Page 1: Initial questions

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Are there only necessary tools and equipment available at the workplace?<br>Nachádzajú sa na pracovisku len potrebné nástroje a vybavenie?

  • Are there only necessary materials for production at the workplace?<br>Nachádza sa na pracovisku iba materiál potrebný k výrobe?

  • Are the waste bins correctly marked?<br>Odpadkové koše sú spravne označene?


  • Is waste from the workplace regularly removed?<br>Je odpad z pracoviska pravidelne odstraňovaný?

  • Is the processed material at the workplace located and protected according to the standard ( covered coolers, taping of tube sheets...)?<br>Je rozpracovaný material na pracovisku umiestnený a chránený podľa štandardu ( zakryté chladiče, prelepenie trubkovníc...)?

  • Are there dividing lines and floor marking in the workplace?<br>Sú deliace čiary a podlahové označenia na pracovisku?

  • Are the worklplace areas clean<br>Sú priestory pracoviska čiste?

  • Are the workplace devices clean?<br>Sú zariadenia na pracovisku čisté?


  • Is the processed material safely stored at the workplace?<br>Je rozpracovaný materiál na pracovisku bezpečne uložený?

  • Are the cleaning tools placed in a marked place acording to the standard?<br>Sú pomôcky na čistenie umiestnené na vyhradenom mieste podľa štandardu?

  • Are the tools in the workplace located and consistent with the tool list?<br>Sú nástroje na pracovisku umiestnené a zhodné so zoznamom náradia?


  • Is the a CIP in the workplace?<br>Existuje ČIP na pracovisku?

  • Is there a 5S standard document at the workplace?<br>Nachádza sa na pracovisku dokument 5S štandard?

  • Are all workplace documents ut to date? <br>Sú všetky dokumenty na pracovisku aktuálne?

  • Is the placement of the tools and equipment in the workplace in compliance with the 5S standard?<br>Je umiestnenie pomôcok a vybania na pracovisku v súlade s 5S štandardom?


  • ENG<br>Je vykonávaná kontrola na pracoviska podľa ČIP? Meradla, viazacie prostriedky, regále atď. majú platnú revíziu a označenie nosnosti?

  • Are the lifting equipment regularly checked (logs)<br>Sú zdvíhacie zariadenia pravidelne kontrolované (denníky)?

  • Is OOPP observed in the workspace?<br>Dodžiava sa na pracovisku OOPP?

  • The workspace is safe (electrical cables are undamaged, chemicals are in the holding tank, the floor is not slippery)<br>Pracovisko je bezpečne (elek. káble sú nepoškodené, chemikálie sú na záchytných vaniach, podlaha nie je klzká)

  • Work tools are clean and maintained<br>Pracovné nástroje sú čisté a udržiavané

  • Fulfillment of tasks from the previous audit<br>Plnenie úloh z predošlého auditu

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.