Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Restrictions, Limitations, and Liabilities

  • Please be aware that once you have read this page you will be asked to acknowledge that you have read it. If there is anything on this page or any of the pages herein that you do not understand please ask for clarifications BEFORE you acknowledge.

    Please be aware that the inspector is only liable to do a VISUAL inspection of the said property and that he/she cannot be held liable for things that might appear after the house is occupied, nor can he/she be held liable for areas that are restricted by refusal of access, or by obstructions. The inspector is not hired to move furniture, or boxes and the like in order to conduct the inspection. The inspector and all parties related to this inspection are aware that we are conducting a visual inspection on a home or property that may be owned by another party other than the parties described herein and therefore are subject to the authority of the actual and real owner of the property stated herein.

    It is understood that all areas of the property, subject to the owner's approval, will be visually inspected and described within the pages of this report and areas that are not described herein are not to be inspected and will not form part of the inspection.

    It is further understood that all exterior areas of the property will be inspected as described subject to weather conditions and such weather conditions will be noted within these pages.

    Regarding the part of the foundation, crawl space, or any other areas that are below ground level, it is obvious that these areas are not possible to be visually inspected. Unless it is apparent by the above ground portion of these areas that there appears to be a problem it is impossible to tell what condition they are in. Further to this it therefore also becomes difficult to state whether or not these areas will leak in the near future.

    Areas that are covered, such as wall cavities, are an area that cannot be visually inspected. Any areas that cannot be visually inspected in part or in whole will not be construed as pat of this inspection.

    The visual inspection is intended to strictly inform the client as to the possibilities of repairs they may or may not encounter once possession has taken place. This inspections and report is intended to familiarize and educate the client with this property and is only a guideline as to the repairs that might be encountered.

    The inspection, report and inspector are subject to what, if anything may be discovered during the inspection and is strictly based on the date of the inspection. None of the parties attached hereto can be held liable for any disclosures which may arise after the date of the inspection.

    The client would be well advised that once the report is delivered, the client should take the time to carefully read over the report and if at that time the client feels the need to have anything contained within this report explained further, that the client contacts this office and or inspector.

    The client must notify Alpha Certified Property Inspections, LLC within 24 hours if any problem arises due to the inspection. Any dispute, controversy, interpretation or claim including claims for but not limited to, breach of contract, any form of negligence, fraud or misrepresentation arising out of, from or related to, this contract or arising out of, from or related to the inspection or inspection report shall be submitted to final and binding arbitration under the rules and procedures of the expedited arbitration of home inspection disputes of Construction Arbitration Services, Inc.. The companies liability, including that of the home inspector if he has any, for any loss or damages claimed or suffered by the client(s) which related to or arises out of the inspector or other services provided the client(s) at any time, is limited to the amount for the inspection. If the client should have a complaint against the "Inspector" about a significant defect ($1,500.00 or greater), prior to any alteration, repair or replacement, the Client shall provide reasonable notice to and permit inspection of the condition(s) that gave rise to the complaint by the "Inspector". Client also agrees that no action to recover damages can be brought more than one year after the date of this inspection, time being of the essence.

  • Signature:

  • Date:

General Limitations:

  • We cannot visually inspect the interior of any covered walls, floors, or ceilings. We do not disassemble equipment, move boxes, or furniture or lift up carpet, area rugs, etc..unless specified within this report we don not inspect septic tanks, wells, appliances, heat exchangers, wood stoves, fireplaces, heating appliances, interior of chimney flues, central vacuum systems, air-conditioners, intercom systems, underground water, waste, or drainage lines, U.F.F.I., asbestos containing materials, marine items and the like. We can only report on items that can be inspected visually and only at the will of the property owner.

Terms and Definitions

  • 1: Functional

    As used in the report, functional simply means that during the time of the inspection the item described was working. However, it might be nearing its life expectancy and therefore this item could fail at any time.

    2: Minor Repair

    As used in this report, minor repair is deemed to mean that the cost of the repair should be under $1,500.00 and should be completed within the first year.

    3: Maintenance

    As used in this report, maintenance simply means that this item should be monitored and some small form of repair might be required or that this item will require normal maintenance periodically. If this is to be considered a small repair this cost should be under $1,000.00.

    4: Major Repair

    As used in this report, a major repair could start at $1,500.00 and go up from there. You should be cautioned that this type of repair should be conducted and inspected by a qualified person skilled in the field on this type of repair and you should request that written quotations be delivered to you.

    We further caution you that this inspection, will never state that a house "passes or fails". This inspection report is simply a tool and method of helping the client understand the property that they might be purchasing. This is only a guide and is NOT a home or property audit. The terms mentioned above are strictly used as a guideline and are subject to the inspectors discretion.

    After each section in this report there is an area for comments. This area is reserved for comments with respect to repairs relating to the section above and will be filled in only if required, and solely at the inspector's discretion.

    Once the property has been inspected, the inspector will go through the report with you and be pleases to answer any of your questions and address any of your concerns.

    This report is non-transferable to any other parties as it would not properly convey the information provided within.

    The information provided within this report is of a confidential nature and will not be disclosed by any party in part or in whole, without written permission of the client whose name is affixed to these documents.

    The purpose of this report is to educate the client with respect to the overall general condition of this property. Every effort has been made by the inspector to accurately (Visually) inspect this property and compile the practical information within this report for the purpose of which it is intended. No claim or warranty is expressed or given that all problems have been found within this property during the inspection.

Weather Conditions and General Limitations

Present at Inspections

  • Client

  • Client's Agent

  • Seller's Agent

  • Seller


  • Amount

Type of Structure

  • Single-Family

  • Multiple-Family

  • Commercial


  • Winter

  • Spring

  • Summer

  • Fall


  • Conditions

Type of Inspection

  • Structural

  • Pest

  • Radon

  • Well Water Flow

  • Water Bacteria

Areas Not Accessible


Outdoor temperature was:

  • Too high to sufficiently inspect heating system

  • Too low to sufficiently inspect the cooling system


Roofing Material

  • Estimated Age:

  • Asphalt Shingles

  • Slate

  • Metal

  • Rolled Roofing

  • Other

  • Notes:


  • Edge Flashing

  • Wall Flashing

  • Pipe Flashing

  • Drains

  • Other

  • Notes:


  • Gable End Vents

  • Power Vent

  • Roof Vent

  • Soffit Vent

  • Ridge Vent

  • Notes:


  • Brick

  • Block

  • Mortar

  • Stainless

  • Notes:

Electrical Service

  • Mast

  • Brackets

  • Conduit

  • Point of Attachement

  • Drip Loops

  • Clearances

  • Meters / Seals

  • Notes:

Main Foundation

  • Full

  • Crawl Space

  • Poured Concrete

  • Standard Block

  • Other

  • Notes:

Wall Cladding

  • Brick

  • Stone

  • Wood

  • Vinyl

  • Aluminum

  • Notes:

Prime Doors

  • Wood

  • Insulated Steel

  • Other

  • Weather-Stripping

  • Threshold

  • Notes:


  • Pavement

  • Gravel

  • Other

  • Notes:


  • Grade / Slope

  • Downspouts

  • Kicks

  • Notes:


  • Floor Joists

  • Stair Stringers

  • Ledger Board

  • Decking

  • Railings

  • Notes:

Air Conditioning Condenser and Components

  • Season Inspected

  • Grade Level

  • Casing & Grill

  • Fans & Fins

  • Connections

  • Supply Lines

  • Return Lines

  • Insulation

  • Serial Number

  • Notes:


  • Attached

  • Un-Attached

Garage Foundation

  • Slab on Grade

  • Poured Concrete

  • Block Foundation

  • Concrete Floor

  • Other

  • Notes:

Garage Exterior Cladding

  • Brick

  • Wood

  • Vinyl

  • Aluminum

  • Other

  • Notes:

Garage Roofing

  • Asphalt Shingles

  • Slate

  • Metal

  • Rolled Roofing

  • Other

  • Notes:

Garage Windows

  • Wood

  • Vinyl

  • Aluminum

  • Other

  • Notes:

Garage Overhead Door

  • Cable & Springs

  • Rollers

  • Infrared Photo Eye

  • Door Opener

  • Notes:

Garage Pedestrian Door

  • Metal

  • Wood

  • Door should have an automatic door closure to help prevent C/O infiltration and function as a fire separation barrier.

Additional Notes

  • Repairs could Exceed $1,500.00

  • Recommend a quote from a qualified contractor


Attic Access

  • Type of Access:

  • Other

Attic Venting & Insulation

  • Batted or Un-Batted Insulation

  • Sprayed Insulation

  • Other

  • Roof Vents

  • Ridge Vent

  • Soffit Vent

  • Gable End Vents

Roof Sheeting

  • Roof Boards

  • Strand Boards (OSB)

  • Plywood

  • Other

  • Was attic dry and free of moisture at time of inspection?

  • Was there any evidence of rodents in attic at time of inspection?

  • Notes

Interior Rooms

  • Heating & Cooling

  • Walls

  • Flooring

  • Ceilings

  • Doors / Windows

  • Light Fixtures

  • Light Switches

  • Receptacles

  • Some cosmetic repair including patching and / or painting needed at walls, ceiling, or trim.

  • Some minor floor repair needed.

  • Notes:


  • Sink and Faucets

  • Sprayer and Hose

  • Supply Lines

  • Shut-Offs

  • Drain Lines

  • Heating & Cooling

  • Walls

  • Flooring

  • Ceilings

  • Doors / Windows

  • Light Fixtures

  • Light Switches

  • Receptacles

  • Some cosmetic repair including patching and / or painting needed at walls, ceiling, or trim.

  • Some minor floor repair needed.

  • Notes:

  • Repairs could exceed $1,500.00

  • Recommend quote from a qualified contractor


Bathroom 1

  • Bathroom Location

  • Heating & Cooling

  • Flooring

  • Walls & Ceiling

  • Doors & Windows

  • Vanity

  • Counter Top & Sink

  • Sink Faucets & Drains

  • Supply Lines

  • Light Fixtures

  • Light Switches

  • Exhaust Fan

  • G.F.C.I. & Receptacles

  • Tub / Shower Surround

  • Tub / Shower Faucets

  • Shower Head / Spout

  • Drain & Overflow

  • Toilet Tank / Bowl

  • Toilet Supply Line / Shut-Off

  • Toilet Anchor Bolts

  • Notes:

Bathroom 2

  • Bathroom Location

  • Heating & Cooling

  • Flooring

  • Walls & Ceiling

  • Doors & Windows

  • Vanity

  • Counter Top & Sink

  • Sink Faucets & Drains

  • Supply Lines

  • Light Fixtures

  • Light Switches

  • Exhaust Fan

  • G.F.C.I. & Receptacles

  • Tub / Shower Surround

  • Tub / Shower Faucets

  • Shower Head / Spout

  • Drain & Overflow

  • Toilet Tank / Bowl

  • Toilet Supply Line / Shut-Off

  • Toilet Anchor Bolts

  • Notes:

Bathroom 3

  • Bathroom Location

  • Heating & Cooling

  • Flooring

  • Walls & Ceiling

  • Doors & Windows

  • Vanity

  • Counter Top & Sink

  • Sink Faucets & Drains

  • Supply Lines

  • Light Fixtures

  • Light Switches

  • Exhaust Fan

  • G.F.C.I. & Receptacles

  • Tub / Shower Surround

  • Tub / Shower Faucets

  • Shower Head / Spout

  • Drain & Overflow

  • Toilet Tank / Bowl

  • Toilet Supply Line / Shut-Off

  • Toilet Anchor Bolts

  • Notes:

Bathroom 4

  • Bathroom Location

  • Heating & Cooling

  • Flooring

  • Walls & Ceiling

  • Doors & Windows

  • Vanity

  • Counter Top & Sink

  • Sink Faucets & Drains

  • Supply Lines

  • Light Fixtures

  • Light Switches

  • Exhaust Fan

  • G.F.C.I. & Receptacles

  • Tub / Shower Surround

  • Tub / Shower Faucets

  • Shower Head / Spout

  • Drain & Overflow

  • Toilet Tank / Bowl

  • Toilet Supply Line / Shut-Off

  • Toilet Anchor Bolts

  • Notes:

Laundry Area

  • Laundry Area Location

  • Walls

  • Flooring

  • Ceiling

  • Light Fixtures

  • Light Switches

  • Receptacles

  • Supply Lines

  • Drain Line

  • Vent

  • Laundry Sink Faucets (if applicable)

  • Laundry Sink Drain Line (if applicable)

  • Notes:

  • Repairs could exceed $1,500.00

  • Recommend a quote from a qualified contractor


Basement Structure

  • Finished Basement

  • Un-Finished Basement

  • Foundation Walls

  • Sill Plate & Floor Joists

  • Main Beam

  • Pillars & Posts

  • Windows

  • Light Fixtures

  • Light Switches

  • Receptacles

  • Floor Drain

  • Sump Pump / Pump Pit

  • Footing Drainage

  • Notes


  • Type of System

  • Estimated Age of System

  • Serial Number

  • B.T.U.

  • Burner

  • Controls & Filters

  • Power Shut-Off

  • Exhaust Vent

  • Oil Tank (If Applicable)

  • Thermostat

  • Did Heating / Cooling System run at the time of the inspection?

  • Did I receive heat / AC at all supplies, registers, or radiators?

  • Was there moisture or rust found inside of unit?

  • I recommend the heating / cooling systems be serviced yearly as a preventive maintenance.

  • Notes

  • Repairs could exceed $1,500.00

  • I recommend a quote from a qualified contractor


Water Supply

  • Municipal

  • Private

  • Meter

  • Electric ground

  • Shut-Off Valve

Supply Line

  • Galvanized

  • Lead

  • Copper


  • Municipal

  • Septic System

  • Septic Inspected by Others

Drain Line

  • Cast Iron

  • Lead

  • Copper

  • P.V.C.

Hot Water Tank

  • Estimated Age

  • Tank or Instantaneous

  • Energy Source

  • Tank Capacity

  • Manufacturer

  • Did I receive hot water at all fixtures?


  • Pump Age

  • Well Water Pressure - Gallons Per Minute

  • Length of Water Flow Test

  • Notes

  • Repairs could exceed $1,500.00

  • I recommend a quote from a qualified contractor

Electrical Panel


  • Amperage

  • Main Conductors

  • Main Entrance

  • Main Shut-Off

  • Panel Box

  • Branch Wiring

  • Ground Cable

  • Sub-Panel Box

  • Location

  • Was there rust or moisture inside panel box?

  • Are there any "Double Fed" breakers?

  • Notes

  • Repairs could exceed $1,500.00

  • I recommend a qualified contractor assess and repair as needed

Pest Inspection

  • Was a Pest Inspection conducted?

  • Was Seller's Disclosure Statement received?

Scope of Inspection

  • This report documents the results and scope of an inspection of the above address for the presence of termites. This report does not include identification of microorganism so. This report is made on the basis of a visual inspection of areas which were accessible to the inspector at the time of the inspection. As to such areas which were obstructed, enclosed, or concealed from the view of the inspector, or any area of the structure for which inspection may result in damage, removal or defacement of part of the existing structure, this report does not, and should not be construed to present any finding and/or opinion as to the presence or absence of termites or other wood destroying insects. Areas that were obstructed, enclosed or concealed may include the following: fixed ceilings, spaces between double walls, stored articles of personal; property, hidden joists or rafters, under and behind floor and wall coverings, floor and wall cabinets, furniture, and appliances, including crawl spaces of less than 24" from the bottom of the floor joist to the surface below. The PCO should list in the Report of Findings, those obstructed, enclosed or concealed areas in which no inspection be could be conducted.

    The inspection report is not and should not be construed as:
    (A) Constituting a guarantee or warrantee (implied or expressed) as to the absence of wood destroying insects in the inspected structure or
    (B) presenting any opinion as to the structural integrity of the building due to wood destroying insect infestation, or the necessity or cost of repair. If visible damage to the structure(s) is noted below, further investigation by a qualified professional contractor or engineering persons may be warranted; or
    (C) Constituting a finding and/or opinion as to the potential for subsequent infestation as to accessible or inaccessible areas.

    The information contained in this report is considered to be reliable for not more than fifteen (15) days subsequent to the date of the inspection. This report shall not be assigned, sold, or otherwise transferred to third persons without the express written consent of Alpha Certified Property Inspections, LLC (ACPILLC) noted above.

    Neither ACPILLC nor the inspector shall be liable or responsible for damages due to subsequent infestation in and to areas of the building or property inspected UNLESS the presence of wood destroying insects in such areas was visible to the inspector at the time of inspection.

    Other than for inspection purposes, neither ACPILLC nor the inspector has now, or contemplates having, any financial ownership or possessory interest in the property inspected. Neither ACPILLC nor the inspector is associated with any party to a transaction involving the transfer of an interest in the property.

    If available, the Seller's Disclosure Statement should be supplied prior to this report.

Report Findings

  • General Description of property inspected:

  • Were any areas of the property obstructed, enclosed, or otherwise concealed from inspection?

  • If yes, describe those areas and state reasons any accessible areas were not inspected:

  • Was visible evidence of wood destroying insect infestation observed at time of inspection?

  • If yes, describe location:

  • Due to the nature of wood destroying insects it may not be possible to determine conclusively whether or not said insects are present simply based on visible evidence of infestation. Destructive testing or damage to the premises may be necessary to detect infestations.

  • Is further action for control of dry wood and/or subterranean insects recommended?

  • Additional Comments:

  • Contact qualified contractor for further testing or treatment.

  • Inspectors Signature:

  • Client Signature:

  • Date and Time:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.