Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are all worksites clean and orderly
Are work surface kept dry or appropriate means taken to assure the surface are slip resistant
Are all spilled materials or cleaned up immediately
Are combustible scrap,debris,and waste stored safely and removed from the worksites promptly
Is accumulated combustible dust routinely removed from elevated surfaces including the overhead structure of building?
Is combustible dust cleaned up with a vacuum system to prevent the dust going into suspension
Is metalic or conductive dust prevented from entering or accumulation on or around electrical enclosures or equipment?
Are covered metal waste cans used for oily and paint-soaked waste?
Are all oil and gas fired devices equipped with flame failure controls that will prevent the flow of fuel if pilots or main burners are not working
Are paint spray booths dip tanks and the like cleaned regularly?
Are all work areas adequately illuminated
Are the minimum number of toilets and washing facilities provided
Are all toilets and washing facilities clean and sanitary
Are pits and floor openings covered or otherwise guarded
Do employees who operate vehicles on public thoroughfares have valid operators licenses?
When seven or more employees are regularly transported in a van, bus or truck, is the operators license appropriate for the class of vehicle being driven?
Is each van,bus or truck used regularly to transport employees, equipped with an adequate number of seats?
When employees are transported by truck,are provision provided to prevent their falling from the vehicle?
Are vehicles used to transport employees, equipped with lamps,brakes,horns, mirrors, windshield and turn signals in good repair?
Are transport vehicles provided with hardrails,steps,stirrups or similar devices,so placed and arranged that employees can safely mount or dismount?
Are employee transport vehicles equipped at all times with at least two refelective type flares?
Is a full charged fire extinguisher, in good condition,with at least 4 B:C rating mainted in each employee transport vehicle?
When cutting tools with sharp edges are carried in passenger compartments of employee transport vehicles,are they placed in closed boxes or containers which are secured in place?
Can the work be performed without eye strain or glare to the employees?
Does the task require prolonged raising of the arms?
Do the neck and shoulders have to be stooped to view the task?
Are there pressure points on any parts of the body (wrists,forearms,back of thighs)?
Can the work be done using the larger muscles of the body?
Can the work be done without twisting or overly bending the lower back?
Are there sufficient rest breaks,in addition to the regular rest breaks,to relieve stress from repetitive- motion tasks?
Are tools, instruments and machinery shaped, positioned and handled so that tasks can be performed comfortably?
Are all pieces of furniture adjusted positioned and arranged to minimize strain of all parts of body?
Can the work be performed without high strain or glare to the employees?
Does your HVAC system provide atleast the quantity of outdoor air required by the state building standerd?
Is the HVAC system inspected atleast annually and problem corrected?
Are inspection record retained for atleast 5 years?
Are protective goggles or face shields provided and worn where there is any danger of flying particles or corrosive material?
Are approved safety glasses required to be worn at all times in areas where there is a risk of eye injures such as punctures, abrasion,contusions or burns?
Are hard hats provided and worn where danger of falling objects exists ?
Are protective gloves,aprons, shields,or other means provided against cuts,corrosive liquids and chemical?
Are hard hats inspected periodically for damage to the shell and suspension system?
Is appropriate foot protection required where there is the risk of foot injuries from hot, corrosive,poisonous substance,falling objects,crushing or penetrating actions?
Are approved respirators provided for regular or emergency use where needed?
Is all protective equipment maintained in a sanitary condition and ready for use?
Where special equipment is needed for electrical workers is it available?
When lunches are eaten on the premises are they eaten in areas where there is no exposure to toxic materials or other health hazards?
Is protection against the effects of occupational noise exposure provided when sound levels exceed those of the CAL/OSHA noise standard?
Are all tools and equipment (both company and employee- owned) used by employees at their workshops in good condition?
Are hand tools such as chisels,punches, which develop mushroomed heads during use recondioned or replaced as necessary?
Are broken or fractured handles on hammers axes and similar equipment replaced promptly?
Are worn or bent wrenches replaced regularly?
Are appropriate handles used on files and similar tools?
Are appropriate safety glasses,face shields,and similar equipment used while using hand tools or equipment that might produce flying materials or be subject to breakage?
Are jacks checked periodically to assure they are in good operating condition?
Are tool handles wedged tightly in the head of all tools?
Are tool cutting edges kept sharp so the tool will move smoothly without binding or skipping?
Are tools stored in dry, secure location where they won't be tampered with?
Are grinders,saws,and similar equipment provided with appropriate safety guards?
Are power tools used with the correct shield, guard or attachment recommended by the manufacturer?
Are portable circular saws equipped with guards above and below the base shoe?
Are circular saw guards checked to assure they are not wedged up, thus leaving the lower portion of the blade unguareded?
Are rotating or moving parts of equipment guarded to prevent physical contact?
Are all cord- connected, electrically operated tools and equipment effectively grounded or of the approved double insulated type?
Are effective guards in place over belts,pulleys,chains,and sprockets,on equipment such as concrete mixers,air compressors,and the like?
Are portable fans provided with full guards or screens having opening 1/2 inch or less?
Is hoisting equipment available and used for lifting heavy objects,and are hoist ratings and characteristics appropriate for the task?
Are ground-fault circuit interrupters provided on all temporary electricals 15 and 20 ampere circuits, used during periods of construction?
Is the work rest used and kept adjusted to within 1/8 inch of the wheel?
Is the adjustable tongue on the top side of the grinder used and kept adjusted to within 1/4 inch of the wheel?
Are bench and pedestal grinders permanently mounted?
Are goggles or face shields always worn when grinding?
Does each grinder have an individual on and off control switch?
Is each electrically operated grinder effectively grounded?
Before new abrassive wheels are mounted are they visually inspected and ring tested?
Are dust collectors and powered exhausts provided on grinders used in operations that produce large amounts of dust?
Are splashguards mounted on grinders that use coolent to prevent the coolent reaching employees?
Is cleanliness maintained around grinders?
Are only authorised and trained personnel permitted to use welding cutting or brazing equipment?
Do all operator have a copy of the appropriate operating instructions and are they directed to follow them?
Are compressed gas cylinders regularly examined for obvious signs of defects deep rusting or leakage?
Is care used in handeling and storage of cylinders safety valves relief valves and the like to prevent damage?
Are cylinders kept away from sources of heat?
Is it prohibited to use cylinders as rollers or supports?
Are empty cylinders appropriately marked their valves closed and valves protection caps on?
Are signs reading:DANGER NO-SMOKING,MATCHES OR OPEN LIGHTS OR the equivalent posted?
Are cylinders, cylinder valve,coupling regulator hoses and apparatus keep free of oily or greesy substances?
Are liquefied gases stored and shipped valve end up with valve covers in place?
Are pressure reducing regulators used only for the gas and pressures for which they are intended?
Under wet conditions are automatic controls for reducing no load voltage used?
Are electrodes removed from the holders when not in use?
Is suitable fire extinguisher equipment available for immediate use?
Are wet machines thoroughly dried and tested before being used?
Is the welder forbidden to coil or loop welding electrode cables around his body?
Are only trained personnel allowed to operate industrial trucks?
Is substantial overhead protective equipment provided on high lift rider equipment?
Are the required lift truck operating rules posted and enforced?
Is directional lighting provided on each industrial truck that operates in an area with less than 2 foot candles per square foot of general lighting?
Does each industrial truck have a warming horn,whistle,gong or other device which can be clearly heard above the normal noise in the areas where operated?
Are the brakes on each industrial truck capable of bringing the vehicle to a complete and safe stop when fully loaded?
Will the industrial trucks parking brake effectively prevent the vehicle from moving when unattended ?
Are industrial trucks operating in areas where flammable gases or vapors or combustible dust or ignitable fibers may be present in the atmosphere approved for such locations?
Are all work areas properly illuminated?
Are employees instructed in proper first aid and other emergency?
Are hazardous substances identified which may cause harm by inhalation, ingestion,skin absorption or contact?
Is employees aware of the hazards involved with the various chemicals they may be exposed to in their work environment such as ammonia,chlorine,expoxies and caustics?
Is employee exposure to chemicals in the workplace kept within acceptable levels?
Can a less harmful method or product be used?
Is the work area's ventilation system appropriate for the work being performed?
Is employee exposure to welding fumes controlled by ventilation use of respirators exposure time or other means?
Are welders and other workers nearby provided with flash shields during welding operations?
Has there been a determination that noise levels in the facilities are within acceptable levels?
Are steps being taken to use enginnering controls to reduce excessive noise levels?
Are caution lebels and signs used to warn of asbestos?
Is vacuuming with appropriate equipment used whenever possible rather then blowing or sweeping dust?
Is personal protective equipment provided used and maintained wherever required?
Are restrooms and washrooms kept clean and sanitary?
Is all water provided for drinking,washing and cooking potable ?
Are all outlets for water not suitable for drinking clearly identified?
Are employees instructed in the proper manner of lifting heavy objects?
Is equipment producing ultra- voilet radiation properly shielded?
Do you have a fire prevention plan?
Does your plan describe the type of fire protection equipment and/ or systems?
Have you established practices and procedures to controls potential fire hazards and ignition sources?
Are employees aware of the fire hazards of the material and processes to which they are exposed ?
If you have a fire department well acquainted with your facilities location and specific hazards?
If you have a fire alarm system is it certified as required?
If you have a fire alarm system is tested at least annually?
Are fire doors and shutters in good operating condition?
Are fire door and shutter fusible links in place?
Is proper clearance maintained below sprinkler heads?
Are fire extinguisher mounted in readily accessible location?
Are fire extinguishers recharged regularly and noted on the inspection tag?
Are your workplace electricians familiar with the CAL/OSHA electrical safety orders?
Do you specify compliance with CAL/OSHA for all contract electrical work?
Are portable electrical tools and equipment grounded or of the double insulated type?
Are electrical appliances such as vacuum cleaners,polishers,vending machinines grounded?
Do extention cords being used have a grounding conductor ?
Are multiple plug adapters prohibited?
Are flexible cords and cables free of splices or taps?
Are all cords cable and raceway connection intact and secure ?
Are all disconnecting switches and circuit breakers labeled to indicate their use or equipment served?
Are disconnecting means always opened before fuses are replaced ?
Are all electricals raceways and enclosures securely fastened in place ?
Are provided and maintained about all electrical equipment to permit ready and safe operations and maintenance?
Is each motor disconnecting switch or circuit breaker located within sight of the motor control device?
Are employees prohibited from working alone on energized lines or equipment over 600 volts?
Are there areas in the workplace where continuous noise levels exceed 85 dBA?
Are noise levels being measured using a sound level meter or on octave band analyzer and records being kept?
Have you tried isolating noisy machinery from the rest of your operation?
Have engineering controls been used to reduce excessive noise levels?
Where engineering controls are determined not feasible,are administrative controls(i.e. worker rotation) being used to minimize individual employee exposure to noise?
Is there an ongoing preventive health program to educate employees in safe levels of noise and exposure,effects of noise on their health, and use of personal protection?
Is the training repeated annually for employees exposed to continuous noise above 85 dBA?
Have work areas where noise levels make voice communication between employees difficult been identified and posted?
Is approved hearing protective equipment (noise attenuating devices) available to every employee working in areas where continuous noise levels exceed 85 dBA?
If you use ear protectors, are employees properly fitted and instructed in their use and care?
Are employees exposed to continuous noise above 85 dBA given periodic audiometric testing to ensure that you have an effective hearing protection system?
Is there safe clearance for equipment through aisles and doorways?
Are aisleways designated, permanently marked, and kept clear to allow unhindered passage?
Are motorized vehicles and mechanized equipment inspected daily or prior to use?
Are vehicles shut off and brakes set prior to loading or unloading?