Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Cleanliness of the shop

  • Is the shop exterior clean, free from litter and debris and is in a good state of repair?<br>Outside signage undamaged?<br>Pavements free from litter?

  • Shop exterior<br>Windows, ledges, doors window frames in good repair and free from cobwebs?<br>Paintwork is good condition?

  • Is the customer area clean, free from litter and debris <br>Air conditioning units are clean and free from dust?

  • Customer Area<br>Customer tables and chairs in good state of repair<br>Spillages, stains?

  • Customer area clean?<br>Till area clear of debris?<br>Flooring, skirting boards in good condition?<br>Ensure that staff are reacting to litter

  • Coffee area<br>Is the coffee area tidy and dust free?<br>All cups organised?<br>Hand wash sink has soap?<br>Blue roll dispensers filled?<br>Shelving clear?

  • Coffee machine<br>Milk fridge clean/and in good repair? Sealant?<br>Coffee machine in good working order?<br>If not has this been reported?

  • Bagel/food area<br>Extraction fan cleaned?<br>Fridges clean/and in good repair? Sealant?<br>Microwave clean?<br>Storage/ shelving clear?<br>Is this area tidy and clean. Grill deep cleaned?

  • Washroom area<br>Is all equipment clean and in good repair?<br>Dishwasher working well?<br>Sealant on the sinks?

  • Staff room/ office area<br>Hoovered and kept tidy?<br>No food waste in the bins and regularly emptied?<br>Storage and shelving tidy

  • Toilets Staff<br>Replenished with Toliet roll, Blue roll filled up and soap.<br>Hot water?

  • Toliets Customer<br>Replenished with Toliet roll, Blue roll filled up and soap.<br>Hot water?<br>Hand washer in good repair?

  • Basement/bin store<br>Tidy, signs for deep cleaning?

  • Shop equipment <br>Cake display clean and clear to the customer?<br>Shop lights working?

  • Has the weekly cleaning checklist been checked off? By management?

Food Safety

  • Make sure that all the sheets have been completed<br>SFBB, Levels 2's when required?

  • All staff have completed their allergen training?

  • Temperature checks have been filled out twice a day?

  • Prove it! Sheets been filled out daily?

  • Evidence of regular hand washing?

  • Evidence that pest control is in place.<br>Pest control sheets has been signed off and actions have been made where necessary.

  • Staff are able to make up sanitiser and detergent for spray bottles. <br>Also explain the procedure of cleaning & sanitising bagel prep surfaces?

  • Physical check of the fridges and freezers<br>To ensure the correct layouts are being followed<br>That correct date dotting are being implemented <br>No double date dotting

  • Not consumable foods left of the floor

Health and Safety

  • Health and Safety folder is being filled out weekly/monthly/annually?

  • Manual handling poster put up and staff are aware on how to use the correct managing handling techniques?

  • Flooring in food condition, no hazards for tripping?

  • Check the incident report on Health and safety folder Are they being recorded? How many have there been?


  • Is the food properly protected from risk from contamination of pests?

  • Daily checks up to date and recorded?

  • Kitchen Cleaning schedule complete and up to date?

  • Temperature check complete and correct?

  • Sanitiser, hand soap, hot water and blue roll available?

  • If you witness a delivery is this stores correctly and immediately?

  • Is ready to eat food stored above/ separate from raw food in the fridge and freezers?

  • Is the food in the fridges and freezers covered and labelled correctly?

  • Are dried goods stored correctly?

  • Are the fridges and freezers defrosted regularly?

  • Is the coloured coded equipment being used correctly?

  • Are staff handling food as little as possible?

  • Are frozen foods defrosted safely?


  • Management completing onboarding/ off boarding?

  • Staff training workbook printed and filled out by all team members?

  • SFBB and Level 2's completed where appropriate?

  • Allergen training filled out by every team member?

  • Any outstanding reviews or appraisals?

  • Discussion sheets filled out?

  • How are the employee files looking?

  • Is Holiday being used correctly?

  • Holiday/Sickness tracker being filled out correctly?

Brand Standards

  • How long are the customers waiting from joining the queue to being greeted at the counter?

  • Are team members wearing aprons and suitable clothing?

  • Are the correct equipment being used to serve specific products I.E Tongs?

  • All current allergen processes being followed and all information on the google drive for customer queries?

  • Does the store have all item available? If not, Why? <br>Is it off Goodeats?

  • Did the server offer the upsell?

  • Did they prepare the food item to spec?

  • Was there a quality check? And double check before it goes to the customer?


  • Are the group heads being purged through every shot?

  • Are the baskets being wiped and dried with a towel before using for the next shot?

  • Is the leveller/tamper clean and dry throughout service?

  • Are the milk pitchers being cleaned in between steaming?

  • Are the milk jugs clean?

  • Are they actively observing and adhering to brand standards on extraction times?

  • Are they able to complete drinks within the 10 minute maximum time limit for large drinks tickets, or 5 minutes for small drinks ticket?

  • Are they actively adjusting the grind throughout the day if there are any issues?

  • Are they weighing the coffee for every shot?

  • Are they checking the extraction of every shot before serving?

  • Are the coffees containing latte art?

  • Add some examples of the latte art:

  • Cold drinks<br>Milkshakes/smoothies / iced tea/ lemonade<br>Was the drink served to spec?

  • Was clean wares used?

Company Check

  • Are lights being switched off when not is use?

  • Are heaters being switched off when not in use?

  • Are staff using reusable wears? Not single use cups/ trays?

  • Hair tied up?

  • No rings on, apart from a single wedding band?

  • Close toe shoes?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.