Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Document number
Health, Safety & Environmental Inspection/ Behavioural Observations
Section 1: General Health & Safety
1.0) Are the walkways clear?
1.1) Have the Engineers & Contractors in the area wearing red jackets and got a permit to work?
1.2) All Mandatory signage present & in good condition in the area?
1.3) Is GMP being observed in area?
Section 2: Machinery
2.0) Are pre start checks completed on the machinery being observed?
2.1) Check 2 Machine safety switches/ interlocks (working / undamaged)
2.2)Are bolts missing from the guards of (check 2 machines)
2.3) Are guards in good condition on (check 2 machines)
2.4) Check operation of 2 E- Stops
2.5) Does the machinery display safety signs? (i.e. Cut risk)
2.6) Is the pre start check completed reflective of the state of the machine?
Section 3: Electrical
3.0) Are there holes in any panels? (check 2 machines)
3.1) Are any of the padlocks missing off any panels? (check 2 machines)
3.2) Are any wires/ cable exposed?
3.3) Are Isolators intact on any machines/ panels?
Section 4: COSHH
4.1) Are chemicals clearly labelled? (are point of use chemical displaying a sign)
4.2) Are the chemicals chained up?
4.3) Is there evidence of any chemical leakage/ spillage?
4.4) Are operatives wearing the prescribed PPE?
Section 5: Emergency Aids
5.0) Are any spill kits tags still in place?
5.1) Is the fire equipment blocked? i.e. fire extinguishers, call points
5.2) Are the emergency escape routes clear?
Section 6: Behavioral Observations
6.0) have you observed any horse play?
6.1) Are Employees/ agency/ contractors putting themselves and others at risk?
6.2) Have you engaged in a conversation with an operative?
6.3) Brief summary of discussion
Section 7: PPE
7.0) Is hearing protection being worn in mandatory hearing protection areas?
7.1) Are protective gloves being worn in line with the SOP/ SSOW and risk assessment?
7.2) Is protective footwear being worn in Mandatory foot protection areas?
7.3) Have the wellies in the changing room areas got sufficient tread?
Section 8: Work at Height
8.0) Are mobile steps tagged?
8.1) Are mobile steps being used on even ground?
8.2) Do any of the gantries have defective steps?
8.3) Do any of the gantries have defective handrails or missing handrails?
Section 9: Environmental
9.0) Is waste being segregated? (i.e. Food, cardboard, plastic, paper and general)
9.1) Is machinery running whilst not in use?
9.2) Is the lighting sufficient?