Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are walkways clearly defined and maintained?
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Are walkways clear of trip hazards: eg power cables, hoses, spilt liquids, other objects?
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Are there any cables elevated unsafe key above walkways?
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Is the area free of accumulated items?
Describe situation
Photograph if necessary
Are equipment and materials stored in their respective areas?
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Photograph if necessary
Are adequate bins available, used and emptied?
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Photograph if necessary
Are there any equipment stored at heights that has a possible chance of falling where persons work or move around?
Describe situation
Photograph if necessary
Is signage in order for the specific work area?
Describe situation
Photograph if necessary
Is any additional signage required in the work area?
Describe situation
Photograph if necessary
Are designated parking areas available, demarcated & neat?
Describe situation
Photograph if necessary