Operator Certification Check List, Date Issued : 22 November 2010
Name, clock Number
Stamp Number
Operator's Department
1. Certification holder's approval card available?
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Take photo :
Details (if required)
PREP - Compare last printed date on Approval Card to database.
2. Certification stamp(s) accounted for?
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Details :
PREP - Compare the stamp(s) the person has to what the database states has been issued.
3. Certification stamp(s) are in good condition & legible?
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Insert held certification Stamp(s) impression(s) here:-
Details (if required)
Record details of Manufacturing job card / paperwork being assessed?
Include front page header, working page header and element number if applicable.
Record 'Drawing detail' below of element being assessed (if applicable ):-
From element / task being worked on, sample a drawing. If necessary go backwards to previous elements / tasks completed by person to obtain one.
Record Process Specification / procedure in relation to job card / paperwork being assessed :-
From element / task being worked on, sample a process specification / procedure . If necessary go backwards to previous elements / tasks completed by person to obtain one.
4. Certification holder has good knowledge to ensure that the correct Drawing / paperwork revision is being used (if applicable) and can explain where/how to obtain a copy ?
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In job cards, the last few pages (BOM) show revisions of drawings / documents.
Other paperwork may need to be checked against a system eg BMS , Smarter, etc
5. Certification holder has good knowledge to ensure that the correct specification revision is being used (if applicable) and can explain where/how to obtain a copy ?
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In job cards, the last few pages (BOM) show revisions of drawings / documents.
Access to specification may be via IPT.
6. Certification holder has good knowledge to ensure that the correct job card / paperwork is being used and where any changes to the issue/revision status are recorded (if applicable)?
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In job cards, two to three pages in should have any changes recorded.
In BMS documents, footer should state what revision document is at and be compared to system.
Customer documentation should be checked against customer interface system and/or via Project Engineer.
7. Does the certification holder have the necessary approvals for all tasks to be undertaken iaw job card / customer requirements?
Tap to enter information
Details :
Review task being conducted and compare to approvals held and in system to ensure person has correct one.
Review previous one or two elements stamped for correct approval.
8. Elements/ information within the job card/ paperwork has been stamped/ dated correctly (or signed as applicable)
9. Does the certification holder understand their responsibilities when applying their stamp alongside a probationary stamp or double stamping on aircraft documentation?
Person to know that probationary stamp requires certification stamp as well and that they are certifying that the element is completed correct to the process specification.
Double stamp is required for specific operations where it has been deemed critical to have 2 different people check work.
10. Knowledge of concessions / deviation / INCR / tag?
Person should be able to explain where to view any further work / concessions etc in case they are required to conduct such work.
Person should be able to explain if they conduct the work, where to certify it has been completed.
Person should be able to show where to add any unfinished work (folio).
10. Does the certification holder have a good knowledge of the MRB / NC1 procedure / quarantined items?
Person should be able to know what to do if they damage / find damage / note a query on a component / assembly / paperwork, this includes completing an NC1.
Person should know where any quarantine areas are so as not to take components from it.
11. Does the certification holder have a good knowledge on how to access the required process specifications, procedures and drawing information in relation to the job card element / task?
Person to explain / show / obtain copy of sampled drawing and specification / procedure.
12. Does the certification holder demonstrate they have an understanding of the section of work they are undertaking?
With reference to drawing sampled, person to demonstrate how it relates to task.
With reference to specification / procedure sampled, person to demonstrate how it relates to task.
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Take photo (if required) :
13. Is calibration equipment being used?
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Sample calibration equipment being used :
Calibration Equipment
Serial number
Next calibration date
14. Is the above calibrated equipment recorded above, being used within time scales?
Calibrated equipment should have a date on it when the next week it is due calibration, valid until the end of the week.
15. Is the person's work area tidy, clear of FOD, paint, sealant and ags within date?
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Tap to enter information
Certification holder's signature
Auditor's signature