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Site conducted
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Is the TCO/Arrival agent on stand at 5 mins to aircraft arrival?
Has the Arrival agent reviewed prearrival information in DCS and arranged facilitation for passengers requiring assistance or any customers that may require assistance with short connections?
Has the Arrival agent secured the disembarkation route with PIG's and cones for passengers?
Does the TCO liaise with the Cabin crew before disembarkation of passengers?
Are valet bags offloaded first and available for customers prior to disembarking? (Within 3 minutes of arrival)
Is the contracted number of boarding staff available at the gate? (x2 in addition to the TCO)
Does the Boarding agent check that facilities and gate monitors are displaying the correct flight information and that the Dangerous goods and Prohibited articles notices are displayed at the gate?
If applicable, is airline branded materials and equipment available at the gate including baggage gauges, tensor barriers etc
Has the boarding agent ensured the FID's are updated?
Does the boarding agent use the correct boarding announcements?
When boarding commences are passengers called forward in the correct seating order as per procedures in place?
Has the boarding agent applied the correct cabin baggage procedure (and charged the appropriate fee if applicable) and accounted for any baggage tagged on the gate manifest and communicated to Flt Crew?
Does the boarding agent ask passengers the relevant security questions before they tag their cabin bag?
Does the boarding agent check all boarding passes against the passenger ID/passport as they pass through the boarding gate?
Are boarding staff courteous towards customers during the boarding process?
At the end of boarding does the boarding agent provide the final gate closure figures to the Flt Crew in a timely manner accounting for additional/missing passengers and bags?
Does the boarding agent ensure boarding is completed and the gate closed at 10 to departure on contact stand/ 15 to departure on a remote stand?
In the event of a delay, has the boarding agent been provided with the relevant information and have they updated the flight information screens to reflect this?
Are the passengers informed of the new ETD and are followup announcements being made?
Where applicable, has credit been loaded to the customers boarding cards for spend on light refreshments? Has this been communicated to the customer?
Is there a suitable presence to assist passengers with any queries they may have?
Has the TCO advised the ramp agents and/or load control of the gate baggage to be loaded or offloaded?
Has the TCO confirmed the headcount with the Cabin Crew and provided them with the correct documentation?
Are doors closed at -3 for an ontime departure?