Title Page

  • Animal Microchip Number

  • date/time found

  • Location Found
  • Officer

  • CSR/event No.

Animal Details

  • Photo of animal

  • Animal Type

  • Breed

  • Colour

  • Gender

  • Animal Name

  • Is the Whitehorse Registration Current?

  • Whitehorse Registration Number

  • Is the animal registered at another Council?

  • Other Council registration details (Council, REG Number, Expiry etc)

  • Has the Other Council registration been cleared with other Council by phone?

  • Why was the animal not contained?

Owner's details

  • Name

  • Phone Number

  • Details of ID sighted for return of animal

  • Gender

  • Address

For new registrations

  • Is this address the same as where the animal resides?

  • How long at this address?

  • Reason stated for animal not being registered.

  • Has owner applied for registration during hand over process

  • If new registration, does the owner have a desexed certificate?

  • Are there any other non-registered animals?

  • Notes regarding other animals

Animal Return signed by owner

  • The animal owner as determined by the Domestic Animals Act 1994 as being the owner or the person looking after the animal at the time, who's details have been collected with the return of the animal has been made aware that Council registration is a legal requirement of dog/cat ownership and may face fines for any animal returned after being found wandering; and that fines may also be issued for dogs being at large or cats being out during curfew.

  • Person being returned the animal is

  • Animal owner as stated above, or the person collecting on behalf of the owner, agrees that the details collected are true and correct.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.