Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the Site Specific Site Plan which is Sufficient?
Is the Health and Safety Law poster displayed and filled in currectly
Is there a statutory Safety Notice board displayed with the relevant documentation i.e Health & Safety Policy, Insurances etc
Is the site signage sufficient and correct
Is there a Site Rules signage located at the entrance to the compound
Is there clear Vehicle / Pedestrian segregation and walking routes within the compound
Are all walkways adequately illuminated
Is the compound fenced off and secured correctly?
Are there any live overhead services within the confines of the Compound that could be struck by vehicles/Plant or equipment and is there sufficient control measures in place?
Are all materials and equipment stored correctly?
Has the compound have sufficient lighting?
Is the appropriate PPE being worn in the compound?
Is there an identified Quarantine area?
Temporary Works - Have all temporary works been designed by a competent temporary works professional?
Is the house keeping of a good standard?
Are all plant stored carrying on site?
First Aid
Is there sufficient First Aid arrangements at the compound?
Are there adequate First Aiders on site?
Are eye wash stations available? If so are all bottles within their expiry date?
Have the First Aid Kits been regularly checked?
Fire and Emergency
Has a fire risk assessment for the compound been completed within 12 months?
Is there an evacuation procedure for the site with clear signage to the assembly point?
Are there sufficient Fire Extinguishers located in appropriate areas?
Do all the Fire Extinguishers have an in-date service date and are regularly checked?
Are there a sufficient means of raising the alarm on-site?
Are all flammable materials stored currently and away from ignition sources?
Is there a defined area for refuelling with the necessary control measures in place?
Are gas bottles/compressed air cylinders stored correctly
Welfare Arrangements
Are there adequate toilet facilities on the compound, are they clean and tidy with sufficient consumables?
Is there sufficient drinking water available on site?
Is there a means available to boil water and make beverages
Is there a substance inventory with the appropriate COSHH sheets available?
Is there sufficient seating available for the number of staff at the compound?
Is the Canteen and eating area clean and tidy?
Is there a drying room available, working and sufficient for the number of staff?
Is there a means to heat food avaible
Are waste transfer notes available for all non-hazardous waste streams that are identified?
Have all fuel/oil/chemical tanks over 200 litres been identified and adequately bunded and labelled?
Are sufficient Spill Kits available and the correct type for the fluids on-site?
Are all lights for the compound correctly facing, to stop lighting overspill to neighbours?
Are all electrical certificates completed and in date?
Are there any signs of contamination in the compound i.e. from re-fuelling or fuel storage?
Are all waste streams securely stored in appropriate containers and segregated?