Title Page

  • Inspection date

  • Inspection completed by

  • Location
  • What item are you inspecting?

Climbing harness inspection

  • Is the harness within the manufacturers' reccommended service date? Please provide photograph.

  • Does the harness have any cuts in material, abraded webbing or broken stitching, mechanical damage, wear or degradation, or signs of heat or chemical damage)

  • Does the harness have any signs of UV degradation such as discoloration, fading or stiffness)

  • Are the hardware components in good condition? (Check for cracks, wear, pitting or distortion)

  • Are all buckles and connections functioning properly?

  • Is the bridge in good condition? (Check for any signs of fraying, glazing or laceration)

  • Are any stopper knots tied, dressed and set correctly?

  • Are there any heavily damaged or cut textiles, inoperable buckles, degraded or non-functioning components? If yes, please photograph & retire.

Lanyard inspection

  • Are all hardware components in good condition? (Check for cracks, wear, pitting or distortion)

  • Are all rope elements in good condition? (Check for signs of damage such as cuts, fraying, glazing or chemical and/or ultraviolet degradation)

  • Does the lanyard have a mechanism to prevent the adjuster from sliding off the end of the rope (eg tie-off, back splice or stopper knot. Is it secure?

  • Is the lanyard adjuster functioning as intended (eg tightening and clasping the rope without slipping?) Can it be released under load?

  • Are there any heavily damaged or cut textiles, inoperable karabiners, degraded or non-functioning components? If yes, please photograph & retire.

Karabiner inspection (life support)

  • Attach photographs of each karabiner.

  • Are all life support karabiners listed with a minimum breaking strain of 22kN?

  • Do all life support karabiners require a minimum of two seperate actions to prepare the gate for opening?

  • Do all gates open and close smoothly and fully? Attempt to close from fully-open, half-open and quarter-open positions and clean and/or retire if gate fails to lock from any position.

  • Are all threaded connectors (such as mallions) rated to 22kN and done up beyond finger tightness using a spanner or similar?

  • Do any karabiners have heavily damaged or worn metal, cracks, inoperable gates or mechanisms and/or degraded components? If yes, tape (red) and retire.

Climbing line inspection

  • Please inspect full length of rope for damage. Are there any signs of glazing, cut or pulled strands or diameter inconsistency?

  • Are there any areas of discolouration due to chemical or UV radiation?

  • Are there any glossy, glazed or melted fibres?

  • Are there any flat areas, lumps or bumps in the rope or other signs of damage to core strands?

  • Are there any sections of rope with 4 or more adjacent cut strands? If yes, cut out section or retire rope.

  • Is there any damage to rope splice or whipping?

  • Are there any of the above issues with the rope that cannot be resolved? If yes, take a photograph cut and retire rope.

Climbing systems

  • Have you inspected each component (eg hitches, connectors, devices)?

  • Is the system as a whole suitable and safe, with all components used for their intended purpose?

  • Are all components configured correctly and compatible with adjacent components? (eg correct rope diameters, components, loaded along correct axis, suitable bend radius at attachments)

  • Is there any potential for components to be cross loaded, opened or jammed by other components?

  • Is there a suitable stopper knot at the end of the climbing rope? ~ **please add a photo**

  • Does the system lock immediately on to the rope when loaded (fail-to-safe) without needing to be 'set' by the operator?

  • Is there any potential for the system to fail to operate? (eg loose or unreliable knots, accidental actuation of the system by contact with other components)

  • Are all prusiks in good condition? (Check for signs of wear, discolouration, frays, burns, cuts) **please add a photo**

  • Are all prusiks tied dressed and set correctly?

  • Is cambium saver in working order? (Look for any cuts in material, abraded webbing or broken stitching, rings, wear or degradation, as well as signs of heat or chemical damage) ~ **please add a photo**

  • Are spurs in good condition? (Check belts/buckles, straps, attachment, sharpness)

Fall arrest harness inspection

  • Is the harness in date according to the label? ~ **please add a photo**

  • Webbing:<br>Are there any cuts, tears, abrasion, stretching, damage or deterioration to the webbing components of the harness?

  • Snap hooks and karabiners:<br>Is there any distortion to any hook or latch, cracks or forging folds, wear at swivel or latch pivot pin, open rollers, free movement of the latch over it's full travel, broken or weak latch springs? Are latches free from dirt or other obstructions?

  • D-rings:<br>Is there any excessive vertical movement of the straight section of any D-ring where it is retained by the webbing, so that the corners between the straight and curved section of the D-ring become completely exposed?

  • Are there any cracks or signs of distortion of the D-rings?

  • Buckles and adjusters:<br>Are there any signs of distortion and/or other physical damage? Are there any bent tongues or open rollers?

  • Sewing:<br>Are there any broken, cut or worn threads and/or visible damage to threads due to contact with heat or chemicals?

  • Fall arrest device body (mounting ring):<br>Is there any physical damage or wear to any pivot points and/or cracks? Is everything mounted securely?

  • Fall arrest device body (body):<br>Are there any signs of physical damage such as dents, distortion, cracks or corrosion? Are there any foreign bodies visiblly present, loose or missing screws or nuts ?

  • Fall arrest device indicator:<br>Are there any signs of prior activation?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.