Audit Title
Client / Site
Date and time of arrival
Conducted on
Prepared by
Document No.
Preliminary requirements
Is there a valid (i.e. in date) ASB5 notification form on site for the works to be audited?
Is there (or will there be) asbestos removal work or cleaning in progress within the enclosure during the audit?
Is there provision to observe work practices within the enclosure by means of CCTV and/or viewing panel(s)?
Is there a site specific Plan of Work available on site for the works?
Is there a copy of the company standard procedures/ generic procedures available on site?
Is the decontamination unit fully functional in terms of power, ventilation, and the provision of hot and cold running water for showering?
ASB5 Notification Form
Are details of any other licence holders recorded in section 3 of the ASB5?
What form of asbestos containing material is being worked upon? (Section 4 of ASB5?)
What is the approximate extent of the works stated in section 5 of the ASB5?
Are the working hours specified on the ASB5 and do they match the POW?
What is the maximum number of employees per shift stated in section 5 of the ASB5?
How many operatives (including the supervisor) are on site?
Site documentation
A copy of HSE Asbestos licence on site
Evidence of current employers liability insurance on site
Evidence of current public liability insurance on site
Is the contract supervisor the same person as specified in the plan of work?
Does the named supervisor match that of the ASB5?
Does the plan of work detail when the work is to be carried out? (Including start/finish times and weekend variations)
Does the plan of work detail the analytical company providing the 4 stage clearance?
Does the plan of work detail who the analytical company is contracted to?
Does the plan of work detail the type of asbestos involved? (i.e. Amosite, Chrysotile, Crocidilite)
Does the plan of work detail the condition of the asbestos containing material to be removed? (e.g. good, fair or poor)
Does the plan of work made reference to reading the standard procedures in conjuntion with the POW
Does the version number of the standard procedures match the reference in the POW
Does the plan of work (or standard procedures) detail who is authorised to amend the plan of work?
Does the plan of work (or standard procedures) detail the construction method for enclosures and air locks?
Does the plan of work (or standard procedures) detail the arrangements for smoke testing and witnessing? If Yes, please record name/title of proposed witness
Does the plan of work (or standard procedures) detail decontamination entry and exit procedures?
Does the plan of work (or standard procedures) detail the type of respirators used?
Does the plan of work detail the asbestos removal technique to be used?
Does the plan of work detail the air monitoring arrangements for the duration of the works?
Are welfare facilities detailed in the plan of work and are they available for use as described?
Is the scope of works adequately described on the plan of work, and does it match the details recorded on the ASB5?
Is there a site specific risk assessment available for inspection, for hazards other than asbestos? e.g. hot work, work at heights, use of hand tools, confined spaces, electricity, manual handling etc
Is there a copy of the contractor's current valid licence available for inspection?
Is there documented evidence on site confirming current insurance cover for both employers liability and public liability? e.g. Insurance schedule
Are daily site and plant inspection records (including DCU, enclosure, airlocks, NPU's & vacuum cleaners) available for inspection and up to date?
Does the NPU inspection record include manometer/ pressure gauge readings for each NPU in use (including DCU)?
Has the smoke test record for the enclosure been completed and do the witness details match those stated in the plan of work?
Site Supervisor and/or Operative(s)
Current medical certificate
Current training certificate?
Training provider
Face fit test certificate for RPE in use?
Examination record for RPE in use? (daily if in enclosure, currently monthly if not)
Adequate response when questioned regarding emergency procedures? (if not in enclosure)
Supervisor/operative(s) clean shaven?
If out of enclosure, or if seen before entry
Additional comments
Are all copies of certificates (above) individually authenticated by, or under the direction of, senior management, with a statement confirming their validity?
Enclosure Sketch
Does the sketch plan included with the plan of work match the site set up, and include the positions of the NPU, airlock, bag lock (if applicable), viewing panels/ CCTV and DCU as a minimum?
Does the enclosure sketch identify the outline of the enclosure
Does the enclosure sketch identify areas adjacent to the enclosure
Does the enclosure sketch identify Airlock position
Does the enclosure sketch identify Baglock position
Does the enclosure sketch identify NPU location
Does the enclosure sketch identify CCTV and viewing panels
Does the enclosure sketch identify DCU location
Does the enclosure sketch identify Transit Route
Does the enclosure sketch identify Waste Route
Does the enclosure sketch identify location of waste skip / van
Plant on site/ Certification
Are there at least 2 H-type vacuum cleaners on site?
Are current DOP test certificates (or copies) available and relevant to each vacuum on site?
Does the number and capacity of the NPUs in use correspond with that stated in the plan of work?
Is there a copy of the thorough test and inspection on site for the NPU (s) in the enclosure
The legally required airflow is demonstarted as being achieved, based on actual airflow measurements and / or a reasonable assumption of NPU performance
Each NPU is either located outside the working enclosure and connected directly to the enclosure wall, or is fully sheeted out if inside the enclosure
Where the NPU is located outside the enclosure, and connected to the enclosure via trunking, there is a suitably robust and acceptable written procedure in place to connect and disconnect the NPU and trunking with minimal potential spread of contamination
There is a functional non-return flap on each NPU exhaust
Extracted air from each NPU is vented outside
Is there an electrical safety certification for DCU?
Is there a current gas safe certification for the DCU? (LPG)
Is there a current DOP test certificate (or copy) available on site for the NPU within the dirty end of the DCU?
Enclosure/ Airlock
Works activities can be viewed via:
Does the viewing provision allow sufficient monitoring of all areas of the enclosure during the work activities?
The selection and provision of warning signs are appropriate to the works
Is the enclosure in sound condition and constructed so as to prevent the spread of asbestos?
Is each stage of the airlock at least 1m x 1m x 2m (height)?
Is the airlock free from visible asbestos debris?
Are all of the airlocks flaps weighed?
Do the flaps cover the airlock adequately?
Is a bucket and sponge (or similar) available for decontamination or respirator?
Does the inner stage of the airlock have a viewing panel at least 600 x 300mm?
Where the DCU is directly connected to the enclosure, the connection consists of at least one cube and an intervening space?
Has a seperate baglock been provided?
Is the baglock big enough for the waste size being generated?
Is the baglock free from visible material appearing to be asbestos debris?
Are all the baglock openings / flaps suitable and weighted?
Does the inner stage of the baglock have a viewing panel at least 600 x 300mm?
Air extraction equipment
Is the extract sited in the relation to ideal air management?
Is the extract capable of giving a minimum of 8 air changes per hour?
Is the extract vented to the outside atmosphere where practical?
Does each NPU have a non-return flap on the exhaust side of the HEPA filter?
NPU - Anemometer readings
Daily Pressure gauge readings recorded for NPU attached to enclosure
Daily pressure gauge reading recorded for NPU in DCU
Observed work practices
Are the removal procedures observed, including the dust suppression method in use, suitable for the ACM being used
Does the asbestos removal technique being used match that stated in the plan of work?
Has the waste been appropriately bagged? (e.g. immediately, and single bagged if still in the enclosure)
Does the RPE (including filter) being use match that stated in the plan of work?
Are colours of coveralls as stated in the plan of work or standard procedure
Are all operatives clean shaven?
Are all items of necessary PPE being worn properly? (e.g. overall hood over head straps, overalls not tucked in to working footwear etc.)
Are all components of the full face RPE uniquely identifiable? (e.g. mask, blower and battery identified/marked/tagged with name or item/serial number
Is the pre filter (or roving head) the only part of the NPU that is exposed to the working area? (i.e NPU sheeted out if inside the enclosure)
Air Management
The enclosure design allows for ideal air movement
There is sufficient airlock flap detection to indicate adequate airflow through the airlock
Additional air inlets are suitably positioned and in use
Hygiene Facility
Is the unit positioned in relation to the work area as stated in the plan of works
If the unit is not directly connected to the enclosure, would it of been reasonably practicable to do so
Is the transit route as short as possible and away from occupied areas
In addition to item 1.6 above, is the unit fully functional/ in working order? (Heating, lighting, water filter, drains etc)
Are the internal doors and external door to the dirty end self-closing?
Are there an adequate number of shower heads for operatives? i.e. at least 1 for every 4 operatives)
Is there a nail brush provided in the shower area?
Is the unit in good condition and clean so far as reasonably practicable?
Is there a clearance test certificate, from the previous job, for the dirty and shower compartments of the hygiene unit?
Are the clean and dirty end doors marked (including prohibited entry and mandatory PPE signage, where required)?
Are towels provided?
Is waste water filtered and discharged either directly or via containers to drain
Are the waste disposal arrangements as described in the plan of work? ( including named skip company or named transfer station)
Is there an established transit route displaying appropriate signage and of minimum distance?
Is the waste transit route free from residual or split waste?
Is the waste route free from stored or unattended waste?
Where applicable, is there sufficient means to separate waste from equipment/ supplies within the company vehicle?
Is the containment of waste suitable, secure and sound
Are disposable working coveralls and transits coveralls category 3, type 5/6
Are contractors vans reasonably tidy and with minimal risk of the spread of asbestos?
Have any required changes to the POW / site diagram been made
A smoke test record has been completed
Background / leak tests and / or personal monitoring have been planned for this job according to the plan of work
Personal monitoring records provide a clear description of activities being undertaken during monitoring
There is evidence of management involvement on site since the commencement of works
First Aid and Emergency
Are suitable emergency arrangements in place
Are employee sufficiently aware of emergency arrangements
Is there a suitably stocked First Aid Kit available for use on the site
Is there a trained and designated first Aider on site
Non- Asbestos Risks
Work At height
Live Services
Manual Handling
Hand Arm Vibration
Site Vehicle Movement
Other contractor's activities
Thermal Issues
Hazardous substances existing on site
Hazardous substances brought to site
Other significant risks on site
Are the asbestos removal contractors using scaffolding on site?
Was a sub-contractor used to erect the scaffolding
Was the scaffolding liable to disturb asbestos while being erected?
Welfare Provision consists of
There is adequate and suitable welfare provision on site, which is available for use
Site arrangements and behavious are in accordance with current COVID-19 guidance
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