Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Basic competency check
Do you have a current blue card THIS MUST BE SIGHTED
Do you have a current YELLOW CARD - THIS MUST BE SIGHTED
Do you have a current first aid certificate ?
What type of training have you had or are you enrolled in :
Have you had training in the following areas :
Did you receive induction training on commencement?
Did the Supervisor work through a training programme on a one to one basis?
Do you use the one to one booklet or policy and procedures to refer to during your work?
Did a Supervisor discuss your training needs with you on commencement?
Do you feel that you are 'coached' on the job?
Valuing "Me" as an Employee
Do you feel like you are recognised when you have done a good job?
My Supervisor/Manager consults me on matters of importance to me?
My Supervisor/Manager makes me feel that my work counts?
My Supervisor/Manager treats me fairly?
Does your Supervisor/Manager give you feedback on how you perform? (Please give an example)
How does this feedback make you feel?
Does your Supervisor/Manager make it clear what is expected of you?
Do you feel like your line manager/supervisor is open and honest when communicating with you?
My Supervisor/Manager is supportive if I have a problem?
My Supervisor/Manager keeps me in touch with what's going on?
My Supervisor/Manager listens to me if I have any suggestions to make?
Would you recommend the company to a friend or a relative as a good place to work? (please give reasons)
Customer Experience
Please give reasons for your previous score?
Do you feel valued by the Service user?
Please use this space to add any further comments, (positive or negative), that you wish to add in relation to working with the service.