?<br>•As needed (Provide positive comments as well)

  • What would you do if you witnessed a co-worker grab a student?<br>•Call 343-6030<br>•Complete an incident report<br>•Contact PA/Specialist and ASEP Director


  • What information is shared about students in their groups with medical concerns?<br>•The associate and assistant of the group the child is in should know the specifics<br>•A medical action plan should be completed by the pediatrician and/or parents

  • Where is medication stored for ASEP use?<br>•Under lock and key in the SC office or in the bag when going outside if the child has an epi-pen or inhaler

  • Who administers medication in ASEP? Who is the back-up if that person is absent?<br>•SC or Associate left in charge when the SC is absent

  • Where is the AED machine kept in this school?<br>•In the main office of the school

  • Where are the “general use” EPI-pens kept in the school?<br>•In the nurse’s office

  • Where are first aid supplies kept?<br>•In the group book or the group bag the staff carries

  • When do you fill out an incident/accident report? Does the SC proof-read it before it is given to the parents?<br>•Tend to the medical needs if necessary<br>•Staff who witnessed the incident should complete the incident report<br>•Notify the parent as soon as possible<br>•Provide a signed copy of the incident report to the parent within 24 hours<br>•If the child received medical treatment from a physician, a copy of the incident report should be sent to your consultant and your PA/Specialist within 24 hours<br>•Yes, always

  • What do you do if a student becomes ill during ASEP?<br>•Assess the symptoms to see if medical assistance is needed<br>•Take the child’s temp<br>•If there is a temp, vomiting, or diarrhea contact the parent for child to be picked up<br>•Keep the child in a separate location until the parent arrives, let parent know that the child has to be symptom free for 24 hours before they can return

  • What do you do if a staff person gets injured during BSC/ASEP? Where do you find Worker’s Comp info?<br>•Assess the scene<br>•Call 911 if necessary<br>•Contact the staff person’s emergency contact person if necessary<br>•Remove the children to a safe location<br>•Have copies of the CMS on the Job Injury Form and the Medical Treatment Authorization <br>•Complete both forms. Scan the CMS on the Job Injury Form to Benefits <br>•Ensure the staff person has copy of the completed Medical Treatment Authorization form to take with them to one of offered Concentra locations


  • When are emergency procedures shared with new staff members?<br>•These procedures should be shared during the on-site orientation for new staff. For returning staff, staff should be orientated annually; but for good practice, all staff and substitutes should be orientated at least quarterly.

  • When are emergency procedures shared with new students? <br>•Emergency procedures should be shared with new students upon their first day of the program along with behavior/program expectations.

  • When is the last time a lock-down drill was done in BSC/ASEP? <br>•Lock-down drills should be conducted four times per year (August, November, February, and May)

  • What is the phone number for CMS Police Department?<br>•343-6030 (CMS telephone) <br> 980-343-6030 (Cell)<br>

  • Do all staff members have access to the BSC/ASEP or school crisis plan? <br>•The Crisis plan is aligned with the school’s plan and staff should have a copy in their notebooks along with their daily attendance sheet and student registration forms.

  • What should you do if your building loses electricity, water, A/C, or heat? •Find out exactly what is going on, why it happened, and who the contact person (in your building) is for this situation<br>•Try to find out how long the situation is expected to last<br>•Call your PA/Specialist or Stephen Hall and give them the above information<br>•Your PA/Specialist and Stephen will decide the next steps

  • When do you monitor BSC/ASEP areas for hazardous materials?<br>•Prior to program time, each staff person should be doing a visual sweep of all approved spaces in the program. Staff should also do a sweep while transitioning to approved areas (i.e., mop bucket in the hallway).

  • •The areas used by BSC/ASEP should be inspected for safety daily; before program time, transitions and when visiting other approved areas where they are housed. (i.e., playground areas should be swept of hazardous items prior to the students entering the playground area or before they are allowed to actively play).

  • What are the procedures if a child threatens to hurt themselves?<br> Imminent Risk of Suicide: <br>•Call 911; give them information about the situation and the student’s whereabouts. If the circumstances are very serious, stay on the phone or in contact with the student until someone can be enlisted to summon help. <br>•Contact school principal or designee to inform him or her of situation<br>•Follow standard protocol on next school day <br> No Imminent Risk of Suicide: <br>•Contact parent to provide referral options for the determined risk level <br>•Contact school principal or designee to inform him or her of situation <br>•Follow standard protocol on next business day <br> Student at school for after-hours activity <br>•Inform school principal or designee immediately that an assessment is to be conducted <br>•Mandated assessor must be contacted to conduct assessment; if mandated assessor is unavailable; Contact CMS Student Services at 980-343-3653; if unavailable contact Mobile Crisis at 704-566-3410 (Select option 1) and inform Learning Community Superintendent <br>•Conduct standard CMS protocol follow-up steps on next business day <br> Student whereabouts unknown or unable to assess <br>•Contact CMS Police Department (980)343-6030 <br> *Provide full student name, student ID number, demographics, all listed addresses and contact numbers <br> *Provide all relevant information including but not limited to the suicidal ideation, student history, and any special needs <br>•CMS Police will attempt to locate the student for a safety check”<br>

  • What are the procedures if a child inappropriately touches another student?<br>•The procedures for inappropriate touching of another student are as follows:<br>Notify the principal of the incident as they are the primary contact for reporting it. School Law Enforcement should be contacted at 343-6030. Stephen, the PA/Specialist should be notified immediately and an incident report form should be used for documentation. This report should be typed, proofed, and edited for grammar and punctuation. The incident report form should be very detailed with the victim’s name, offender, witnesses, time, place, location, and a description of the incident. <br>

Centers, TDA's, Outdoor Play

  • What centers are available to your students daily and when are they available? <br>•Reading, math, science, social studies, writing (5). These centers are available from the start of the program until the end of programming on a daily basis. Additional centers like visual/cultural arts, career awareness and social & life skills can be added later in the day<br>

  • How many activities are available in each center?<br>•For programs that operate less than 4 hours or fewer, there needs to be at least 3 activities/centers available per day. When the program operates 4 hours are more there should be 4 activities/centers available per day. <br>

  • How often do you update the supplies in your centers?<br>•Supplies should be added or rotated weekly and it must relate to the children’s interest or current topics of interest.<br>

  • Do students use the Chromebooks for TDA? What programs do they use?<br>•Students are allotted 30 minutes per daily of screen time for a total of 2.5 hours weekly. Fuel Ed-World Language (Spanish or Chinese) and Edgenuity along with activities in the student's portal is also an option for students to use.<br>

  • Do you allow the students to view websites like You Tube?<br>•Students are not allowed to use You Tube, Google, Facebook or any other social media outlets.<br>

  • Do you students participate in outdoor organized games? Who chooses the game?<br>•There should be an outdoor organized game offered to the students daily along with 5 different gross motor activities. Staff normally chooses the lesson plans for their group however, students’ interests can also be implemented for an outdoor organized game plan. <br>

ASEP Relationships

  • How often is BSC/ASEP “relocated” due to school activities? Are you informed in advance? Who informs you? ● ASEP is relocated only when there are school functions in which shared approved spaces are needed for school functions. The principal or administration make staff aware via school calendars, email, or personal contact. ASEP should use approved spaces when relocated.

  • How is your relationship with day school? <br>●We have a great rapport with the school staff. We speak and interact often. We collaborate on student support issues. We invite them to Parent Event/Nights.<br>

  • How often do you interact with day school staff? (Speak to teachers, counselor, or admin about a student, talk to school secretaries, custodians, etc.) ●We interact with Day School staff daily, attendance reports and teacher interaction.

  • Who do you go to for support? ●All school administration for support as needed. Teachers and other personnel. Primary point of support is ASEP Program Assistant or Specialist.

  • How do you maintain a good relationship with the families in BSC/ASEP? <br>●We conduct parent nights, conferences, greet parents daily, ASEP monthly newsletter, and provide great customer service

  • How do you handle parent concerns? ●Privately, in office. Listen to parents; address accordingly. Give heads up to PA/Specialist if follow up is needed or parent is still disgruntled.

  • When are you available to your families? ●During Office hours, during student pickup, or via either phone/email.


  • When are restrooms checked to ensure toilet paper, paper towels, soap, and hand washing signs are available and posted? ●Prior to program start time daily

  • When was the last time the water temperature was tested? ●This week, weekly

  • Who is responsible for making soapy water and sanitizing spray for the tables in the cafeteria? Do all staff know how to make it? ●All staff should know how to make the sanitizer solution. Sometimes a designee or cafe manager, but primarily the Site Coordinator. If the cafeteria makes the solutions, testing strips need to be available.

  • Who is responsible for sweeping after snack? ●Staff and Students

  • Who is responsible for spraying baskets with sanitizing spray? How often? ●All staff and daily

  • How often do you sanitize the toys and center supplies? ●Daily

  • How often do you clean the items in the soft areas? ●Weekly

  • How are cleaning duties assigned? Are the duties assigned equally? <br>●During staff meetings and on rotations

  • Are facial tissues always available to students? <br>●Yes

Administrative and Financial Responsibilities

  • When are staff meetings held? What is a typical agenda? •Set day each week; about 20 minutes<br>•Typed agenda; share info from central office/school, TWD, Contract Service, Fun Friday, SACERS, etc<br>•Staff receive a copy and sign the SC copy

  • Who is in charge when the Site Coordinator is out? One person or a group effort? •1-person in charge but each staff person has responsibilities to make sure the program is ready to receive students- check attendance, count snack, distribute walkies, stay late, etc. The SC Duties Absence form.

  • How do you ensure that new staff are given the proper on-site orientation within the first two weeks of employment? •Arrange for staff to come in 1-hour early for the first two weeks. <br>•Discuss topics on the on-site orientation training certificate<br>•Hands on practice with setting up centers, pulling lesson plans, etc.

  • How do you ensure that new staff attend New Staff Orientation, BSAC, First Aid and CPR and take Epi-pen training within the expected time frames? •Orient staff to My Talent and how to search and register for trainings; help them register for the time sensitive trainings<br>•Review where trainings are facilitated, review the in-service training guidelines<br>•Review the # of required trainings they need because of being a new employee

  • How do you ensure that all staff have submitted/uploaded their BSAC certificate and transcripts into NCDCDEE WORKS portal? <br>•Obtain/set up their individual NCID username and password<br>•Explain how/why to access the works portal; login using their username and password<br>•Walk them through how to log in, apply/upload their transcripts, BSAC certificate, etc.<br>•Trust they are telling the truth when complete.


  • How often are you reviewing Eleyo accounts and what are you looking for when reviewing? *daily/weekly *past due accounts/re-registration fees

  • When do you print weekly rosters and what is the purpose for printing them? *reviewing for missing students *account discrepancies

  • Do you complete Late Fee and Late Pick-up Notifications/reminders for Eleyo? *Eleyo account notebook *file reminders for records

  • When and How do you communicate with parents about their Eleyo Account? *Weekly *as needed

  • How do you enforce the ASEP payment policy regarding Eleyo including the re-registration fee? *notify PAS of the fee via email. *notify parent of the fee via email

Field Trips and Contracted Services

  • How far in advance should a field trip or contracted service memo be turned in to your PA in order to be processed by the deadline? •Five weeks at least

  • What is your role during a contracted service?<br>•Ensure that you have a purchase order and purchase order number for your service before the day of the service.<br>•Contact the vendor to confirm the date/time of the service<br>•The vendor should be greeted in the main office and should sign in using LobbyGuard and receive a nametag.<br>•Assist the vendor with set-up, if needed.<br>•Make sure students and staff are aware of time/location of the contracted service and stick to the schedule.<br>•Restroom breaks and a conversation about behavior expectations should be done before the service starts.<br>•Site staff should participate with the children and assist the vendor as needed<br>•Site staff are expected to remain with their group during the entire contracted service. At no time should the vendor be left alone with any children.<br>

  • How do you prepare for an upcoming field trip?<br>•Ensure that you request a bus at least four weeks prior to the trip. Let the principal know that you have requested a bus and ask them to sign off on it. <br>•Ensure that you have a purchase order and purchase order number for your trip before the day of the service.<br>•Take an Invoice Flow Form with you.<br>•Ensure that you have a permission slip for each student who plans to attend the trip. The departure times and arrival times should be accurate.<br>•Let parents know that a nutritious lunch will be needed the day of the trip.<br>•Remind parents that they cannot pick-up/drop-off at your field trip destination<br>•Ensure that you have accurate emergency information for all students and staff, including student photos attached to their registration forms. <br>•Share your departure/arrival times and contact information for you and your staff with your PA<br>

  • How do you prepare the day of the field trip?<br>•Give staff a detailed schedule of events that will take place at your destination.<br>•Discuss behavior expectations with all students. <br>•Discuss Bus Safety with all students.<br>•Give day school admins a copy of those attending the trip, departure times and arrival times.<br>•Pack lunches in coolers, complete with name, date, and group number/name on the lunch bag/box.<br>•Ensure that accurate attendance has been taken prior to leaving the site. All staff should know how many students are in attendance. <br>•Assign buddies.<br>•Bus seat assignments should be given out. The master field trip form should be completed before leaving the site. <br>•Staff should sit at staggered intervals on the bus, not all in one seat or row.<br>•Emergency information, medications, and walkie-talkies should be taken on the trip.<br>•Headcounts should be done once the buses are loaded and before leaving the site, once you arrive at your destination and offload the bus, and anytime you transition from one place/activity to another. <br>•Children should go to the restrooms with their group, never by themselves.<br>•Make sure to get the Invoice Flow Form signed by the vendor.<br>•Headcounts should be done before getting back on the bus, once everyone is back on the bus, and after offloading back at the site.<br>•Contact the school and let them know if you are going to return late to the site. Have them put a sign up letting your families know that you will return late. Call your PA and the ASEP office as well. <br>

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.