Title Page

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  • Date of audit

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Unit 61 Goods in/out


  • Are floors in good repair

  • Are walls in good repair

  • Are ceilings/high level areas in good repair

  • Are all pieces of equipment in good repair

  • Is the area free from pest control issues


  • Is the cleanliness of the floors satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the walls satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the ceilings/high level areas satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the equipment satisfactory


  • Are all staff wearing clean and correct PPE given active production

  • Are staff adopting good hygienic work practices


  • Is the temperature of the goods in/out chiller satisfactory (record actual temp in notes)


  • Do all goods in products have satisfactory traceability

  • Do all goods out products have satisfactory traceability

  • Are products protected from contamination


  • Are goods in sheets being completed and given to office

  • Are goods out sheets being completed and given to office

Unit 63 Goods out freezer


  • Are floors in good repair

  • Are walls in good repair

  • Are ceilings/high level areas in good repair

  • Are all pieces of equipment in good repair

  • Is the area free from pest control issues


  • Is the cleanliness of the floors satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the walls satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the ceilings/high level areas satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the equipment satisfactory


  • Are all staff wearing clean and correct PPE given active production

  • Are staff adopting good hygienic work practices


  • Is the temperature of the goods in/out freezer satisfactory (record actual temp in notes)


  • Do all goods out products have satisfactory traceability

  • Are products protected from contamination

Dolav handling area


  • Are walls in good repair

  • Are ceilings/high level areas in good repair

  • Are all pieces of equipment in good repair

  • Is the area free from pest control issues


  • Is the cleanliness of the floors satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the walls satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the ceilings/high level areas satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the equipment satisfactory


  • Are all staff wearing clean and correct PPE given active production

  • Are staff adopting good hygienic work practices


  • Is the temperature of the goods in/out chiller satisfactory (record actual temp in notes)


  • Do all goods in products have satisfactory traceability

  • Do all goods out products have satisfactory traceability

  • Are products protected from contamination

Unit 56 blast chiller


  • Are walls in good repair

  • Are ceilings/high level areas in good repair

  • Are all pieces of equipment in good repair

  • Is the area free from pest control issues


  • Is the cleanliness of the floors satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the walls satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the ceilings/high level areas satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the equipment satisfactory


  • Are all staff wearing clean and correct PPE given active production

  • Are staff adopting good hygienic work practices


  • Is the temperature of the goods in/out chiller satisfactory (record actual temp in notes)


  • Do all goods in products have satisfactory traceability

  • Do all goods out products have satisfactory traceability

  • Are products protected from contamination

Unit 59 staff welfare area

  • Is the staff changing room clean and tidy

  • Are the staff WCS clean and tidy

  • Do the staff WCs hand wash sinks have hot and cold water, soap and paper towels

  • Does the wash hand basin at the entrance to production have hot water, soap and paper towels

  • Does the boot wash at the entrance to production have sanitiser liquid

Unit 59 mezzanine floor


  • Are the floors in good repair

  • Are the walls in good repair

  • Are the ceilings/high level areas in good repair

  • Is the area free from pest issues


  • Is the cleanliness of the floors satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the walls satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the ceilings/high level areas satisfactory

Unit 59 Bacon pressing area


  • Are the floors in good repair

  • Are the walls in good repair

  • Are ceilings/high level areas in good repair

  • Are all pieces of equipment in good repair

  • Is the area free from pest issues


  • Is the cleanliness of the floors satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the walls satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the ceilings/high level areas satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the equipment satisfactory (press, compactor)


  • Are all staff wearing clean and correct PPE given active production

  • Are all staff adopting good hygienic work practices


  • Is the temperature of the goods in the dolav freezer satisfactory (record actual temp in notes)

  • Is the temperature of the blast freezer satisfactory (record actual temp in notes)


  • Do all products have satisfactory traceability

  • Are products protected from contamination

Unit 60 production


  • Are the floors in good repair

  • Are the walls in good repair

  • Are the ceilings/high level areas in good repair

  • Are all pieces of equipment in good repair

  • Is the area free from pest issues


  • Is the cleanliness of the floors satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the walls satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the ceilings/high level areas satisfactory

  • Is the cleanliness of the equipment satisfactory (slicer, weigh area, multivac, boxing machine)


  • Are staff wearing clean and correct PPE given active production

  • Are staff adopting good hygienic work practices


  • Are temperatures of products satisfactory (record actual temps in notes)


  • Do all products have satisfactory traceability

  • Are products protected from contamination

Office functions

  • Is the pest control folder available for review

  • Are all pest recommendation completed or in process of being completed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.