Document No.
Inspecting Unit Details:
Prepared by
Conducted on
Unit Details
Audit Title:
Client / Site:
SIte Address:
Unit Point of Contact:
A. Electronic Defence Explosive Ordnance Publication (eDEOP) 101
B. Electronic Supply Chain Manual (ESCM)
C. Previous Unit Annual Ordnance Inspection Report (enter details here)
D. Manual of Fire Protection Engineering (MFPE)
E. Defence Security Principles Framework (DSPF)
The ability to permanently store explosive ordnance (EO), which for the purposes of this procedure includes non-explosive dangerous goods and non-explosive associated components, at units, whether on land or at sea on maritime platforms, provides an increased degree of operational readiness and flexibility in training. Consequently, formal periodical inspections of EO holdings are conducted to ensure that EO on hand is both serviceable for use and stored safely. These inspections are to be known as Explosive Ordnance Monitoring Audits. Un-scheduled visits are also used to support units in the management and upkeep of their EO holdings.
The object of monitoring audits is to ensure that functional processes are evident to show that EO regulations and procedures have been implemented, Defence Group EO safety practices are effective and that the Heads of Defence Groups are advised of EO safety levels within their organisation. This is achieved by a combination of audit, inspections of EO facilities and EO holdings.
Pre-Audit Correspondence
Pre-audit/inspection correspondence, either electronic or hard copy, is to be raised as follows:
A. Where DEOS (EOMA) or combined DEOS (EOMA)/REOS audits/inspections have been scheduled, DEOS (EOMA) is to prepare all pre-audit/inspection correspondence and provide copies to REOS.
B. Where REOS audits/inspections, range practice visits and liaison visits are scheduled, REOS is to prepare all pre-audit/inspection and visit correspondence with information copies provided to DDEOMA. -
REOS is to formally advise DDEOMA when a scheduled audit/inspection is either rescheduled or cancelled and the reasons for the change.<br><br>Is there a request to change the inspection?
Revised date of inspection if applicable:
1. Previous Inspection
1.1. Date of Previous Inspection
1.2. Result of previous audit
1.3. Has the last inspection been reviewed?
1.4. Were there any CARs issued during the last inspection
1.4.1. Number of CARS issued
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
1.4.2. Have all Corrective Actions Reports from previous inspection been auctioned as required?
1.4.3 Critical item remarks required:
2. Documentation
2.1. Does client have access to eDEOP 101?
Direct the client to the correct web page on the intranet and bookmark it in their favourites.
2.2. Does client have access to ESCM?<br><br>This is the main EO Accounting publication used by Defence. Vol 4 Sec 8 Chap 1 deals with Management and Accounting for Explosive Ordnance and associated Produce. Vol 11 contains Service Supplements for Army which replaced ALIPOL 6-15
Direct the client to the correct web page on the intranet and bookmark it in their favourites.
2.3. Does client have access to DEOP 101 Department of Defence Explosives Regulations?<br><br>This is the main Defence EO publication which lists the associated components, packaging and hazard classification data of all EO held in the ADO inventory.<br><br>Units are to use this document when planning EO storage and movement operations and when completing DG paperwork such as AB788- Shippers Declarations.
Direct the client to the correct web page on the intranet and bookmark it in their favourites.
2.4. Does client have access to EORMs /Ammunition Constraints & Signals IAW DEOP 101 Reg 1.5 Pro 3? <br><br>No matter how small the holdings or usage of EO may be, unit EO Custodians/Managers are to raise and maintain an Ammunition Constraint Register which contains all current EO Constraints, Restrictions and Suspensions as well as life variations of EO. Failure to so could have serious EO safety consequences.
Direct the client to the correct web page on the intranet and bookmark it in their favourites.
2.5. Does client have access to Defence Security Principles Framework (DSPF)?<br><br>Details roles and responsibilities of Unit security Officer and Security and reporting requirements for management of Unit EO stocks.
2.5.1. Can they locate within the DSPF Control 79.1 EO Security?
2.5.2. Can they locate within the DSPF Control 81.1 Escorting Security Protected or Classified Assets?
Direct the client to the correct web page on the intranet and bookmark it in their favourites.
2.6. Does the client have access to the ESTC Pam 7 - A Guide to the Transport of Defence Explosives by Road and Rail?<br><br>The ESTC Pam 7 is a booklet that has been produced as a quick reference guide to the understanding and application of the rules and regulations governing the transport of Dangerous Goods Class 1 - Explosives by road. It must not be regarded under any circumstances as a substitute for the rules and regulations. This booklet is designed for use by Defence personnel involved with all facets of transporting Defence EO by road.
Direct the client to the correct web page on the intranet and bookmark it in their favourites.
2.7. Does client have access to the current EO User Guide for their region?<br><br>Unit User Guide for personnel involved with Management and TPT of Unit EO.
Direct the client to the correct web page on the intranet and bookmark it in their favourites.
Were any questions in the section of the inspection recorded as no?
Minor item remarks required:
3. Check List Of Mandatory Unit Eo Management Appointments/Security Procedures And Miscellaneous Authorisations
3.1. EO Storage Facility Authorisation Folder 1. <br><br>Each establishment or unit holding EO is to maintain an EO Facility Authorisation Register. <br><br>This register is to consist of a folder(s) containing the following:
a. A list of all EO facilities under the responsibility of the establishment or unit.
i. Indicating the facility number and / or desigantion and
ii. The use for which each facility is licensed
b. The approved current ELL for each facility.
c. A current copy of the establishments Safeguarding Map(s) or reference to where it is held. (not applicable to SQF)
d. The original of the form EO 077 – Authorised Use and Explosives Content of an Explosives Facility (applicable only to SQFs).
3.1.1 Critical item remarks required:
3.2. Is there a Explosive Ordnance Facility Inspection Register(s) IAW eDEOP 101 Sect 1 Regulation 1.4 Para 4.17 & eDEOP 101 Sect 1 Regulation 1.4 Procedure 2?<br><br>All establishments with licensed EO facilities are to maintain an EO Facility Inspection Register(s) that consists of the following:
a. A loose leaf binder/cover.
b. Form EO 080 Explosive Ordnance Facility Inspection Record.
c. Form EO 082 Explosive Ordnance Facility Inspection Record – Hardstand Area. (if applicable)
3.2.1 Critical item remarks required:
3.3. Is there a Form EO 080 Explosive Ordnance Facility Inspection Record IAW eDEOP 101 Sect 1 Regulation 1.4 Procedure 4 Para 4.4 - EO 080
3.3.1 Are the Internal audits and inspections as well as recording of the results of those audits carried out, at least monthly, by competent personnel who are formally designated by the OIC.
3.3.2 Are Fire Drills Being Conducted and Notated in EO 080?
3.3.3 Are Alarm Tests Being Conducted and Notated in EO 080?
3.3.4 Is the EO 080 being presented to the OIC for signature every three months?
3.3.5 Critical item remarks required:
3.4 Is there a Form EO 082 Explosive Ordnance Facility Inspection Record – Hardstand Area IAW eDEOP 101 Sect 1 Regulation 1.4 Procedure 2<br> <br>(not Required for SQF)
3.4.1 Are the Internal audits and inspections as well as recording of the results of those audits carried out, at least monthly, by competent personnel who are formally designated by the OIC.
3.4.2 Are Fire Drills Being Conducted and Notated in EO 082?
3.4.3 Is the EO 082 being presented to the OIC for signature every three months?
3.4.1 Critical item remarks required:
3.5 Is there a Form EO 081 Explosive Ordnance Facility Temperature and Humidity Record. <br><br>(not Required for SQF)
3.5.1 Critical item remarks required:
4. Unit Standing Orders (USO)
4.1 Does USO indicate that SQF are to be managed and operated IAW eDEOP 101 Sect 4 Regulation 4.4 Procedure 13..
4.1.1 Critical item remarks required:
4.2 Does USO indicate local EO procedures covering emergency control and EO incident reporting IAW eDEOP 101 Sect 1 Regulation 1.3 Procedure 1 para 1.1?<br><br>Unit Standing Orders are to detail the procedural requirements for the Initial Response and Reporting of all Explosive Ordnance (EO) Incidents and is applicable to all Defence Personnel and contractors.<br>
4.2.1 Critical item remarks required:
4.3 Does USO indicate EO Defect and incident reporting IAW eDEOP 101 Sect 1 Regulation 1.3 Procedure 1 para 1.19 (EO016)?<br><br>All other EO Incidents (i.e. defects, malfunctions and unsatisfactory materiel) are to be reported by the Unit OIC to: <br><br>a. The appropriate level of command within the respective Defence Group or Service, in accordance with Group or Service-specific reporting requirements and relevant Defence Policy; and <br><br>b. The appropriate Regional JLU - EO Services AND the JLC - EOIAC by completing and submitting an EO 016 (EO Incident Report) form in accordance with the timeframes detailed at Annex C. <br><br>EO Incidents can also be initially reported via message form (refer Annex D) and followed up with an EO 016
4.3.1 Critical item remarks required:
4.4 Does USO indicate Responsibilities of Officers–In Charge (OIC) IAW eDEOP101 Preliminary Pages - Roles and Responsibilities Para 1.70 & ESCM V04S08C01 Para 6 & <br><br>DSPF <br> In addition to the duties and responsibilities inherent in their positions, OIC of establishments/units or specific EO activities, are responsible for: <br><br>a. explosives safety on their establishment, unit, fighting platform or during any activities for which they have command responsibility; <br><br>b. ensuring the qualification and authorisation of personnel under their command who perform or supervise EO operations; <br><br>c. requiring personnel of other agencies, including contractors, while on the facility under their command, to conduct their activities in accordance with established safety requirements; <br><br>d. enforcing the mandatory requirements of these instructions and be guided by the advisory provisions; and <br><br>e. initiating those directives and inspections necessary to effect compliance with these instructions.
4.4.1 Critical item remarks required:
4.5 Does the unit Maintain a Security register IAW DSPF Control 79.1 Para 41 Sub Para (f)?<br><br>Defence personnel and external service providers with specific duties associated with EO (eg storage, transportation, issue and disposal) are briefed on their individual security responsibilities on appointment and thereafter at least every 12 months, that briefings are recorded in the Security Register and that security responsibilities are documented in duty statements and performance agreements.
4.5.1 Critical item remarks required:
4.6 Does USO indicate Duties and Responsibilities of the SQF Manager IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.4 Procedure 1 ?
4.6.1 Critical item remarks required:
4.7 Does USO indicate Duties and Responsibilities of the Unit Security Officer IAW DSPF Control 79.1 Para 45?<br><br>Unit Standing Orders are to include procedures for the management of EO security.
4.7.1 Critical item remarks required:
5. Unit Routine Orders (RO)
5.1 Is there an appointing an appropriately qualified and responsible person (Authorised by OIC ) to manage SQF IAW eDEOP 101 Sect 4 Regulation 4.4 Procedure 13 para 13.30 ?<br>SQF are to be in the charge of an appropriately qualified and responsible person who is to ensure the safe custody of the EO at all times. SQF are to be operated IAW eDEOP 101 <br>Sect 4 Regulation 4.4 Procedure 13 para 13.30. This list is in no way exhaustive and the instructions in Regulation 4.4 Procedure 2 for the operation of EO storehouses in designated EO storage areas also apply where applicable.
5.1.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.2 Is there appoint selected members of the unit to have access to the unit EO Storage Facility/s. IAW DSPF Control 79.1 Paras 7 - 8?<br><br>Unit OIC are to approve and appoint selected members of the unit to have access to the unit EO Storage Facility/s. <br><br>7. Theft by a trusted insider represents a significant security risk. For this reason unaccompanied access to licensed EO facilities, excluding EO laboratories, must not occur under any circumstances. In the case of an EO laboratory, unaccompanied access to the laboratory at times when EO is present must be risk managed.<br><br>8. An authorised individual, who is named in the Security Register, must be present at all times when EO is accessed from a licensed EO facility.
5.2.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.3 Is there appointments of persons to examine and certify emptied EO packages Free from Explosives (FFE) IAW eDEOP 101 Sect 2 Regulation 2.3 Procedure 5 para 5.4?<br><br>Officers-in-Charge and Commanding Officers are to appoint and authorise persons in writing to examine and certify emptied EO packages Free from Explosives (FFE). Such appointments and authorisations are to be recorded in a local register. Registers are to be retained for a minimum of 25 years.
5.3.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.4 Is there appointments of persons to examine certify functioned EO as being FFE IAW eDEOP 101 Sec 2 Reg 2.3 Proc 6 para 6.4?<br><br>Officers-in-Charge and Commanding Officers are to appoint and authorise persons in writing to examine and certify functioned EO as being FFE. A local register of such appointments/authorisations is to be retained for a minimum of 25 years.
5.4.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.5 Is there appointments of persons to Certify Free- From- Misfire of unfired ammunition for EO return documentation IAW ASCS Vol 4 Sect 8 Chap 1 Para 48)?<br><br>Such appointments and authorisations are to be recorded in a local register. Registers are to be retained for a minimum of 25 years.
5.5.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.6 Is there appointments of Supervisor for The Handling of Unit Ammunition IAW DEOP 101 Reg 3.1 Pro 1 Para 1,63 (a)?<br><br>Appointment of supervisors. <br>The appointment of a supervisor for the handling of EO by an ‘authorised person’ was a requirement of the now repealed Regulations, but is not a requirement of the ETR. Nonetheless, the AE Code requires the supervisory function to be performed by the consignor. This may involve one person supervising all aspects of EO handling, or alternatively different personnel to supervise different aspects of EO handling, eg one person to supervise the loading, unloading, stacking and storing while another person supervises the transport of the EO. Supervisors for all aspects of handling are now to be appointed and authorised in writing by the person’s Officer - in - Charge or Commanding Officer. Such appointments and authorisations are to be recorded in a local register. Registers are to be retained for a minimum of 25 years.
5.6.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.7 Is there appointments of Authorised to sign SQ 79 Order to Draw Ammunition IAW ASCS V04S08C01 para 29 ?<br><br>In order to enact the transfer of Explosive Ordnance (EO) natures the Unit Commander (CO) or his appointed delegate/s are to authorise and authenticate the bearer of the Order to Draw Explosive Ordnance (SQ79). This duty may be delegated to either the Unit Operations Officer (OPSO) or Unit Manager (Quartermaster).<br>Such appointments and authorisations are to be recorded in a local register. Registers are to be retained for a minimum of 25 years.
5.7.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.8 Is there appointments of Members authorised as Ammunition Escorts IAW DSPF Control 81.1 Paras 15 -16, Control 79.1 Para 43 (b)?<br><br>Commanders, managers and external service providers are responsible for protecting weapons, EO and classified equipment for which they are responsible during transportation. Where security considerations demand, weapons, EO and classified equipment are to be escorted by appropriately qualified and authorised escorts.<br>Such appointments and authorisations are to be recorded in a local register. Registers are to be retained for a minimum of 7 years.
5.8.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.9 Is there appointment of Unit Security Officer IAW DSPF Governance & Executive Guidance Para 67?<br>Commanders or Unit Managers must appoint a Unit Security Officer if the unit stores, handles or uses ammunition. Unit Security Standing Orders are to include procedures for the management of EO security.
5.9.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.10 Is there a Security Brief and is the unit IAW DSPF Control 79.1 Para 41 Sub Para (f)?<br><br>Defence personnel and external service providers with specific duties associated with EO (eg storage, transportation, issue and disposal) are briefed on their individual security responsibilities on appointment and thereafter at least every 12 months, that briefings are recorded in the Security Register and that security responsibilities are documented in duty statements and performance agreements.
5.10.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.11 Is there appointment to Personnel to sign AD665(EO) Demand Alteration or Cancellations IAW ESCM Volume 01 Section 01 Chap 02?
5.11.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.12 Is there appointment to Personnel to sign AD666 - EO return Request and Alteration/Cancellation IAW ESCM Volume 01 Section 01 Chap 02?
5.12.1 Critical item remarks required:
5.13 Is there appointment to Personnel to sign AD667 - EO Return Voucher IAW ESCM Volume 01 Section 01 Chap 02?
5.13.1 Critical item remarks required:
6. EO Accounting
6.1 Are mandatory spot checks being conducted on Inert Items and is a register being held IAW ESCM V04S10C01 - Stocktaking of Defence Assets and Inventory Para 32?
6.1.1 Critical item remarks required:
6.2 Are monthly spotchecks being conducted on EO?
6.2.1 Critical item remarks required:
6.2.2 Are the results being reported to the USO?
6.3. Has an annual 100% EO stocktake been completed since the last inspection?
6.3.1 Critical item remarks required:
6.4. Form 087 – Pyrotechnic and Installed Explosive Ordnance Register IAW DEOP 101 Sect 1 Regulation 1.4 Procedure 7 Para 7.6?<br><br>Applies to units utilising EO Stowed in Watercraft (Ship Kit Distress Lifeboat, distress flares/ Smoke)<br><br>Kits inspected at no greater than three monthly intervals. EO items found to be Unserviceable or Life Expired are to be replaced immediately.<br>For those units who are required to maintain these registers, AOI Inspectors will sight and sign and stamp all ‘paper’ and computer generated registers of installed EO and pyrotechnic/ marine safety stores to confirm lifing/serviceability of installed items. Applicable only to those units who use/manage/maintain this type of EO- such as Small Boats and Aircraft fitted with safety stores.<br><br>(if applicable)
6.4.1 Critical item remarks required:
7. Unit EO Storage Facility/s
7.1 Are the appropiiate Fire Fighting Symbols Displayed IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.7 - Procedure 1 - 1.63 ?
7.1.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.2 Are the appropiiate Supplementary Fire Fighting Symbols Displayed IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.7 - Procedure 1 1.63 ?
7.2.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.3 Are the appropiate Entry Conditions Warning Notices Displayed IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.4 - Procedure 1 Para 1.8?<br>*Applicable only to units managing ‘stand alone’ EO storage facilities.
7.3.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.4 Are the first attack firefighting appliances located within the correct distances for the storage site?
7.4.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.5 Are the appropiate Controlled Articles Signage Displayed IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.4 - Procedure 1 para 1.8?
7.5.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.6 Is the appropiateExplosive Limits Licence (ELL) Displayed IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.4 Procedure 2 - 2.4 ?<br><br>A copy of the authorised ELL is to be displayed on or near the entrance to an EO storage facility. <br><br>The ELL is to be reviewed every five years or when a change occurs in the facility. <br><br>*Applicable to all units storing EO in a licensed storage facility in barracks and may apply at some field storage sites.
Rectify the non conformance during the conduct of the inspection
7.6.1 Is the ELL current?
7.6.2 Date of next ELL review:
7.7 Are Stack Records (GI 151) correct aand IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.8 Procedure 2 - 2.10 ?<br><br>Stack Records must be used in all storage facilities, with the exception of:<br><br>a. EO storage depots, where it is optional; and <br><br>b. SQF-licensed facilities, which are physically small and where EO is not normally separated into stacks.
7.7.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.8 Are the Traverses IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.5 Procedure 1 Para1.14? <br><br>Every reasonable effort should be made to establish native evergreen plants (not exceeding 300mm mature height) on earth traverses otherwise the height of natural grass must never be permitted to exceed 200 mm.<br><br>*Applicable only to units who manage EO storage facilities that are enclosed by an earthen traverse.
7.8.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.9 Is the Control of Vegetation, Livestock & Indigenous Fauna and Vermin IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.5 Procedure 1?<br><br>In the interest of protecting EO buildings and open stacks of EO from fire, the growth of natural vegetation must be controlled. In order to prevent damage to traverses within such areas, the grazing of introduced livestock, the indigenous fauna and vermin may also need to be controlled. In effecting such control due cognisance must be given to all applicable environmental legislation.<br>Note: This may not apply to buildings /containers that are used as an SQF such as a two drawer filing cabinet or a combination safe which is located within a unit Q Store.<br><br>*Applicable only to those units who manage EO storage areas that are ‘stand alone’ or consist of multiple purpose built EO storage facilities.
7.9.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.10 Lightning Protection Anti- Static Precautions IAW : eDEOP 101 - Regulation 6.2 Procedure 1 and eDEOP 101 - Regulation 6.3 Procedure 2<br><br>Lightning Protection Systems (LPS) and Anti-Static bench top coverings, Anti–Static Floors and any other anti-static equipment (such as touch plates and wrist straps) should be inspected annually and should form part of the EO storage area maintenance plan.<br>Note: This may not apply to buildings /containers that are used as an SQF such as a two drawer filing cabinet or a combination safe which is located within a unit Q Store.<br><br>*Applicable to units who store EO in a purpose built EO storehouse and Ammunition Process Buildings (APB)
7.10.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.11 Is the storage of EO is within the NEQ limits calclated for the storage site IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 5.2 - 1.54?<br><br>For an LQF, this amount is found on the Explosive Limits Licence. <br><br>For an SQF, the NEQ limits are listed on Form EO77- Authorised Use and Explosives Content of an Explosive Storage Facility.
7.11.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.12 Is the storage of ammunition segregated and stored into the correct Hazard Classification Codes and Compatibility Groups IAW eDEOP 101 - 4.2 Procedure 1
7.12.1 Is there currently any EO being stored in the facility?
7.12.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.13 Is the storage of ammunition correctly seggregated IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.2 Complete ? <br><br>All EO should be stored in like natures, be of the same Lot/Batch Number and be held in separate identifiable stacks as far as practicable.<br><br>Where multiple lot numbers of the same EO are held, each lot number is to comprise a separate stack, unless it is not possible due to the lack of storage space. Oldest lots should be most accessible as these are to be issued first. <br><br>The following EO is always to be segregated away from serviceable (sealed) stocks of EO held in the EO storage area:<br><br>a. Returns or Receipts which are damaged, or incorrectly packaged or sealed , but considered safe to store;<br><br>b. Returns from Ships;<br><br>c. Experimental EO; and<br><br>d. EO known to be suspected of being other than serviceable but not unsafe.
7.13.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.13.1 Is there any EO being currently stored in the facility?
7.14 Is the storage of EO containing White Phosphorus- Compatibility Group H IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.1 Procedure 8 Para 8.27 - 8.36 ? <br><br>Special fire fighting precautions and storage requirements apply to this type of ammunition (if applicable)
7.14.1 Does the EO storage facility have the following safety equipment readily available:
- Service respirator
- Leather gloves
- Banding cutters
- Container filled with water large enough to submerg the largest package / item
- No to any item
7.14.2 Critical item remarks required:
7.15 Is the storage of ammunition on Dunnage/Pallets/Storage Crates inside EO storage facilities IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.1 Procedure 8 and 9 ?
7.15.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.16 Is the storage of ammunition correctly managed with minimun number of “Fraction Packs” IAW <br>eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.4 Para 4.99 Sub-Para m<br>eDEOP 101 - Regulation 2.3 Procedure 4 Para 4.17<br>Packaging that contain only partial amounts of the original quantity of ammunition (commonly called ‘Fraction Packs’) are to be marked ‘FRACTION” and “FIRST ISSUE”.Fraction label NSN: 7690-66-050-7713<br>*Applicable to all units storing EO in barracks and may apply at some field storage sites.
7.16.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.17 Is the storage of ammunition Ball and Blank SAA clearly segregated within the SQF IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.4 Para 4.99 Sub-Para k ?<br>To avoid Ball and Blank SAA contamination, Both items should be clearly segregated within the SQF. The use of signage is recommended.<br>If an SQF consists of a two drawer filing cabinet or safe then Blank SAA should be stored in one drawer and Ball in the other drawer- never mixed!<br>*Applies to all units who store Ball and Blank natures in a single SQF.
7.17.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.18 Are all packages containing EO, NEDG and their associated components factory sealed or using "Defence Transit Seal" (NSN: 7690-66-149-1062) IAW Ref: eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.2 Procedure 1?<br>All packages containing EO, NEDG and their associated components are to be authenticity sealed before being offered for transit or storage. Authenticity sealing is the application of seals to a package. Authenticity seals serve two purposes:<br>a. to detect tampering<br>b. to externally signify that the contents are correctly described by the data shown on the outside of the package/unit/load are correctly packed and the contents are serviceable unless there is a notice on the container to indicate otherwise.<br>*Applicable to all units managing EO in barracks and in the field.
7.18.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.19 Is the management of Salvage or Returns (Functioned EO, Empty Fired Cart. Case, etc) correct and IAW Ref: eDEOP 101 Regulation 2.3 Procedure 6?<br>Empty EO produce is not to be stored in EO storage facilities with live EO.Empty Fired Cart. Cases should held in a secure area and thoroughly check that all are FFE prior to bagging and return to THALES. If live ammunition is found in returned, certified salvage, THALES will raise an Ammunition Incident Report (EO 016) for investigation by Regional EO Services. Responsible Unit must then conduct an investigation IAW DSPF.
7.19.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.20 Is the Management of Ammunition Storage Life correct and IAW DEOP Topic 24s ?<br>All ammunition used by Defence is given a safe Storage Life. Individual stockholders, custodians and users of EO are responsible for routine management of the Storage Life of EO, including the continuous monitoring of the conditions of the EO and the withdrawal of life expired stores from service and subsequent return of EO to Defence EO storage facility if directed by Defence EO management groups. All EO issued by a Defence EO Service Providers (such as THALES) will have at least a 12 month or longer Storage Life- this information can be found on the receipt documentation. Units will be advised if there are any changes to EO Storage Life via extant Defence EO safety management reporting procedures (i.e. Ammunition Constraints). As a guide, it is recommended that units turn over stored EO stocks every 12 months- from the date of delivery. *Applicable to all units storing EO in barracks and could apply at some field storage sites.
7.20.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.21 Are any Environmental Control of EO Storage Facilities not IAW eDEOP 101 - Regulation 4.1 Procedure 5?<br>The above ref deals with environmental conditions such as ventilation requirements for EO storage facilities.<br>* Applicable to units who manage purpose built EO storehouse/s
7.21.1 Critical item remarks required:
7.22 Are Communications Equipment, Security Alarms system of EO Storage Facilities tested regularly IAW eDEOP 101 - DoDER Regulation 4.7 Procedure 1 - 1.12?<br>All emergency communications systems (phones and alarms) are to be tested regularly. The testing cycle is to be based on local conditions and reliability of the local phone/alarms systems.<br>* Applicable only to units who store EO in purpose built EO storehouse/s<br>Note: This may not apply to buildings /containers that are used as an SQF such as a two drawer filing cabinet or a combination safe which is located within a unit Q Store.
7.22.1 Critical item remarks required:
Overall Assessment of the AOI
Reporting of Audit Findings
On completion of each audit the findings are to be recorded in a report supported by objective evidence. Where a combined audit/inspection has been conducted, the draft report is to be provided to the REOS inspectors to ensure no omissions or errors are include in the final report. -
Was the Aaudit ouctome Satisfactory?
Unsatisfactory. The EO management processes and procedures are not producing the desired result. EO management and safety documentation is generally not adhering to policy and/or application of the documentation is not reflective of methods being performed. Formal corrective action is urgently required.
Indicate the number of CARs associated with the outcomes from the AOI
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
Satisfactory. All EO management and safety principles are generally followed and their application adheres to policy. These existing local EO processes and procedures produce the desired result. There are no systemic deficiencies are noted that require immediate corrective action.
Signature of the auditor:
PMKeyS :
Signature of Unit representative: