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NPSG 1: Patient Identification

  • Do staff use at least two patient identifiers when administering medication or blood products?

  • Blood transfusion per hospital policy?

  • Are specimen containers labeled in the presence of the patient?

NPSG 2: Staff Communication

  • Critical test results

NPSG 6: Alarm Safety

  • Alarm Management

NPSG 15: Suicide Prevention

  • Suicide risk assessment

Universal Protocol

  • PHI is protected

  • Correct patient, correct site

  • Site marking

  • Safety pause

Medication Practice

  • Medication labeling

  • Medications secure

  • PRN pain medication

  • Medication cart secure

  • Code cart

Nursing Required Documentation

  • Patient care plan

  • Patient goals

  • Pain assessment/reassessment

  • Are nursing orders current and being followed?

  • Are ordered routes (PO, NGT) for all medication orders appropriate for the patient?

Surgical/Procedural Required Documentation

  • Consent

  • H&P; H&P update

  • Anesthesia pre-procedure eval.

  • Brief operative note

  • Full operative note

  • Anesthesia post-op note

  • Discharge written instructions

Medication Management

  • Open medication/ supply expiration, open multiuse vials/containers dates not expired?

  • Irrigation fluid has not reached their expiration dates?

  • Open medications labeled with date?

  • The medication room is clean, neat, and wellorganized?

  • The medication room is locked? (lock type? i.e. Pyxis)

  • Only authorized drugs are present. Discontinued drugs are returned to pharmacy

  • Sample drugs, if present, are controlled in accordance with the facility's policy?

  • Patients' personal drugs (from home), NOT INTENDED for administration within the facility, have been returned to the patients' family or secured within the pharmacy in accordance with the facility's policy?

  • Externals are separated from internals (and parental)?

  • Drugs requiring special storage conditions are properly stored (i.e. protected from light or refrigerated)?

  • There are no expired, recalled, broken, contaminated, or mislabeled/unlabeled drugs

  • A thermometer (or equivalent) is present in each medication refrigerator and is working properly?

  • Refrigerator temperature is between 2 and 8 C (3646F)?

  • The refrigerator is clean and free of excessive frost?

  • No food or other nondrug items are stored in refrigerator

  • Single use vials are not reused

  • Multidose vials are properly dated (up to 28 days from opening)

  • Reconstituted drugs are labeled the date beyond which the drug should NOT be used

  • The concentration of reconstituted drugs is noted on labels

  • Medication cart (if used) is locked and in a secure area

  • Automated dispensing machine (ADM) is locked and in a secure area

  • There are no unresolved discrepancy icons displayed on the ADM screen

  • Audited controlled substance is dated and actual count is correct

  • Extemporaneously prepared patient medications are accurately labeled with strength, lot number, expiration date and cautionary statements as per policy (when needed)

  • Floorstock drugs are stored under locked storage or in a secure area

  • Controlled substances and narcotics are securely stored and accurately accounted for?

  • Emergency drug supplies are sealed or intact, and all required drugs are present?

  • Investigation drugs are stored and records are maintained according to policy

Public Safety

Fire Safety

  • Are exit doors and stairwells clear? Main, corridor, and stairwell exits cannot be blocked by any means

  • Are exit doors clearly marked "exit" and illuminated? Check for burnt out bulbs

  • Do fire doors latch properly? Close the fire doors to see if they latch properly and see that there is no gap<1/8 inch in the middle

  • Are corridors and passageways free of obstructions? The corridors can have mobile items (wheels on them) that are emergency needed items and are in use

  • Are pull stations and fire extinguishers clear from any obstructions? There must be nothing to obstruct access

  • Doorstops or homemade held open devices are not being used?

  • Are materials stored a minimum of 18 inches from sprinkler deflectors? The distance between sprinkler deflector and stored items is 18 inches for sprinkled buildings

  • Are stored rooms and equipment rooms free from clutter and unsafe conditions? Make sure that items are not falling down or overstocked

  • Sprinkler heads clean and free from debris?

Fire Safety Knowledge Questions

  • Does staff know the meaning of R.A.C.E.?

  • Does staff know the location of exit route?

  • Does staff know the meaning of P.A.S.S.?

Safety & Security Management Physical Inspection

  • Is area free from smoking?

  • Are heavy items stored at low levels or mid levels in storage? Make sure heavy items are stored at waist level or lower shelves

  • Are staffs personal items properly secured?

  • Are all employees wearing their I.D badges properly?

  • Are mechanical, electrical, janitorial, and communications rooms locked?

  • Are punch code doors working properly?

  • Are there Security cameras in the area and are they functioning properly?

  • Does area have access control or intercom system and are the functioning properly?

  • Are general areas clean and free of clutter?

  • Are compressed gases stored properly?

Safety & Security Staff Knowledge Questions

  • Does staff know to dial "33333" for an emergency?

  • Does staff know how to contact Security?

  • Does staff know "Armed Intruder alert" procedures?

  • Does staff know "Security alert" procedures?

Hazardous Materials & Waste

  • Is medical waste kept in red biohazard bags or containers?

  • Is hazardous chemical inventory adequate and available to all employees?

  • A spill kit is available for chemical spills?

  • Regular and infectious waste trash are separated?

  • Hazardous waste is collected and disposed of properly?

  • An eyewash station is readily available and functioning properly?


  • Walls are free from damage (chips, scuffs. or gouges)?

  • All lighting is operational?

  • GFCI's within 3foot of water? Tested and worked?

  • All penetrations in the walls and ceilings have been appropriately filled?

  • Drawer/ cabinet handles function properly (no loose handles)?

  • All electrical outlets have cover plates?

  • Circuit breaker boxes are unobstructed and properly labeled?

  • There are no extension cords being used?

  • Door hinges are working properly (no loose hinges)?

  • Cords/Wires are in good physical condition (no cracks, tears, or exposed wires)?

  • Are ceiling tiles clean, stain free, and in good condition? Indicate where these bad tiles are located in the comments

  • Are floors and hallways in good condition?

  • Are all mechanical, electrical, janitorial, communications rooms clean with no storage?

  • Does staff know how to identify an emergency outlet?

  • Does staff know how to submit a work order?

  • Does staff know the procedure to equipment's cleanliness, paint, wiring, and covers appear satisfactory?

  • The equipment storage room doors will self close and latch?

  • Is all equipment appropriately stored? Equipment if not in use should be stored in its designated area or in equipment store room

  • Does medical equipment have an asset tag and current maintenance sticker?

  • Are temperature and other logs current, and are there notes for actions taken if device is operating outside of parameters?

  • Do staff understand lock out / tag out (process to tagging broken equipment )

  • Area is Pestfree: insects, rodents, and all other varmint PowerStrip

  • Room temperature is between 2025 degrees (6877F)?

Infection Control

  • Contaminated linens containers readily accessible?

  • Collection times appropriate: dirty linen not overflowing?

  • Clean linen is stored in clean area?

  • Clean linen is covered?

  • Blanket warmer temperatures are appropriate?

  • Clean supplies are stored appropriately in clean area? (off floors, on open shelves, in defined clean utility areas)

  • Clean and/or dirty supplies are clearly labeled?

  • All areas under sinks are clear of all stock or items?

  • Cardboard boxes are being stored off floor and out of original container?

  • Sharps and instruments are placed in "sharp safety" containers?

  • Sharps container are readily accessible?

  • Sharps containers are <3/4 full?

  • Handwashing soap dispensers are easily accessible, with proper amount of cleaning agent?

  • Alcohol hand sanitizers are easily accessible and not expired?

  • Hand hygiene is performed according to policy?

  • Handwashing towels are easily accessible?

  • Staff is aware of dwell/ wet time for disinfectant?

  • Staff is aware of bleach wipes for cDiff/ Norovirus?

  • Staff able to explain proper PPE for ERI, Contact and Contact Plus?

  • Proper signage posted for correct precautions (not applicable in ambulatory/clinic area)?

  • Pediatric areas: Toys are removed from social areas and confined to patient rooms?

  • Pediatric areas: Log completed for cleaning toys and multiuse pedi items?

  • PPE (gloves, gowns, face masks, protective eyewear, and respirators (N95) are readily accessible or staff able to explain where to obtain PPE (Emergency Management)

  • PPE is donned or doffed according to Policy

  • Are employee eating areas kept clean? (microwave and refrigerator)

  • Refrigerator temperaturethermometer in refrigerator/ freezers follow organizational policy

  • Has appropriate action taken place for refrigerators with out of range temperatures?

  • Are refrigerators identified as "food only" and "medication only"?

  • Food items are not stored or eaten in areas where blood or other infectious material is present?

  • Supplies stocked have not reached their expiration date?

  • Behavior eating, drinking, applying cosmetics where there is likelihood of exposure to blood/ bodily fluid and social distancing of 6feet from other staff

  • **HLD areas only: Expiration dates on test strips, resert, and biologic logs UTD per Policy

  • **HLD areas only: Instruments transported per policy?

  • **HLD areas only: Staff wearing proper PPE in processing area?

  • **HLD areas only: Clean scopes stored appropriately, instruments cleansed appropriately


  • Comments?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.