Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

1.0 Site Set Up

  • Hoarding/Fencing. Is the site secure and all Heras fences supported with bracing struts, is site access restricted by use of gate guard, barrier control, turnstile etc.?

  • Public Protection. Are there adequate safeguards in place to protect the public site activities? (bunting tape/chapter 8 fencing not suitable for public segregation

  • Signage/Information. Is adequate site signage positioned around site covering significant risks, with adequate instructions for deliveries and visitors?

  • Is the F10 available on site and displayed in a prominent position?

  • Site Register/Log Book. Is there a signing in and out log maintained up to date for the site works?

  • Health and Safety Law Poster. Is there at least one poster displayed in a prominent position and fully completed?

  • Mess Facilities, Are adequate facilities provided, drinking water, food warming and storage, tables and chairs, adequately heated and regularly cleaned?

  • Toilets: Adequate provision for number of personnel on site (min 1x wc per 25 persons) Separate female facility. Adequately stocked with toiletries and regularly cleaned.

  • Drying Rooms Clothes Storage; Adequate provision for number of site personnel, clothes storage/pegs, adequately heated changing drying room?

  • Hand Washing/Showers. Are provisions suitable for site works, are adequate provisions in place including barrier creams available, are sinks suitable for arm elbow washing?

2.0 Documentation & Training

  • Site Management. Does the site have a site manager on site at all times who has attained an accredited management qualification suitable to obtain a CSCS black card.

  • Is the Construction H&S Plan available on site, updated (as required) to take account of site changes and has it been Signed off?

  • Risk Assessments. Available, project specific, operative signed acceptance, fully complied with on site?

  • Method Statements. Available, project specific, operative signed acceptance, fully complied with on site?

  • Permits. Are work permits in place and are they being operated as required? (asbestos, dig, electrical, hot works, confined space)

  • Inductions. Are site specific inductions carried out? Are they adequate, do they include company policies procedures, Are up to date attendance registers maintained?

  • CSCS/Affiliation Cards. Does the site maintain a 100% record of all persons holding a suitable CSCS or alternative H&S affiliation card?

  • Training Records. Are competency training records available on site and up to date (first aid, fire warden, asbestos awareness, Scaffolding erector/inspector, SPA passports)?

  • Plant/Equipment. Are training records/evidence held for operating plant and equipment on site ( MEWP, Dumper, Cranes, Forklifts, Power activated tools etc.)?

  • Toolbox Talks. Are toolbox talks carried out frequently and cover topics relevant to site works and attendance records available.

  • Are safety inspections being carried out as required and documented and are reports available for inspection

3.0 Emergency Procedures

  • Emergency Procedures. Are procedures in place for emergencies? (Accidents, Fire, Explosion, Bomb Threat, Security Alert). Are Contact numbers posted and verified?

  • Accident Records. Is there a compliant accident/incident reporting procedure and book in place. Are records up to date?

  • Accident Investigations. Have all accidents/incidents and near misses been recorded and investigated. Have measures been put into place to prevent re-occurrence?

  • First Aiders. Are there adequate numbers of first aiders on site (meets First Aid Regulations 1981 ACoP requirements)?

  • First Aid Provision. Does the site have adequate first aid provision for the number of persons on site/risks and are they suitably located?

  • Are a suitable number/type of fire extinguishers in place, in date, signage in place.

  • Are appropriate persons trained to use fire extinguishers

  • Are there adequate means of raising the alarm around the location and does this tie in to the Trust buildings where required

  • Is there a suitably developed fire plan in place and is it displayed at key points around the site.

4.0 Housekeeping

  • Lifting Devices (LOLER). Do all items of lifting equipment bear SWL markings/identifier tags and have thorough inspection certificates available? (Genie Lifts, MEWPS, cranes, hoists, jacks, chains, ropes, D links etc)

  • Are work areas and transfer routes clear of trip and slip hazards, debris, spilt liquids etc.?

  • Have designated storage and waste disposal areas been defined with materials being safely stored?

  • Is there a waste management plan in place and complied with. Are recycling initiatives being taken?

  • Are pedestrian/public access routes clearly defined, and away from hazards?.

  • Is there clear segregation between Trust and construction zones, appropriate fencing / hoardings, signs etc

  • Are all floor openings, manholes, sample and bore holes etc. been covered over, are suitable barriers and signs in place?

  • Are the overall site management conditions acceptable? Are they in accordance with Company Policy Procedures?

5.0 Working at Height

  • Has all scaffolding been erected by a competent person, been signed off for use and inspected

  • Is the Scaffold inspected, every 7 days, after alteration and after adverse conditions?

  • Is a safety identification process in place e.g., Scafftag?

  • Are suitable, guard/mid rails in place, toe/kick boards, sole plates, brick/material guards

  • Are Towers/Podiums suitable for use, erected safely, wheels locked, fall protection in place, on stable ground/level.

  • MEWP/ Cherry Picker. Have all operators received certified training, are harnesses with short (750mm) lanyard in use. Is the item being used safely, and fully segregated? (emergency plan to be in place with ground banksman having knowledge how to bring cradle to ground in an emergency)?

  • Roof Works. Is edge protection in place for all roof works, or demarcation barriers to prevent access to within 2m of roof edge or a mansafe line in use? (mansafe training required and emergency plan to be in place)?

  • Steps & Ladder Work. Is there a separate risk assessment in place covering the specific step/ladder works and is it acceptable for a ladder to be used following consideration of alternatives. Are ladders being used and stored safely?

6.0 Plant & Equipment

  • Plant Condition. Is plant roadworthy, licensed, in good condition, inspection records available, effectively silenced, all guards fitted?

  • Is plant secured out of hours when not in use

  • Traffic/Pedestrian Management. Effective traffic and pedestrian management plan in place. Segregation adequate and fenced?

  • Safe Use. Adhering to speed limits, PPE worn, engines turn off when not in use, unattended, operated, parked correctly (keys removed)?

  • Hand Tools: Are hand tools in good condition, equipped with appropriate guards and used and stored correctly on site?

  • Power Tools; Are power tools, suitable for the task, in good condition, used by competent/trained operators, stored correctly, have calibration/test certificates as applicable, and double insulated?

  • Cutting and Sawing. Has a separate area been set aside for cutting and sawing operations and are suitable dust extraction, operated as per risk assessment with PPE as defined.

7.0 Electrical Safety

  • Electrical Installations. Site installations compliant with BS7671 and 3 monthly installation test certification in place for all cabins and work places/distribution, are lockout procedures in place (tag permit systems)?

  • Electrical Tools. All tools operated from 110v transformer with transformer being at mains side of supply or battery operated equipment with adequate charging provision (PAT Tested)

  • Extension Cords. All extensions and trailing leads secured from danger, routed to prevent trip hazards, vehicle crossings etc.(PAT Tested)?

  • Lighting. All temporary and task lighting 110v or battery operated with sufficient illumination to prevent glare and shadows, secured and protected from damage (PAT Tested)?

8.0 Hot Works

  • PPE. Suitable personal protective equipment in place and in use as per risk assessment and method statement (goggles/face shield, gauntlets, Gaters, boots etc.)?

  • Compressed Gases. Correct use of gases with flash back arrestors fitted, hoses protected from damage, adequate secure storage. Emergency procedure in place.

  • Hot Work Permits. Are permits issued, do they cover all the hazards, are they signed off upon completion?

  • Fire Precautions. Are fire watch measures in place when burning, cutting, welding in the vicinity of combustible materials or at height

  • Arc Welding - have measures been taken to ensure adequate face shield are provided for welders, protection for site personnel from arc flashes by screens being employed.

9.0 Chemical Storage & Handling

  • Are COSHH assessments in place with emergency procedures, are assessments followed

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets available for inspection

  • Are all chemicals stored in their original containers and stored as per the manufacturers data sheet, are separate flammable/chemical storage provided?

  • Is fuel stored in bunded tanks. Are spill/drip trays in place. Is there a spill kit available with instructions.

  • Are COSHH stores of adequate construction and secured

10.0 Excavation & Trenching

  • Has provision been made to provide adequate safe shoring of sides of trenches/excavations.

  • Are adequate barriers, fencing in place at all sides of trenches and excavations to prevent persons falling in to open works.

  • Adequate planning and provision of service location plans, detection equipment (CAT Scanning) and where required gas monitoring.

  • Are spoil piles located at a safe distance away from excavation edges minimum 1m and battered to prevent collapse.

11.0 Concrete & Masonary

  • Masonry saws, bushing, and chipping operation done with proper PPE. (Note! Ear protection, safety glasses, and face shield required)

  • Bracing adequate during wall construction?

  • All sanding or finishing practices that produce concrete dust are done while using respiratory protection.

  • Pumping Operations. Are all clips, supports in place - safe routing of hoses, catcher in place?

12.0 Demolition

  • Is there a demolition plan and method statement in place.

  • Safey Zones Created. All services isolated and made safe

  • Aare arisings taken from site by waste contractor, are transfer notes retained.

13.0 PPE

  • Hardhats. Are all site personnel wearing a suitable hard hat. Are spares available for damage replacements/visitors?

  • Are all site personnel wearing suitable protective footwear for the work conditions. (safety boots, wellingtons, waders etc. with steel toe cap and mid sole- electricians intrinsically safe boots) in good condition.?

  • High Visibility. Are all site personnel wearing the correct high visibility clothing for the work conditions. (Chapter 8 designation for Highways)

  • Gloves. Are all site personnel wearing a suitable type of glove for the work activity being carried out. Have they been given instruction on when and when not to wear gloves?

  • Hazard Specific PPE. Are site personnel using the PPE as defined by the risk assessment/method statement. (Eye protection goggles, visors or glasses, hearing protection, muffs or plugs, respiratory protection, chemical/radiation protection, harnesses.

14.0 Occupational Health

  • Hand Arm Vibration. Is there a HAV's register in place, are Exposure Action Values times recorded.

  • Noise monitoring carried out, noise assessments in place, identification of sources, provision of silenced equipment, adequate spare PPE and storage available?

  • Dust. Are suppression methods in place, do risk assessments and method statements identify dust hazards and are control measures in place?

  • Information available on site Occ Health subjects, examples include; Silicosis, Skin Cancers, Leptospirosis, Tetanus, Asbestos diseases, Tetanus, Hepatitis etc?

  • Manual Handling: safe system and operation in place?

  • Night Working: the availability of health surveillance, availability of records are on site

15.0 Environmental

  • Contamination. Are measures in place to prevent contamination from fuel spillages, chemical spillages, does the site have an environmental aspects/impacts register in place?

  • Waste Management: Is there a waste management plan in place and adhered to, are wastes segregated. Are food wastes removed on a daily basis, are measures in place to prevent storm water drainage contamination?.

  • Road Cleanliness: Are measures in place to prevent mud/debris on roads (sweepers/wheels wash) loads secured to prevent spillages. Waste transfer notes retained.

16.0 Asbestos

  • Is the Principal Contractor (PC)/contractors aware of the asbestos register or ANY Asbestos surveys from the Pre Construction Information?

  • Has a refurbishment/demolition asbestos survey been carried out for this project and does the PC have a copy available?.

  • Does the Construction Phase Plan address asbestos on site?

  • Have any changes on site/to the scope of works required additional surveys to be carried out?

  • Are there records for clearance certificate and air monitoring held on site.

  • Is there evidence that updated information is being passed to the client to update their Asbestos management system

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.