Title Page
Clients Details
Clients Name and Address
Employers Name and Address
Location of event (for example level 2 rear fire door exit)
Conducted on
Conducted by
Type of Incident
- Good catch: An event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage, but had the potential to do so
- Minor injury: the injured person is unfit for normal work for less than three days (< 3day incapacitation )
- Serious injury/ill health: the injured person is unfit to the normal work for more than three consecutive days (>3day incapacitation)
- Major injury/ill health: fractures (other than to fingers, thumbs and toes), amputations, loss of sight, a burn or penetrating injury to the eye, any injury or acute illness resulting in unconsciousness, or requiring admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours; ( >7 day incapacitation)
- Incident - Damage to property or structures
Name of person
Date of birth
Length of employment
Type of injury
- Bruising
- Dislocation
- Strain/sprain
- Scratch/abrasion
- Internal
- Fracture
- Amputation
- Foreign body
- Laceration/cut
- Burn/scald
- Chemical reaction
- Other
Specify injured part of body
Type of treatment given
Who was the first Aider?
Date of hospital visit
Treatment received at hospital
Details of Accident
Which tasks was being conducted?
Were potential hazards properly identified? (Written in the RAMS)
Were employees properly trained and proficient before performing the work?
Were established safe work procedures in place for the employee to follow?
Were employees following safe work procedures?
Was the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) specified for the job or task?
Did employees use the specific PPE?
Which action should be done to correct the situation?
Responsible of the action
Name of the injured person
Date of birth
Length of employment
Type of injury
- Bruising
- Dislocation
- Strain/sprain
- Scratch/abrasion
- Internal
- Fracture
- Amputation
- Foreign body
- Laceration/cut
- Burn/scald
- Chemical reaction
- Other
Specify injured part of body
Type of treatment given
Name of person giving first aid
Date of hospital visit
RIDDOR completed
Name of the injured person
Date of birth
Length of employment
Type of injury
- Bruising
- Dislocation
- Strain/sprain
- Scratch/abrasion
- Internal
- Fracture
- Amputation
- Foreign body
- Laceration/cut
- Burn/scald
- Chemical reaction
- Other
Specify injured part of body
Was medical treatment recieved
What type of medical treatment
Is Convergint accountable for the the loss
USE PEME (Page 19/20 stages of an investigation)
What is Convergint's involvement
Why did the adverse event occur
Loss (what has been lost/damaged or injured for example broken ankle)
How did it happen (for example slipped on ice)
Immediate causes
Why did this occur?
Why did this occur?
Underlying causes
Why did this occur?
Why did this occur?
Underlying causes
Why did this occur?
Why did this occur?
Is further investigation required ?
Root Cause (use information gathered from the why)
- People
- Equipment
- Material
- Environment
Likelihood that an adverse event will happen again
- Certain - It will happen again and soon
- Likely: - it will reoccur but not as an everyday event
- Possible - it may occur from time to time
- Unlikely - it is not expected to happen again in the foreseeable future
- Rare - so unlikely that it is not expected to happen
- Fatal: Work related death
- Major injury / ill health as defined under RIDDOR, schedule 1 including fractures (other than fingers and toes) amputations, loss of sight severe burn, any injury that results in loss of consciousness, requiring resuscitation or immediate transportation to hospital for more than 24 hrs.
- Serious injury/ ill health where the person is unfit to carry out their work for more than >3 consecutive days
- minor injury - all other injuries were the person is unfit to carry out their work for less than 3 days
- damage only - damage to property, equipment the environment or production losses
Use decision to investigate matrices on page 16 to identify level of investigation required
Further investigation required
Actions required
What actions are required and by whom