Site information

  • Site

  • Inspection Location
  • Audit Date

  • Audit undertaken by

  • Service Manager on site


  • Do you have Asbestos on site?

  • Are you aware of the locations of Asbestos containing Materials on site?

  • Does the Site have any historic Asbestos surveys on file?

  • When was the most recent historic survey completed?

  • What type of survey was it?

  • What overall risk rating was given to the site following this survey?

  • Do you know if the site has an up to date Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) in place?

  • Have staff undertaken any asbestos awareness training?

  • What type of training course has been undertaken?

  • How was the course(s) delivered?

  • Who has completed the training?

  • Do you have a copy on Site?

  • For more information on Asbestos and how to keep your site safe please visit

  • Have staff undertaken any asbestos awareness training?

  • What type of training course has been undertaken?

  • How was the course(s) delivered?

  • Who has completed the training?

  • Are you aware the AMP is to be shared with contractors undertaking work on your site?

  • Have staff undertaken any asbestos awareness training?

  • What type of training course has been undertaken?

  • How was the course(s) delivered?

  • Who has completed the training?

Electrical installation condition report

  • Do you have a copy of your Electrical Installation Condition Report on site?

  • When was your last Electrical Installation Condition Report conducted?

  • Please add report if applicable

  • What was the outcome of the most recent EICR inspection?

  • What type of fault(s) were identified within the installation?

  • Please state how many C1's were identified

  • Have you completed the required remedial actions to resolve the identified C1 and/or C2 fault(s)?

  • Please provide commentary on why these remedials have not yet been actioned?

  • C1 remedials should be actioned urgently as they present an immediate danger to people and property.

    C2 remedials should be actioned a soon as possible to remove the potential risks identified during the inspection.

  • Evidence of remedial completion provided during audit?

  • What evidence was presented?

  • Please state how many C3's were identified

  • C3 remedials are advisory notices, however we encourage you to follow the electrician's recommendations in order to maintain your electrical installation in a safe working condition. These works can be programmed in appropriately in a phased manner.

  • Please state how many F1's were identified

  • An FI code indicates that the electrician has found an issue, but that further work is required to establish the level of risk this issue presents in order for it to be correctly classified.

    Further investigative works should be undertaken as a priority in order to confirm the requirement for any necessary remedial works to be completed to maintain your electrical system in a safe condition.

  • Do you have an electrical cupboard where you fuse boards are kept?

  • Where are your fuse boards/ fuse board located?

  • Please add location

  • Is the cupboard secured?

  • Is the cupboard clean and free from combustibles?

  • Do you have evidence of monthly Emergency Light Testing being conducted and a record of any faults?

  • Who completes the light testing?

  • Please add media of most recent log

  • Do you have any faults?

  • Have these been raised?

  • Is your Portable Appliance Testing up to date?

  • Do all appliances have 'PASSED' stickers attached?

  • How often are communal areas checked to ensure sockets are not overloaded and trailing cables are removed?

  • Do you require any Training on managing electrical equipment?

Fire Safety

Fire Safety

  • Do you have a copy of your Fire Risk Assessment (FRA)

  • When was this completed?

  • Do you have any outstanding remedial works?

  • Have you completed the required remedial actions to resolve the identified risks?

  • Please provide commentary on why these remedials have not yet been actioned?

  • Evidence of remedial completion provided during audit?

  • What evidence was presented?

  • Are ypu have any of the following levels of risk?

  • Please state how many have been identified

  • Please state how many have been identified

  • Please state how many have been identified

  • Are you completing and recording weekly Fire Tests?

  • Do you have a Fire Evacuation plan in place and noticeable?

  • Is your Fire Alarm system serviced 6 monthly by a competent person?

  • Do you conduct weekly Fire alarm tests within each residential flat?

  • Where are they stored?

  • Have you got a record?

  • Do you have any Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP )on site?

  • Are these stored securely on site?

  • Please check example

  • Is example populated correctly?

  • Do all employees have Fire Extinguisher training?

  • Do all new employers complete Fire Safety training and a record kept?

  • Do you require Fire Safety Training?

Gas/ Oil Safety

  • Does the site have Gas/Oil-powered heating/hot water systems in communal areas?

  • Please confirm the fuel source for the heating/hot water systems

  • When was the last gas service and inspection carried out?

  • Is the last gas service and inspection date less than 12months from the audit date?

  • Is the next service and inspection booked in?

  • What date is it booked in for?

  • A new gas service and inspection must be booked in as soon as possible.

  • Was the gas service and inspection certificate made available during the audit?

  • Were any remedial actions identified by the engineer following the service and inspection?

  • What remedial works were required? (provide a brief overview below)

  • Have the remedial works been addressed?

  • Please provide evidence of the remedial works undertaken.

  • Please provide details of works completed to date and proposed timescale to resolve any outstanding works.

  • Please provide commentary on why remedial works have not yet been addressed, along with an anticipated timeline for when they will be completed.

  • Please supply the gas service and inspection certificate to

  • Do you have carbon dioxide detectors in communal areas?

  • Are they tested regularly and in working order?

  • Do you keep a record of this?

  • When was the last oil service and inspection carried out?

  • Is the last oil service and inspection date less than 12months from the audit date?

  • Is the next service and inspection booked in?

  • What date is it booked in for?

  • A new oil service and inspection must be booked in as soon as possible.

  • Was the oil service and inspection certificate made available during the audit?

  • Were any remedial actions identified by the engineer following the service and inspection?

  • What remedial works were required? (provide a brief overview below)

  • Have those remedial actions been resolved?

  • Please provide evidence of the remedial works undertaken.

  • Please provide details of works completed to date and proposed timescale to resolve any outstanding works.

  • Please provide commentary on why remedial works have not yet been addressed, along with an anticipated timeline for when they will be completed.

  • Please supply the oil service and inspection certificate to

  • Do residents have their own boilers?

  • Are you aware of these being serviced?

  • Please add details

  • Do you know if residents that have Gas appliances have Carbon Monoxide meters in their porperty?

  • Are they tested regularly and in working order?

  • Do you keep a record of this?

  • Do you know if residents that have Gas appliances have Carbon Monoxide meters in their porperty?

  • Are they tested regularly and in working order?

  • Do you keep a record of this?

  • Do you know if residents that have Gas appliances have Carbon Monoxide meters in their porperty?

  • Are they tested regularly and in working order?

  • Do you keep a record of this?

Legionella Management

  • Has a Legionella Risk Assessment (LRA)? (Undertaken by a competent external contractor within the last 36mths)

  • When was the LRA undertaken?

  • What overall risk rating was given to?

  • Were any remedial actions required following the LRA?

  • What remedial works were required? (provide a brief overview below)

  • Have the remedial works been addressed?

  • Please provide evidence of the remedial works undertaken.

  • Please provide details of works completed to date and proposed timescale to resolve any outstanding works.

  • Please provide commentary on why remedial works have not yet been addressed, along with an anticipated timeline for when they will be completed.

  • Have any significant works been carried out on site since the LRA was initially completed?

  • If any significant works have been/are due to be undertaken on site, an update to the LRA will be required once they have been completed to ensure that there has been no change to the risk profile originally given to the school.

    If the updated LRA identifies new remedial actions as a result of the works, these actions should be addressed as per the priority order indicated by the assessor.

  • Have you updated your LRA following the completion of the works?

  • What was the new risk rating given to the school following the works?

  • Were any new remedial actions identified following the works?

  • Please provide a brief overview of the new remedial actions below.

  • Have these new remedials been addressed?

  • Please provide evidence of the remedial works undertaken.

  • Please provide details of works completed to date and proposed timescale to resolve any outstanding works.

  • Please provide commentary on why remedial works have not yet been addressed, along with an anticipated timeline for when they will be completed.

  • An updated LRA is required following any significant addition or alteration to the building.

  • It is a requirement to commission a competent external contractor to undertake a comprehensive LRA for the site at intervals no greater than 36mths and to action any recommendations put forward by the assessor

  • When was the last LRA undertaken?


  • Are there any LOLER items on site?

  • What LOLER items are on site?

  • Do all LOLER items on site have an in-date Thorough Inspection certificate? (Thorough Inspections must be completed every 6 months)

  • Please list which items do not currently have an in-date Thorough Inspection certificate? (Please list item type and serial number/item ID if available)

  • Why have these inspections not yet been completed?

  • Are the missing inspections booked in to be completed?

  • When are they booked in to be completed?

  • Thorough Inspections of lifting equipment used for personnel must be undertaken every 6 months. Ensure that you arrange for new inspections to be completed as a priority.

  • When was the last inspection(s) undertaken?

  • Thorough Inspections of lifting equipment used for personnel must be undertaken every 6 months. Ensure that you arrange for new inspections to be completed as a priority.

  • When was the last inspection(s) undertaken?

  • Were any remedial actions required following the inspection?

  • What remedial works were required? (provide a brief overview below)

  • Have the remedial works been addressed?

  • Please provide evidence of the remedial works undertaken.

  • Please provide details of works completed to date and proposed timescale to resolve any outstanding works.

  • Please provide commentary on why remedial works have not yet been addressed, along with an anticipated timeline for when they will be completed.

  • Do all LOLER items on site have an in-date Service certificate? (Servicing must be completed every 6 months)

  • Please list which items do not currently have an in-date Service certificate? (Please list item type and serial number/item ID if available)

  • Why have these services not yet been completed?

  • Are the missing services booked in to be completed?

  • When are they booked in to be completed?

  • Servicing of lifting equipment used for personnel must be undertaken every 6 months. This is in addition to having an Thorough Inspection completed. Ensure that you arrange for new services to be completed as a priority.

  • When was the last service(s) undertaken?

  • Servicing of lifting equipment used for personnel must be undertaken every 6 months. This is in addition to having an Thorough Inspection completed. Ensure that you arrange for new services to be completed as a priority.

  • When was the last service(s) undertaken?

  • Were any remedial actions required following the service?

  • What remedial works were required? (provide a brief overview below)

  • Have the remedial works been addressed?

  • Please provide evidence of the remedial works undertaken.

  • Please provide details of works completed to date and proposed timescale to resolve any outstanding works.

  • Please provide commentary on why remedial works have not yet been addressed, along with an anticipated timeline for when they will be completed.

Internal H&S Walkaround

General Health & Safety Management

  • Is there a generally good standard of housekeeping on site?

  • Comments:

  • Issues observed:

  • Are resources and equipment stored safely and appropriately?

  • Comments:

  • Issues observed:

  • Is the cleaner's cupboard tidy and well organised?

  • Comments:

  • Issues observed:

  • Are COSHH items stored correctly and securely?

  • Comments:

  • Issues observed:

  • Are COSHH assessments and Material Safety Data Sheets easily accessible for information?

  • Comments:

  • Issues observed:

  • Is the plantroom(s) tidy and well organised?

  • Comments:

  • Issues observed:


  • Are floors and floor coverings in good condition and free from damage and/or defects?

  • Comments:

  • Issues observed:

  • Are transition surfaces between internal and external areas in good condition, level and free from damage and/or defects?

  • Comments:

  • Issues observed:

  • Are staircases in good condition, clear of obstructions and free from damage and/or defects?

  • Comments:

  • Issues observed:

  • Are stair bannisters in good condition, securely fixed and free from damage and/or defects?

  • Comments:

  • Issues observed:

First Aid

  • Is there suitable and sufficient First Aid provision on site?

  • What First Aid provision is in place?

  • Are staff First Aid qualifications still in-date and valid?

  • Issues Observed:

  • Comments:

  • Is there suitable and sufficient First Aid accommodation in place with access to hot and cold running water and located near to toilet facilities?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Are there suitable and sufficient First Aid kits on site?

  • Issues Observed:

  • Comments:

  • Are the contents of the First Aid kits in date?

  • Issues Observed:

  • Comments:

Fire Risk

  • Are all escape routes and exits kept clear and free from obstructions?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Are all final exit doors clear, free from obstructions and unlocked?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Are all internal doors marked as fire doors kept closed?

  • Comments:

  • Are they held open using an appropriate quick release mechanism (Doorgard™ or magnetic hold-open)?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Internal fire door sets should be kept closed at all times unless held open with an approved quick-release mechanism linked to the activation of the fire alarm such as a Doorgard™ or a magnetic hold open. Fire doors MUST NOT be propped open using door stops, boxes, fire extinguishers or similar.

  • Do the Fire Doors have the following;

  • Is the main electrical distribution cupboard secured and free from combustible/flammable materials?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • The main distribution cupboard should be kept clear at all times and should not be used for storage.

  • Are the secondary distribution boards around the school kept clear of combustible/flammable materials?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • A minimum stand-off distance of 750mm should be maintained around all distribution boards. Combustible/flammable materials should not be stored near distribution boards where possible. If it is not possible to relocate combustible/flammable materials the quantities should be reduced and the 750mm stand-off strictly enforced.

  • Is the main plant room secured and free from combustible/flammable materials?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • The main plant room should be kept clear at all times and should not be used for storage.

  • Do you have any combustibles in communal areas? please select all that apply

  • Are site staff aware of the location of the main gas shut-off valve?

  • Are the locations of the mains electrical, gas and water shut-offs marked on a site drawing for the Emergency Services?

  • This information should be easily accessible and ready to hand over to the Emergency Services in the case of an incident on site.

External H&S Walkaround

General Health & Safety Management

  • Is there a generally good standard of housekeeping on site?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Is waste managed and stored appropriately?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Is the site secure, with gates and fencing in good condition with no obvious signs of damage or defects?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Do the structures on site appear to be in good condition with no obvious signs of damage or defects?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:


  • Do the paths and access routes around the site appear to be in good condition with no obvious signs of damage or defects?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Are the path/access route transitions between hardstanding and landscaped areas secure, free from obstructions and on the same level?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Are vehicle access roads on site in good condition with no obvious signs of damage or defects?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Are playground surfaces in good condition with no obvious signs of damage or defects?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Is there suitable and sufficient external lighting on site?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Are there suitable and sufficient stocks of salt/grit on site for de-icing paths and access routes?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

Pedestrian & Vehicle Interactions

  • Is there a clear segregation between pedestrians and vehicles on site?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Is there suitable and sufficient signage warning pedestrians and drivers of each other?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Are there suitable and sufficient road crossing arrangements on site and near public entrances?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Does the school employ a Schools Crossing Patrol?


  • Are paths and access routes clear of overhanging plants and shrubs?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Is leaf-fall onto paths and access routes being managed appropriately?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Are there any exposed roots along paths and access routes that may cause a trip hazard?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:

  • Are there any branches overhanging any roof areas of the structures?

  • Comments:

  • Issues Observed:


  • Do you have an external Scooter store?

  • Where are Scooters stored?

  • Please provide details

  • Scooter storage state; please select what applies

  • Are you aware of the risks associated with Scooters being left and being charged in communal areas?

  • Are there any Scooters being left and being charged in communal areas now?

  • Are there any scooters being left and being charged in communal areas now?

  • Are communal areas free from obstacles that could cause harm?

  • please provide details in notes

  • Are you aware of what Planned Preventative maintenance works are being completed on your site?

Audit Summary

  • Comments & Findings


  • Date and time of approval

  • Approver's signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.