Title Page

  • BK Store

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Manager in Charge

  • Last Audit made on

  • Last audit results - Cash and Deposits

  • Last audit results - Inventory

  • Last audit results - Negative Sales

Cash and Deposits

  • Total Cash for Change approved on the store is

  • Is the over/short lower than 3% of the total cash for change?

  • Is an additional cash register ready to be used?

  • Are petty cash receipts original?

  • Is petty cash under the approved limit and authorized?

  • Is petty cash being replenished in a timely manner? (Every two weeks)

  • Is petty cash being documented according to policy?

  • Is Cash Register Funds sheet being used?

  • Is Cash Register Funds sheet being used according to policy?

  • Is the cashier using their own POS login user?

  • Is Cash over or short less than 3.00% of the amount required to deposit.?

  • Were daily significant differences addressed according to the policy?

  • Are deposits and closing being entered accurately in the system?

  • Are deposits and closing being entered consistently in the system?

  • Are deposits being delivered to the bank consistently and according to policy?

  • Is deposits information being delivered on a consistent basis to the Audit Team?


  • Is the difference between ideal and actual cost less than 3.00% ?

  • Are weekly and period inventory counts being entered consistently ?

  • Are amounts being entered accurately in the count ?

  • Is the invoice verification being done correctly ?

  • Are orders being accepted in the system ?

  • Are boxes being marked correctly ?

  • Are transfer procedures being followed ?


  • Are employee and manager meals documentation organized according to policy?

  • Are the food items given according to policy?

  • Is Manager and Employee meals policy being followed? (Amount and authorization)

  • Does the employee and manager meal receipt has the manager and employee signature?

  • Is the employee or manager name printed on the receipt for the meal given?

  • Are voids documentation organized according to policy?

  • Do voids receipts have signatures and explanation?

  • Are voids supported by the customer's receipt?

  • Are the voids under 1.00%?

  • Are the deletes under 5.00%?


  • Were employees correctly clocked-in?

  • Do employees match the schedule?

  • Are schedules approved?

  • Excessive Overtime?

  • Internal Auditor

  • By signing this form you acknowledge the following; that you have reviewed this report with the auditor, that you have 2 business days will be provided to contest any item in this report. If you do so, please provide supporting documentation.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.