
  • Name of Dealer

  • Brand

  • Address
  • KPDNKK seiral No:

  • Ownership

  • number of dispenser

  • Person In charge

  • Tel No: / Fax No: / Email:

  • Date Start operation

  • No. of employees :

  • No. of employees : Citizen male =

  • No. of employees : Citizen Female

  • No. of employees : Foreigners male

  • No. of employees : Foreigners female

Part B : Unloading From Tanker

Zone : Safe operating Procedure /Safe Work Procedure

  • Measure to control spill and leaks during tranfers

  • Measure to control static electricity during transfer 1.e: earthing

  • measure to control source of ignition during transfer

  • vapour recovery system is applied

  • Document on safe transfer or unload of fuel

  • Trained operator

Part C : Underground Storage Tank

Zone 1. Riser (filling Point)

  • Riser are in good condition

  • Fuel Type identification (color coding/tagging)

  • Secured/locked

Zone 2 Tank Venting Equipment

  • Pressure/vacuum vent Cap Present (if required )<br> a. type of venting<br>b. available<br>c. functioning

  • remark :

Zone 3. Sump : containment and fittings

  • Sump/manhole cover in good condition (create proper sealed and no crack)

  • sump seal in good condition (no crack or loose seals)

  • Clean, empty and dry - no water product, dirty, debris.

  • Sump Intergrity (free of crack, bulges, holes)

  • Connector/fitting : free of leaks

  • Appearance of piping (free of rust, discoloration, delamination, swelling, disintegration, etc)

Zone 4. Overfill protection Devices

  • avaiable

  • Functioning properly

  • overfill alarm

Zone 5. Cathodic protection (if required)

  • Rectifier operation within normal limits

  • Proper operation verified by qualified person

Zone 6. Dipstick

  • type :

  • dipstick are protect by teflon to avoid spark

Zone 7. Automatic tank Gauge (ATG

  • available

  • ATG equipment functional

Zone 8 Leak detactor e.g. vacuum gauge

  • Any leak detector installed

  • Type

  • functioning properly

  • tested

Zone 9. Groundwater monitoring tube/ monitoring well

  • record on usage avaiable

Zone 10 Signage

  • Available and noticeable

Part d : Despensing Area

Zone 1 : Dispenser/pump anchoring and ground to earth

  • Type : Pressure / suction

  • Bolt are well tihgtened

  • Free from corrosion damage

  • Ground test for "hanging hardware" is regularly done

Zone 2 : Dispenser sump containment

  • Clean, empty and dry- no water, product, oil, debris

  • Sump integrity (free from crack, bulges, holes)

Zone 3: Shear valve on pressurized product lines

  • One shear valve for each fuel line.

  • Properly secured an anchored

  • Installed at proper level. Check at construction level? (need to refer std)

  • Free from leaks

Zone 4: Emergency stop button

  • Available at each dispenser and located on conspicuous position

  • Clearly labeled. i.e. "EMERGENCY STOP"

  • Routinely tested.(at least yearly)

Zone 5: Hanging Hardware (Hosepipes / breakaway / nozzles)

  • Free from cracks, cuts, fractures, leakage, and movement between hose and fittings.

  • Nozzle sensor functioning properly

  • Nozzles splash guard available

  • Valid breakaway (expired dated)

  • Labelling of product

Zone 6 : Signage

  • Standard warning symbols. i.e. "STOP ENGINE", NO SMOKING" are displayed at or adjacent to the filling area

  • Labelling of product

  • available and noticeable

  • Dispensing instruction is stated clearly

  • Reminder e.g. Do not leave pump unattended to ensure spillage or overfilling are prevented during the filling stated at dispenser

Zone 7 : Bollards

  • Bollards are in place to protect against the vehicle impact

Zone 8 : Oil floor Trap

  • Available at each dispenser and flow is not interrupted to oil interceptor

Zone 9: Oil interceptor

  • Available and flow from oil flor trap is not interrupted

Part E : NGV Dispensing NA.

Part F : Emergency Response Plan

Element 1 : OSHMS

  • Employees are trained in the use of emergency equiment

  • Employees are trainer emergency procedure and the use of machine equipment

  • Emergency procedures are available for fire, spillage, accident, equipment failure and other potential abnormalities or emergencies (underground storage tank, oil dispensing or NGV dispensing area)

  • Emergency plan is regularly tested, reviewed and updated as required

  • List of emergency telephone numbers, including BOMBA, Ambulance service and other emergency responders is prominently displayed near the control center (console) telephone

  • spill kit is complete and readily avaiable

  • An incident investigation procedure is avaiable and employees are trained

Element 2 : Main Emergency Stop Button

  • Available to shut off power to all dispensing unit

  • Readily accessible in an emergency . (e.g. there is clear access to the emergency stop with no obstructions such rack, shelves or spill kits)

  • Clearly labeled i.e. "Emergency Stop"

  • Routinely test ( at least monthly)

Element 3 : Fire Protection System

  • Trained operator how to use fire protection system

  • Adequately installed, tested and maintained

  • Fire extinguisher is not expired

  • Fire extinguisher is located in a conspicuous position near dispenser or other item being protected

  • Fire extinguisher is located in a conspicuous position without undue danger in an emergency

  • Each fire extinguisher location is marked by a Fire Extinguisher sign

Part G : Other

Zone 1 : Domcumentation and records

  • Risk assessment is available and maintained i.e. HIRARC, HEMP, HAZOP, etc

  • Safety data sheet (SDS) are readily located in conspicuous position an maintained.

  • safety policy has been established (if required)

  • Organization Chart was created

  • Whenever discrepancies in the records indicate possible leakage, the dangerous goods installation is checked and any leaks rectified.

  • Distribution PPE records are maintained

  • Training records maintained

  • Inspection an maintenance records are maintained

  • Have audit been carried out by oil company

Zone 2 : Floor & Wall openings

  • Are floor holes or openings guarded by a cover, guardrail or equivalent on all sides? (except at entrance to stairways or ladders)

  • Are unused portions of service pits and pits not actually in use either covered or protected by guardrails or equivalent

Part h : Workshop/ Car Wash / Mini market / Restaurant / Surau / Toilet

Zone 1 : Workshop/ Car Wash / Mini market / Restaurant / Surau / Toilet

  • All certificated machineries are registered with dosh. i.e. air compressor units

  • Free from open flame / welding

  • Suitable PPE

  • Proper housekeeping

  • Acceptable signage

  • safe operating procedure i.e. service, repair, etc


  • Ulasan Pegawai

  • Tarikh :

  • Tandatangan

  • Ulasan Ketua .

  • Tarikh :

  • Tandatangan & cop

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.