Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Number of evaluations by young people
Enter project/programme details
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Commissioned Work
Who was your main coach?
- Mike
- Gail
- Fiona
- Tom
- Sam
- Kate
What was the period of the commissioning/project?
What was the age range of the participants?
The Coach/Tutor
Scores from 2 to 10. With 2 being very poor/very unhappy and 10 being excellent/very happy. The scores are based on scores from all evaluations being added together and the divided by the number of evaluations. The scores are based upon a very sad face = 2 a sad face = 4 points, a normal face = 6 points, a happy face = 8 points and a very happy face = 10 points.
Did any of the participants take part in a new sport that you had not played before? Please not any comments.
What sports did they like? Each sport mentioned counts as one point on the scale. Please note not all sports listed below have been delivered as part of this project.
What sports would the participants like to take part in again in the future?
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Any other comments?