Title Page
Time & Date:
Completed by:
- Andy Exton
- Harry Munn
- Keenan Elam
- Scott Windridge
- Leo Castle
- Stephen Bradley
- Clive Chayambuka
Job/Ticket No.
PIA NOI Number
Annotated map marking blockage location with a red X
Chamber 1
Chamber 1 location:
Chamber 1 description:
Easting and Northings (From BT portal)
Surface type:
Photo(s) of chamber 1 set up: (including barriers)
Rods used:
- 6mm
- 9mm
- 11mm
- 14mm
- 25mm
Photo(s) of 25mm rods in bore (Geo-tagged and time-stamped) :
Number of Bores:
Number of cables currently in bore:
Current capacity of bore:
BT Duct Reference ( e.g. 1479 - R, found on work pack map):
How far is the blockage from chamber 1? (in metres):
Any additional comments?
Any additional photos?
Blockage Details
Please complete blockage details and provide location and photo evidence in the sections below. If there are multiple blockages in one location, please put them on this form. The button looks like this:
Total distance of section
Photo of blockage: (please spray a X and on blockage)
Location Details (please drop a pin on the blockage)
Please take a photo of the house/property/defining features nearest the blockage: (helps us to find it, if the location pin is incorrect)
Chamber 2
Location of chamber 2:
Chamber 2 description:
Easting and Northings (From BT portal)
Surface type:
Photo(s) of chamber 2 set up: (including barriers)
Rods used:
Photo(s) of 25mm rods in bore (Geo-tagged and time-stamped) :
Number of bores:
Number of cables currently in bore:
Current capacity of bore:
BT Duct Reference (e.g. 1479 - R):
How far is the blockage from chamber 2? (in metres):
Any additional comments:
Any additional photos: