Title Page
IT Quarterly Survey for IT Technology
Purpose: Establish Technology Stability for our end users by collecting first-hand feedback from different stakeholders, departments, and end users to get insights and formulate necessary improvement plans.
Customer Name (Optional)
Survey Date and Time
Have you had system issues in the past 30 days?
If Yes, please indicate what Software/Hardware/Application is this?
How would you rate our current technology?
What tools/system are complex for you to use?
Which technology tools do you use most frequently in your job?
Please suggest three ways to improve our technology and service in the workplace.
OTHERS: Improvements and Suggestions.
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your last service experience?
How responsive have we been to your questions or concerns about our equipment and services?
Overall, How would you rate IT Service?
Quality of work
Timeliness/Speed of work completed
Quality of service
How could we improve our service to you?
Do you have any comments, questions or concerns?
Full Name and Signature of Customer (Optional)