Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Audited by

  • Conducted on

  • What League are you conducting this audit for?

  • Choose your team name.

  • Location


  • Has the arena established an Emergency Operations Plan?

  • Has an Executive in Charge been appointed for this game?

  • Is the Executive in Charge on-site?

  • Does the arena display an arena evacuation/shelter-in-place video utilizing the center-hung scoreboard and IPTV connected displays throughout the arena no earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start of every game? (Required if fans/guests are present.)

  • Does the arena have a designated "Threat Assessment Team" consisting of (at a minimum) law enforcement, NBA Security Representative, building management and appropriate team personnel?

  • Is there a designated meeting place (usually at the Arena Security Command Center) where the Threat Assessment Team will meet should an emergency occur?

  • What is the primary meeting location for the Threat Assessment Team?

  • Does the arena have a designated 'back-up' (off-site) security command center in the event the arena is evacuated (a mobile police command vehicle is adequate)?

  • What is the designated 'back-up' (off-site) location?

  • Does the arena have a designated "Incident Response Team" consisting of no less than six (6) persons, comprised of highly-trained, uniformed security personnel (i.e., law enforcement, contract security, or Arena Security) whose primary responsibility is to respond to critical incidents anywhere in the arena. (Required if fans/guests are present.)

  • Does the arena’s Emergency Operations Plan include required security enhancements in the event of an elevated threat (includes enhancements and requirement that they MUST be implemented until the threat has been resolved and NBA Security directs normal operations to resume).

  • Does the arena Command Post utilize CCTV to observe and monitor critical areas in and around arena?

  • Areas that are monitored with CCTV include:

  • Does the arena have designated methods of communications during an emergency?<br>

  • How is information shared to arena personnel during an incident or emergency?

  • Do all arena supervisors have issued two-way radios to facilitate effective communication during an incident?

  • Do all arena supervisors have issued earpieces to assist with two-way radios communications?

  • Does the arena have a written Emergency Communications Protocol (that includes FD/EMT, PD, local and federal govt)?

  • Does the home team production team rehearse the in-arena communications plan?

  • How often do they train?

  • Does the arena have a protocol to report incoming threats to the NBA Security Department and/or NBA Global Security Operations Center (GSOC)?

  • Does the home team production team have pre-scripted messages in the event of an incident/emergency?<br>

  • Is there a dedicated (and functional) NBA Security arena phone line at the scorer’s table that has a visual indicator (light) noting an incoming call?

  • Does the arena employ "Trap and Trace" or enhanced caller ID phone capability (including the use of *57)?

  • Do arena switchboard personnel receive a copy of the "Bomb Threat Checklist and Reporting Procedures" as provided in the NBA Security Arena Security Standards?

  • Does the arena have a social media monitoring program?

  • Does the arena utilize a fan texting/messaging procedure that will allow fans to anonymously advise Arena Security of the location of inappropriate fan behavior or suspicious activity?

  • Was the fan texting/messaging procedure apart of the Fan Code of Conduct announcements?

  • Has the arena established a “Security Awareness Campaign,” such as DHS S4 “If You See Something, Say Something,” and utilize existing law enforcement command centers and fusion center members?

  • Did the pre-game briefing (at the sixty (60) minute mark on the pre-game clock) occur that included the NBA Security Representative, all referees, home and visiting team security, the Arena Security Director, the floor security supervisor, the senior police detail officer, and any League Security personnel on-site?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Is there a highly-visible uniformed law enforcement presence around the arena beginning 1/2 hour before the arena gates open to protect areas where fans will be gathered for extended periods of time (minimum of two (2) uniformed police per entrance)?

  • Is there a highly-visible uniformed law enforcement presence around the arena post game until fans have exited the arena (minimum of two (2) uniformed police per entrance)? (Required if fans/guests are present.)

  • Does the arena employ a Master Delivery System for game day deliveries?

  • Are arena deliveries prohibited less than 3-hours prior to opening of gates?

  • Does the arena have procedure for deliveries that are necessary on game day within the 3-hour time frame?

  • Are all vehicles seeking access to the Arena’s underground parking or unloading areas (critical areas) inspected/screened?

  • Are all drivers of vehicles accessing critical areas verified with ID and/or credential?

  • Is the external P.A. system working, audible and accessible for emergency and other communications?

  • Does the arena inspect and test all safety and security systems, including the P.A. system override, fire/smoke alarms, emergency generators and lighting systems, prior to the start of each season and at least once every month during the season?

  • Is the back-up generator in a secure location (posted or monitored by CCTV)?

  • Are all (large) dumpsters inside the Arena Perimeter swept by K9 and then secured (e.g. locked, monitored by CCTV)?

  • Are all dumpsters inside the Arena Perimeter placed away from any structural building supports?

  • Are all trash cans (inside the arena and within the Arena Perimeter) emptied immediately prior to doors opening AND periodically throughout the game?

  • Are all exterior HVAC intake ducts and fan rooms locked, monitored or otherwise secured so as to prevent the introduction of dangerous substances into the air handling systems?

  • Are all mechanical, gas/fuel systems and storage areas monitored (at a minimum) by arena CCTV?

  • Is the arena catwalk locked, monitored or otherwise secured so as to prevent unauthorized access?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Are all vehicles parked within the Arena Perimeter swept via bomb dogs or bomb detection technology?

  • Are all unidentified or unauthorized vehicles removed from parking areas that share a common wall or structure with the Arena at least two (2) hours prior to game time?

  • Is there a highly-visible law enforcement presence in guest parking areas post-game until fans have departed? (Required if fans/guests are present.)

  • Is there (proper) exterior illumination of the arena perimeter and parking areas owned or controlled by the arena?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Has the arena designated an area as the "Broadcast Compound"?

  • Are all broadcast trailers and/or broadcast vehicles restricted to the Broadcast Compound?

  • Is the "Broadcast Compound" monitored by arena CCTV with PTZ (pan/tilt/zoom) capabilities to monitor and record?

  • If network cables to broadcast compound/trucks are accessible by fans, are the cables secured (e.g. posted or monitored by CCTV)?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Is there a designated Fan Zone outside of the arena?

  • Does the Fan Zone have a dedicated perimeter (e.g. bike rack, fencing)?

  • Are access controls and patron screening implemented prior to entry into Fan Zone?

  • Access control and screening protocols implemented in Fan Zone include:

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Does the arena allow bags?

  • Has the arena deployed the use of X-ray technology for bag screening?

  • Does the arena visually inspect clutches/wallets smaller than 4x6x1.5?

  • Does the arena visually inspect clutches/wallets larger than 4x6x1.5?

  • Does the arena have an approved exception request for this size adjustment?

  • If fans are present and allowed to carry bags inside the arena, are bags larger than 14x14x6 being prohibited?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Are walk-through magnetometers tested prior to every game?

  • Are walk-through magnetometers used for all secondary screening?

  • Is there a highly-visible uniformed law enforcement presence in the buffer space inside of the magnetometer screening areas?

  • Is each magnetometer positioned at a bag-check line, staffed with a minimum of a magnetometer operator, X-ray operator/bag checker, a facilitator, and a shared supervisor for every two lanes (4 screeners)?

  • Does the arena provide magnetometer screening lines for patrons with no bags?

  • Is each magnetometer with a bag-less line staffed with a minimum of two (2) screeners (i.e., a magnetometer operator and a secondary screener)?

  • Were all fans screened prior to entry using walk-through magnetometers? (Required if fans/guests are present.)

  • Does the arena prohibit the practice of fans holding personal items (keys, cellphones, wallets, etc.) in their hands and above their heads while being screened via walked-through magnetometers?

  • Were all fans bags inspected prior to entry?

  • Were all fan bags screened using X-ray technology?

  • Were all arena staff screened prior to entry using walk-through magnetometers?

  • Were all arena staff bags screened using X-ray technology?

  • Were all arena staff bags tagged with a daily colored tag (if they fall within the prohibited items list)?

  • Were all team staff/players (both home and visiting teams) screened prior to entry using walk-through magnetometers?

  • Upload photo of team staff/player screening.

  • Were all team staff/players (home and visiting team) bags screened using X-ray technology?

  • Were all team staff/player (home and visiting team) bags tagged with a daily colored tag (if they fall within the prohibited items list)?

  • Were all media screened prior to entry using walk-through magnetometers?

  • Were all media bags screened prior to entry using X-ray technology?

  • Were all media bags tagged with a daily colored tag?

  • Were patrons required to remove their hats during secondary screening if the walk-through magnetometers alarmed in that area?

  • Are all patrons prohibited from re-entering the arena for any reason (other than those areas designated as external smoking areas)?

  • Are all external smoking areas secured (posted with arena security and with enough buffer space that bags or persons cannot enter external smoking areas)?

  • Are K-9 sweeps conducted of critical areas, at least 1- 1.5 hours prior to doors opening?

  • Do K-9 assets remain on site for duration of game?

  • Did all personnel with BOH access wear/display their credential?

  • Did all approved team family members with access to BOH/Family Room wear their credential?

  • Are all interior building automation control systems secured/monitored (arena security and/or CCTV)?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Does the arena utilize frictionless screening technology?

  • Has the arena received league approval to utilize this technology via the exception request process?

  • What manufacture is the arena utilizing?

  • Is CEIA OpenGate set at a minimum to NBA setting 2BE +30?

  • Is Evolv set at a minimum to NBA setting Level G?

  • Is Xtract One set at a minimum to NBA setting Level 5?

  • Is the device(s) randomization feature set for at least 7 percent?

  • Has the arena conducted or scheduled at least two (2) internal quality assurance test?

  • Dates of Quality Assurance Test(s):

  • Has the arena conducted or scheduled at least two (2) training exercises, which must include manufacture technicians?

  • Dates of training(s):

  • Are prohibited items signs posted at frictionless entrances?

  • Are prohibited items announcements made via public address systems?


  • Were uniformed police officers utilized as part of court perimeter security?

  • How many?

  • GAME STOPPAGE - Does the arena have a court perimeter plan that utilizes the minimum staffing levels as outlined in Appendix #11 of the 2023-24 NBA Arena Security Standards based on their court configuration and fan capacity?

  • BENCH POSTINGS - Does the arena have a court perimeter plan that utilizes the minimum staffing levels as outlined in Appendix #10 and #11 of the 2023-24 NBA Arena Security Standards based on their court configuration and fan capacity?

  • Was the row behind the last team bench clear of all personal player security (outside of team staff/contractors)?

  • END LINE POSTINGS - Does the arena have a court perimeter plan that utilizes the minimum staffing levels as outlined in Appendix #10 and #11 of the 2023-24 NBA Arena Security Standards based on their court configuration and fan capacity?

  • SCORER'S TABLE - Does the arena have a court perimeter plan that utilizes the minimum staffing levels as outlined in Appendix #10 and #11 of the 2023-24 NBA Arena Security Standards based on their court configuration and fan capacity?

  • VOMITORIES - Does the arena have a court perimeter plan that utilizes the minimum staffing levels as outlined in Appendix #10 and #11 of the 2023-24 NBA Arena Security Standards based on their court configuration and fan capacity?

  • ARENA GAME-TIME PREPAREDNESS - Does the arena have the necessary protest response equipment as outlined in the 2023-24 NBA Arena Security Standards?

  • FLOOR ACCESS POSTINGS - Does the arena have a court perimeter plan that utilizes the minimum staffing levels as outlined in Appendix #10 and #11 of the 2023-24 NBA Arena Security Standards based on their court configuration and fan capacity?

  • LOCKER ROOMS (game time) - Are all doors with access to all locker rooms (home, visiting, referee) posted with arena security before doors open to the public, during the game and until all team personnel and referees have departed the arena?

  • Does arena security staff assigned to the officials’ locker room follow the access control plan for authorized personnel as outlined in the 2023-24 NBA Arena Security Standards to include verifying the "R" designation on NBA League Credentials and Arena Credentials?

  • Does the arena post the officials' locker room with a uniformed Law Enforcement Officer?

  • Does the arena have a designated 'alternate court egress' route in the event of an incident?

  • Do all of the above postings remain in position until all players, coaches and referees have left the court (half-time and post game)?

  • Are fans prohibited from walking to court-side seats during play?

  • Are covers or retractable chutes deployed in vomitories used by teams and officials?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Are pre-employment background screening and investigations (consistent with state and federal law for all security/crowd control personnel - with the exception of local law enforcement officers employed to work at NBA games) completed for all guest services and contract services personnel, including admissions, ushers, maintenance and concessions personnel?

  • Are background checks for key arena personnel repeated by the Arena Security Director at a minimum of every three (3) years?<br>“Key arena personnel” includes all security personnel, all crowd control personnel, and all guest services, maintenance and game-operations-related staff.

  • Are written certifications from third party contractors that background checks have been satisfactorily completed on all employees with access to the arena provided to the arena?

  • Have all guest services/arena security staff received crowd management training (a minimum of eight (8) hours) prior to working their first event, and additional crowd management training on an annual basis?

  • Is bi-annual training (with at least one occurring during the NBA season) provided to guest services/arena security that cover response protocols in the event of a security incident?

  • Is bi-annual training (at a minimum) provided to arena personnel tasked with the screening of patrons?

  • Interview one guest services (e.g. usher). Do they know the evacuation plan and can they tell you what they are instructed to do in the event of an evacuation or incident on the floor or in stands?

  • Interview one arena security (e.g. down aisle). Do they know their role (e.g. checking tickets, restricting access during play) and what actions they are to take in the event of a security or evacuation incident (e.g. report to supervisor, detain guest etc.)?

  • Interview one arena security (e.g. court perimeter staffing). Do they demonstrate working knowledge of their role (e.g. fixed position, mobile response to chase intruder) and response expectations (e.g. communicate to floor supervisor, detain guest) in the event of a court intrusion.

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Do team buses and equipment trucks arrive inside the secure Arena Perimeter (e.g. near the loading dock)?

  • Do visiting team buses remain inside the secure Arena Perimeter (e.g. loading dock or immediate area) in the event of an emergency evacuation?

  • Is there a minimum of one (1) arena security posted (or covered by CCTV) to monitor team buses on both arrival and departure?

  • Do team bus drivers stay in close visual contact of their buses at all times?

  • Does the NBA Security Rep have the name and cell numbers of all team bus drivers?

  • Does the arena have a designated off-site relocation site?

  • What is the off-site relocation site?

  • Does a minimum of two (2) arena security personnel escort the visiting team players from the bus to the locker room and from the locker room to the team bus?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Does the arena make Fan Conduct Announcements three times during every NBA game (once during the five-minute period at the end of pre-game warm-ups, once at the end of the first period, and once during any time-out in the third period)?

  • Does the arena have/use NBA warning cards?

  • Is there clear signage posted throughout the arena (at entrances, vending areas, concourses, screening areas, VIP) that specifically highlights the penalties for violations of the Fan Code of Conduct?

  • Are Courtside Zone Policy fliers placed on designated seats prior to every game?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Are all banners, signs and flags that are affixed to any pole or stick made of wood, metal, plastic or any other hard material prohibited from being brought <br> (or sold/given away) into the arena?

  • Are any banners, signs or flags that are larger than 11 x 17 inches in size prohibited from being brought inside the arena (Not including the limited exception for team provided 14x22 inches placards up to 1,000 units per end zone?)

  • Are all whistles, horns, laser pointers and items that can create optical illusions prohibited from being brought (or sold/given away) inside the arena?

  • Are all arena staff, team staff, players and guests prohibited from entering the arena in possession of a gun/weapons (this does not include active law enforcement or approved team security covered in a later section)?

  • Are the following items prohibited from being brought (or sold/given away) inside the arena? <br>Weapons (including guns, tasers/stun-guns and knives of all sizes), aerosol cans, fireworks, frisbees, beverages, mace/pepper spray, poles, selfie sticks, tripods, monopods, missile like objects (than can be thrown), strollers, beach balls, bats/clubs, drones, professional and/or commercial cameras with interchangeable lenses, audio/video recording devices (e.g. GoPro, Google Glass, Spectacles), clothing/garments/signs displaying explicit language, profanity or derogatory characterization towards any person(s), backpacks (exception of single compartment drawstring bags and fashion backpack purses) that meet size requirements), hard sided bags, illegal substances?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Does the arena limit the sale of two (2) alcoholic beverages per ID and per person?

  • Does the arena limit the size of alcoholic serving sizes to 25 ounces (or less)?

  • Does the arena cut off the sale of alcohol no later than the beginning of the 4th quarter?

  • Are caps removed from ALL bottled beverages before beverages are sold to patrons?

  • Do all concessions, security and guest services employees receive training in alcohol management?

  • Is there signage communicating the NBA alcohol policy posted at all points of sale (which includes not serving patrons who appear intoxicated and violations of the NBA alcohol policy could result in ejection)?

  • Are PA announcements made communicating the NBA alcohol policy (which includes not serving patrons who appear intoxicated and violations of the NBA alcohol policy could result in ejection)?

  • Does the arena have a Designated Driver program in place?

  • Are announcements concerning the Designated Driver Program read by the P.A. announcer and shown on arena video boards during each game?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Are there signs posted at each arena entrance that communicate the NBA Weapons Policy (all patrons are prohibited from entering the arena with a firearm)?

  • Does the arena allows off-duty law enforcement officers to carry a weapon?

  • Does the arena have an approved exception request from NBA Security Department?

  • If the Visiting Team Security (on date of audit) has approval from NBA Security to carry firearms, did all personnel follow the notification and storage policy?

  • Does this arena have a secure storage area for approved visiting Team Security firearms?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Does the arena have an ALS (Advanced Life Support) ambulance/EMT on-site during all games?

  • Does the back-up ALS (Advanced Life Support) ambulance/EMT have a 3 minute response time?

  • Does the arena have an AED (automatic external defibrillator) on-site and in close proximity to the court?

  • Does the arena have first aid stations throughout the arena for fans?

  • Does the arena store all flammables and combustibles in secure area and within properly rated storage container?

  • Enter comments for this section (if needed).


  • Audit Complete. Send Notification to Director.

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