Title Page
LBO Name
LBO Number
Conducted on
Completed by:
Team Members Present
Are all fire exits, unlocked, free from obstruction and the escape route leads to the designated fire assembly meeting point with no obstructions? (walk the route yourself)
Is there a visible fire assembly point poster? Do all staff know the location of the assembly point? Can it be clearly read and is it correct?
Is the fire alarm being tested weekly and recorded on the IS sheet and in the diary? (Ensure all staff present demonstrate how to test the alarm, replicating breaking glass with the key, not just sounding the alarm on the panel)
Is the emergency lighting being tested monthly and recorded on the IS sheet? (Get staff to demonstrate testing of the emergency lighting)
Is there a Health and Safety poster and is it completed correctly and filled in?
In the Health and Safety manual is the reverse of the front cover signed by all staff?
In section 4 of the Health and Safety manual are the following present:<br>Generic Risk Assessment?<br>Site Specific Additions include;<br> Violence in the Work Place<br> Opening and Closing the LBO<br> Emptying Gaming Machines<br> Banking<br>Plus at least 5 others.
Are there any plastic wallets in the Health and Safety folder (remove if there are any)
Is the Fire Risk Assessment present in section 4 and up-to-date? Have all actions been completed? Make sure nothing has changed (i.e. Gates fitted to rear of shop)
LBO Health and Safety Inspection checklist present in section 4 and up-to-date? (Needs completing every 6 months)
Workstation/DSE Risk Assessment present in section 4 for all staff and in date? (This should include relief staff who work in the LBO regularly)
LBO asbestos register in section 4?
Have all out of date forms been removed?
Is the IS sheet being completed daily as expected?
Are there any overloaded plug sockets, extension leads or adaptors being used?
Are there any personal unapproved electrical devices on site?
Are all void areas clear from clutter and rubbish?(cleaners cupboards, storerooms, basements and electrical cupboards)
Are there any cleaning liquids or paper being stored that is likely to be a source of ignition? (Under gantries, near or in electric meter/fuse box, or around Albos cabinet)
Is there anything being stored under the gantry?
Is rubbish being stored safely? (Not blocking fire exits, not a trip hazard or near a source of ignition)
Is old marketing being disposed of?
Is the diary completed fully for the last 7 days? (Buddy calls, toilet checks, new today messages, fire exits etc.)
Are there keys for all cupboards including the gantry?
Is the fridge, microwave and vending machine clean?
Are there only Interserve cleaning products in the LBO?
I declare that this audit has been completed accurately?