
  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Project Personnel (present for audit)

Previous Issue Review

  • Have serious items (see below for examples) from the last documented monthly audit on this project been sufficiently addressed? Describe in notes. Fall Protection, Hand Hazards, Falling Object Protection, Housekeeping, Excavation, Cranes, Rigging/Signaling


Incident and Injury Free

  • Does the job have an ACTIVE "Why I'm Safe" Board?<br>

  • Are IIF commitment posters and other promotional materials used?<br>

  • What percentage of project coworkers have attended the 4hr IIF Orientation?

  • Is last month's Safety Champ posted on the job board?

Training & Measurables

  • Is the Audit Score Sign posted in a prominent place & updated to reflect last month's score?

  • What percentage of Leads & Keys have completed the Non-Negotiable Safety Trainings?

  • Are required posters (OSHA 5 in 1 & required EEO policy) in place?<br>

MTA-DWP (Mission Task Analysis-Daily Work Plan)

  • Does each crew (including subcontractors) have an MTA-DWP for today? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership. <br>

  • Does each MTA-DWP include an adequate description of the work being performed?<br>

  • Are safety hazards thoroughly addressed along with controls on the form?<br>

  • Has each section of the MTA-DWP form been completed?<br>

  • Are sufficient details provided for Falling Object hazards & necessary controls? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Are sufficient details provided for Hand Hazards & necessary controls? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Have all crew members signed the MTA-DWP form?<br>

  • Is MTA-DWP revisited after lunch (Take 5)? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Is there a history of completed MTA-DWPs for each crew? (check last 7 days)<br>

  • Does the project team properly store & track MTA-DWP documents?<br>

  • Has the project superintendent attended any MTA-DWP meetings this week? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership. <br>

JHA (Job Hazard Analysis)

  • Has a JHA been completed for each definable feature or work (ex. foundations, framing/stripping walls, etc.)? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Do JHAs include project specific details?1

  • Are job steps, hazards & controls clearly identified?1

  • Have JHAs been reviewed with all co-workers assigned to the task (including recent transfers)? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

Toolbox Talk

  • Is a Toolbox Talk conducted every week?<br>

  • Is the topic applicable to our work?<br>

  • Have all coworkers signed the Toolbox Talk to document their attendance?<br>

  • Has a copy of the talk been shared with safety? (email or Box)?<br>

  • Does the PE / PM / Super / Gen Super participate in the meeting? <br>

First Aid/ Injury Care/ Health

  • Are CPR & First Aid certified coworkers on this project?<br>

  • Is a well-stocked First Aid Kit available?<br>

  • Is the Incident Reporting Procedure posted in the office or elsewhere? <br>

  • Have all completed First Aid Logs been sent to Safety?<br>

  • Is there adequate eye wash immediately available at concrete placement areas & pour stations?<br>

  • Is Neurtralite safety solution or vinegar available to neutralize wet concrete that may have contacted a coworker's skin?<br>

  • Is drinking water readily available?<br>

  • Are water bottles and/or drinking cups properly disposed of?<br>

  • Has the client provided an adequate number of toilets?<br>

  • Are the toilets clean & properly stocked with paper?<br>

  • Are Carbon Monoxide hazards in our work areas being properly monitored or controlled? <br>

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Are all coworkers properly wearing helmets/hardhats and approved eye protection? (100% chin protection)

  • Are co-workers with prescription eyewear properly protected? (Approved over-glasses or Rx Safety Eyewear with side shields)

  • Are coworkers wearing high visibility work wear and / or vests (where required)? (Flaggers must wear Class III vests)<br>

  • Are coworkers wearing proper work clothing and work boots?<br>

  • Are coworkers wearing safety gloves approved for the tasks being performed? (Co-workers exposed to crush and pinch point must use gloves with impact protection). If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Are coworkers wearing hearing protection where required?<br>

  • Are coworkers wearing face-shields or special eye protection (burning goggles) where required?<br>

  • Are coworkers wearing metatarsal guards (if required)?<br>

  • Is all PPE in suitable condition?<br>



  • Is overall jobsite housekeeping to the Baker standard? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Are material storage areas orderly & navigable?<br>

  • Is there adequate lighting in all walkways & work areas?<br>

  • Are all aisle-ways and emergency routes clear of materials and debris?<br>

  • Is all material stored at least 10ft from outside slab edges & 6 ft from interior edges? (OSHA allows for formwork & accessories to be momentarily stored at the slab edge for installation or hoisting to another level. However, these materials should not be manually stacked near these edges.]

  • Are exterior and interior slab edges free of loose debris? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Are standing water, snow or ice (if applicable) removed from walking / working surfaces?<br>

  • Are there receptacles for lunch trash?<br>

  • Are nails removed from scrap lumber that has been stacked for re-use?<br>

  • Are barricades & signage removed when they are no longer needed?<br>

  • Are all exposed rebar, dewey-dag bars, and anchor bolts onto which a coworker could fall, protected capped / protected? <br>

Silica Hazards

  • Are adequate engineering controls (water or vacuum) in place to protect coworkers engaged in activities known to generate silica dust (chipping, grinding, cutting concrete)?<br>

  • Are dust suppression systems properly assembled & maintained? 1

  • Are there procedures (wet methods or sweeping compound) to control silica dust during sweeping activities ?<br>

  • If necessary, are barricades in place to keep nonessential coworkers out of the area?

  • Respirators: Does each coworker have a current medical clearance (within 3 calendar years)?<br>

  • Respirators: Is the fit test current (within 1 calendar year)?<br>

  • Respirators: Are coworkers following facial hair guidelines?<br>

  • Respirators: Are respirators kept in a sanitary condition?<br>

Chemical and Fire Hazards

  • Has the job performed a GHS / chemical safety refresher training? If "NO," this should be the project's next scheduled toolbox talk. <br>

  • Are Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available for all chemicals onsite?<br>

  • Are all chemical containers (fuel cans, spray cans, spray bottles, buckets, etc.) properly labeled?<br>

  • Is fuel stored only in approved safety cans?<br>

  • Do fuel cans have flame arrester screens & self-closing lids?<br>

  • Are compressed gases properly stored?<br>

  • Are bulk fuel tanks protected from vehicular traffic?<br>

  • Is a fire extinguisher located 25 to 75 ft. from bulk storage tanks?<br>

  • Is a spill kit available to address chemical spills?<br>

  • Is there a fire extinguisher provided for each 3,000 square feet of building area?<br>

  • Is there a fire extinguisher within 100 feet of all work areas?<br>

  • Are "No Smoking" signs posted in fuel storage areas?<br>

  • Are fire extinguishers provided at or near fuel powered equipment?<br>

  • Are all fire extinguishers full & marked to indicate inspection?

  • If required, is Hot Work Permit complete & Fire Watch in place?

Fall Protection

Fall Protection

  • Are all coworkers protected from fall hazards over 6 feet? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership. <br>

  • Are all open edges suitably protected? (guardrails, secured leading edge barriers)?

  • Are all holes (2" & larger) securely covered & marked?<br>

  • Are secondary hole covers (nets or mesh) installed at holes greater than 1ft x 1ft?

  • Are warning signs posted at the leading edge? <br>

  • Are 2x4 guardrails built to Baker Engineering standards (including toe boards & vertical debris netting) w/ stanchions no greater than 8ft apart? <br>

  • Are cable handrails properly assembled (cable clamps oriented correctly, closed loop turnbuckles) w/ toe boards & vertical debris netting?<br>

  • Are all components of Personal Fall Arrest systems in good condition (PFA, SRL, CIP anchor straps, Miller Edge) in suitable condition?<br>

  • Are all fall protection systems/components used correctly (PFA, SRL, CIP anchor straps, Miller Edge, etc.)?

  • Are coworkers properly wearing Personal Fall Arrest harnesses?<br>

  • Are proper tie-off points being used by co-workers using personal fall arrest systems (suitable strength, no swing fall hazards)?<br>

  • Are horizontal lifelines installed & used correctly?<br>

  • Are Falling Object Warning Signs in place on active floors (spaced 30'-40' feet apart)?


Crane Operations

  • Is the annual inspection current (≤ 12 months) for each crane onsite?<br>

  • Is the operator certified (NCCO) & licensed (DC) for the equipment? Are the operator's qualifications readily available?<br>

  • Has the operator been properly evaluated for the crane he/she is assigned to?

  • Are daily operator inspections documented? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership. <br>

  • Is the operator's manual and load chart in the crane?<br>

  • Is regular maintenance of the crane being performed?<br>

  • Are adequate supplies of crane maintenance fluids onsite (CAM 2 grease, gear oil, wire rope lubricant)?<br>

  • Are operator's record of maintenance & crane company work-orders kept on file?<br>

  • Are cranes located a safe distance from power lines?<br>

  • Are weather conditions adequate for hoisting?<br>

  • If a Block Camera (or similar aid) is installed, is it functioning properly?

  • Mobile: Has the General Contractor ensured that the ground (on which the crane will operate) is sufficiently firm and level?<br>

  • Mobile: Has the General Contractor provided the location of hazards beneath the crane set-up area (such as voids, tanks, utilities)?<br>

  • Mobile: If outriggers are used, are they on a level surface?<br>

  • Mobile: Is proper cribbing or matting used under outrigger floats?<br>

  • Mobile: Is the swing radius of the crane barricaded?<br>

  • Mobile, Tilit-Up Erection: HAs the client provided suitable engineering for the crane road in use?

Rigging and Signaling

  • Are only Baker DC & NCCO trained coworkers allowed to rig loads & signal cranes? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership. <br>

  • Are approved voice commands & hand signals being used?

  • Have subcontractors provided evidence of rigging training for their personnel?

  • Are Rigger / Signal persons properly identified (hard hat stripes and / or vests)?<br>

  • Are whistles or block horns used to alert others when hoisting / landing loads?<br>

  • Are tag lines properly attached & used to control loads (when required)?<br>

  • Are coworkers keeping their hands free of rigging & loads while hoisting? (observe hoisting/landing of loads)<br>

  • Are chain slings properly tagged with an annual inspection (≤12 months) & in proper condition?<br>(Remove any damaged / defective slings from service)

  • Are nylon slings properly tagged & in proper condition?<br>(Remove any damaged / defective slings from service)

  • Are wire rope properly slings tagged & in proper condition?<br>(Remove any damaged / defective slings from service)

  • Are proper rigging procedures in use for all observed lifts?<br>

  • Are rebar accessory bags destroyed after initial picks from the truck?

  • Are formwork rigging accessories (clamps, shake-out hooks, lifting eyes) properly used and in good condition?<br>

  • Have other contractors using a Baker crane completed a Hold Harmless Agreement & submitted a certificate of insurance?<br>


Excavation and Trenching

  • Is the competent person present?<br>

  • Are coworkers protected from falling into excavations, footings or similar holes with proper barricades?<br>

  • Has proper access and egress been provided for excavations 4ft (or more) in depth? (A ladder or means of egress every 25')<br>

  • Are excavations that are 5 feet or deeper in depth properly sloped, benched or shored?<br>

  • Has the soil been properly classified?<br>

  • Have provisions been made to control water accumulation?<br>

  • Has the atmosphere within the excavation been tested? (This applies if there is a reasonable possibility of an oxygen deficiency, combustible or other harmful contaminant exposing coworkers to a hazard.)<br>

  • Have excavations of 20 feet or more in depth been designed by a PE?<br>

  • Are spoils piles & heavy equipment kept a safe distance from the edge of the excavation? (minimum of 2')<br>

  • Have underground utilities been located & clearly marked?<br>

  • Are underground utilities protected, supported or removed while the excavation is open?<br>

Personnel Scaffolds/Ladders/Stairways

Personnel Scaffolds (Hi-Load Framing is addressed elsewhere in the audit)

  • Have coworkers received documented scaffold training?<br>

  • Have scaffolds been inspected & tagged by a Competent Person?

  • Are scaffolds set on firm, secure footings with base plates and mud sills?<br>

  • Are casters (on rolling scaffolds) locked when scaffold is occupied?<br>

  • Are scaffold components inspected & in good condition?<br>(Remove any damaged / defective components from service)

  • Is the scaffold properly assembled? <br>

  • Are walk boards (when used) properly overlapped or secured with cleats?<br>

  • Are wooden work platforms (if used) built to Baker Engineering specifications?

  • Are scaffolds adequately supported (when height-to-base width ration > 4:1)?<br>

  • Are platforms free of excess tools, material and debris?<br>

  • Is proper access provided to the working platform?<br>


  • Are ladders in good condition?<br>(Remove damaged / defective ladders from service)

  • Are manufacturer's labels affixed & legible?<br>

  • Are job-built ladders properly constructed per the ANSI standard? [2x6 rails, (3) 12d nails in rungs, (3) 12d nails in cleats]?<br>

  • Are coworkers climbing ladders properly (facing the ladder with hands free to grasp rungs)?<br>

  • Do side rails of extension ladders extend 36" above landings (or are ladder extensions installed)?<br>

  • Are ladders placed at a proper angle (4:1 ratio)?<br>

  • Are access ladders properly secured (top & bottom)?<br>

  • Is clear access provided at the top & bottom of access ladders?<br>

  • Are ropes provided to move materials without carrying up/down ladder?<br>

  • Are two access ladders provided when 25+ workers are on elevated decks?<br>

  • Is "walk-off" protection (corral or barricade) provided to prevent co-workers from falling into the ladder opening?

  • Are spreaders on step ladders locked?<br>

  • Are coworkers on step ladders working below the "danger step"?<br>


  • Are stairs clean & unobstructed?<br>

  • Are stair rails in place on any stairway with more than 4 risers? (Top rail must be 36"-37"- as measured at the leading edge of the stair tread to the top of the rail) <br>

  • Are sides & edges of stair landings protected by guardrail systems w/ toe boards & vertical netting?<br>

  • If temporarily closed, are stairs adequately barricaded with signage?<br>

  • Are steel stair pan treads filled (if used for access before concrete is placed)?



  • Are engineer stamped formwork drawings available onsite?<br>

  • Are elevated decks inspected by a qualified person (trained by Baker Engineering) before concrete placement?<br>

  • Have coworkers been trained to work with the vertical & horizontal form systems in use? (Review training records- check for initial VFW training & follow-up training)<br>

  • Is formwork in good repair, with no damaged or defective components in use?

  • Are coworkers manually moving materials following safe lifting techniques?<br>

  • Are coworkers aware of the pinch points & hand hazards associated with framing these systems? (observe & interview crew)<br>

  • Are carpenters maintaining safe clearance when using hammers (to nail, secure clamps, whalers or tighten wall ties)?<br>

  • Are props and/or frames plumb & set on a firm surface capable of supporting the intended load?<br>

  • If used, are mud sills constructed per Baker Engineering specifications?

  • Are hi-load frames (over 3 frames high) properly pinned & clipped?

  • Are hi-load towers adequately laced (if required by design or the height-to-base width ration is > 4:1)?

  • Are co-worker using portable steps to access hi-load frames when the first horizontal member is >19" from the slab?

  • Are wooden work platforms (if used) built to Baker Engineering specifications? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Are nonessential coworkers / other trades prevented from walking beneath the leading edge of decks under construction?<br>

Stripping Formwork/ Reshoring

  • Has concrete reached sufficient strength for stripping?<br>

  • Is the stripping area sufficiently barricaded with signage to keep non-essential people out? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership. <br>

  • Are coworkers maintaining safe clearance from others when using hammers & stripping bars?<br>

  • Are rubber donuts installed on Burke bars to protect coworkers' hands from "struck-by" & "caught between" injuries?<br>

  • Is stripped material lowered safely or allowed to "free fall" to the ground? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Is the potential drop zone (ground level) below the perimeter stripping area barricaded with a Controlled Access Zone that includes signage and a spotter? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Is there means for communication between spotter & stripping crew (radio, whistle, voice)?

  • Is continuous vertical stripping netting in place to prevent dropped objects while stripping perimeter? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Is horizontal debris netting (or an engineered "eyebrow") installed at perimeter?

  • Are coworkers aware of the pinch points & hand hazards associated with stripping these form systems & are they identified on the MTA-DWP(observe & interview crew)<br>

  • Are overhead materials (plywood, beams, panels) removed rather than left unsupported?<br>

  • Are protruding nails pulled or bent over as material is stripped- to prevent puncture hazards?<br>

  • Are walkways clearly identified? Is stripped material kept clear of access & egress routes?<br>

  • Are materials in carts, baskets, pallets and moved by pallet jacks whenever possible?<br>

  • Are loaded carts pushed (rather than pulled) and moved with a minimum of two co-workers?

  • Are coworkers manually moving materials following safe lifting techniques?<br>

  • Are spring clips and yellow cards installed on re-shores?<br>

  • Have ALL post shores at, or adjacent to, exterior edges & interior openings been properly secured to prevent them from falling to lower levels?

Heavy Equipment

Construction Equipment and Trucking

  • Is the project team maintaining a list of trained co-workers and displaying it on the Baker 3.0 Board?

  • Is the operator qualified / certified?<br>

  • If required, does the coworker have a DC license?<br>

  • Has a documented daily inspection of the equipment been performed?<br>

  • Are coworkers (other than the operator) prohibited from riding on equipment?<br>

  • Are operators maintaining 3 points of contact & facing machine when entering/exiting? (observe operators in action)

  • Are seat belts being used by operators?<br>

  • Does equipment have a functional back-up alarm?<br>

  • Are the operators driving equipment at safe speeds?<br>

  • Is parking brake set and all forks / buckets lowered to ground when equipment is not in use?<br>

  • Does equipment have a fire extinguisher and required manufacturer labels?<br>

  • Are coworkers using deck ladders or other safe means to access flat bed trailers?<br>

  • Are spotters used to assist backing concrete trucks and other vehicles?<br>

  • Are trained flagman used to control traffic?<br>

Skip Pans, Trash Boxes, Engineered Metal Material Boxes, Pallet Cages

  • Are skip pans / trash boxes equipped with proper rigging that is tagged (or stamped with rated capacity) and in good condition?<br>

  • Is there a visible load rating/capacity on each skip pan / trash box / material box / pallet cage?<br>

  • Are skip pans / trash boxes / material boxes / pallet cages free of damage (no broken welds)?<br>

  • Is material stacked safely below the sides of skip pans / trash boxes / material boxes / pallet cages?<br>


  • Are outriggers installed per Baker Engineering requirements?<br>

  • Are removable handrails or barricades installed at the slab edge to prevent coworker fall exposure when outrigger chains are open?<br>

  • Are self-retracting lifelines installed to allow coworkers to "tie off" when working on outriggers?<br>

  • Are Outrigger Warning Signs installed to remind coworkers of fall hazards & outrigger capacity? (available from the Shop)<br>

  • Are rolling carts secured to an adjacent column with cable & rebar hook (not the outrigger itself) to prevent them from being inadvertently hoisted?

  • Is a Controlled Access Zone established in the the drop zone below the outrigger with signage and a spotter?

Hand and Power Tools

  • Are all hand and power tools maintained in a safe condition & inspected before each use?<br>(Remove damaged / defective tools from service.)

  • Are coworkers working at heights using hardhat tether (secured chin strap is also acceptable) & tool tethers? If "NO," auditors should discuss immediate steps necessary with project leadership.

  • Are all electric power tools grounded or double insulated?<br>

  • Are power cords in good condition with ground pins (where required)?<br>

  • Are pneumatic power tools secured to the hose by a clip, wire or whip check?<br>

  • Are OSHA valves in place at the air compressor discharge?<br>

  • Are all hose fittings secured by wire or whip check?<br>

  • Are all tools properly equipped with the guards or safety features (accessory handles) they were designed to have?<br>

  • Are tools being used properly for the task?<br>

  • If used, are coworkers trained to operate Powder Actuated tools?<br>

  • Are hydraulic cylinders, hinges and / or locking pins on gang boxes in good working order? (Lids should be self-supporting)<br>

Electrical (Other Than Tools)

  • Are GFCI's provided for all temporary power sources?<br>

  • Are GFCI's regularly inspected & in good repair?<br>

  • Are extensions cords in good repair: free of cuts, burns, broken or missing pins? <br>(Remove damaged / defective cords from service)

  • Are generators externally grounded (if required by manufacturer)?<br>

  • Are electrical panels properly labeled & fully enclosed?<br>

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.