Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Novelet McKenzie-Murray

  • UHWI


  • Number of Physician

  • Number of Nurses

  • Number of PCA

  • Number of House Keepers

  • Number of Porters

  • Number of Clerks

  • Students

  • Other Workers


  • General Hospital policies in place & available

  • Nursing policy manual

  • Unit/area specific manual

  • Unit/area specific policy manual

  • Nursing policy manual

  • Staff Orientation manual

  • Infection Control manual

  • Equipment/Service Manual

  • Procedural Guidelines

  • Clinical practice guidelines

  • Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines

  • Infection Prevention & control guidelines

  • Do managers, supervisors and employees have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities

  • Is there evidence of compliance with statutory requirement


  • Is there communication procedure/protocol

  • Are employees knowledgeable about health and safety management

  • Are managers aware of Heath of the heath and safety role and responsibilites

  • Are relevant health and safety policies and procedures communicated to employees

  • Are policies and procedures manual easily accessible at the workplace

  • Is there a policy and procedure in place for reporting incidents and near mises

  • Are incidents/accidents written as per policy


  • Is safety and health training made available for all employees

  • Are all employees aware pf their duies to attend safety and health training

  • Is non attendance at training programmes recorded/managed

  • Do employees understand the limitations and use of PPE

  • Is training programmes in place

  • Is there a system for flagging refresher training

  • Is refresher training provided

  • Is there a formal orientation programme for new employees

  • Is health and safety adequately addressed in the orientation programme

  • Are employees given instruction, training and supervision in a form, manner and as appropriate, language that is likely to be understood by the employee

  • Is instruction, training and supervision provided to employees in recruitment, transfer, change task, on new equipment, new tehnology etc.


  • Blood, bodily fluid exposure management posted

  • Hazardous chemical: labels and MSDSs

  • Restricted area

  • Fire exits

  • Evacuation routes

  • Isolation signs

  • Wet Floor

  • Eye wash stations (e.g. lab, chemical storage areas)

  • Instruction for use of Personal Protective Equipment

  • Noise protection required

  • Bio-hazard areas

  • Radiation area

  • Hand Hygiene posters


  • Written bio-hazardous waste protocol present

  • Written regular waste disposal protocol present

  • Appropriately label containers/bag for waste

  • Waste facility in good condition

  • Waste segregation adhere to


  • Contact for security posted

  • Emergency number for internal and external contacts are available

  • Visitors/Contractors rules in place



  • There is an active IPC Committee at the hospital {meeting and action items evident}

  • The committee meets at least every 2 months

  • The Health Facility's Infection Control Policies and Procedures Manual is readily available in the Nursery

  • Staff of the Nursery of the Nursery are aware of the key concepts contained in the manual

  • The ward sister/charge nurse/team leader is aware of their role and responsibility in relation to infection prevention and control (IPC)

  • Within the Nursery, there is a lead person responsible for IPC

  • There is evidence of a multi-professional approach to IPC {meetings & Minutes}

  • There is evidence that at least one (1) Audit on IPC practices has been conducted in the nursery within the last 12 months

  • There is evidence of improvements in keeping with corrective action schedule from the last audit

  • IPC nurse conduct daily visits to the neonatal nursery

  • Incidents related to IPC are reported immediately to IPC committee and Hospital Directorate immediately

  • There is evidence that outbreak of an infection or increased incidence of an infection is reported to the surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health within 24 hours

  • There is evidence that incidents related to infection prevention and control are actioned appropriately


  • There is adequate Eqiupment and Supplies for hand hygiene

  • Soft absorbent paper towels are available at all hand washing sinks

  • Soap available in dispensers

  • Adequate Hot water available

  • Adequate cold water availble

  • Sinks clean and well maintained

  • Wash hand sinks present in dirty utility room

  • Sinks present in clean room

  • Clean and dirty sink identified

  • Hand sanitizer dispenser clean & good working order

  • Soap dispenser in clean & good working order


  • Proper Management of Soil or contaminated linen


  • Proper storage

  • Expired

  • Date and time of used medication

  • Safe Injection Practices

Suitable Personal Protective Equipment; Adequate Supplies of:

  • N95 respirator in adequate amount

  • Protective eyewear

  • Impermeable gowns

  • Workers trained in PPE

  • PPE available and worn when necessary

  • Disposable gowns

  • Shoe coverings

  • Surgical Masks


  • Furniture in good condition

  • Refrigerator temperature recorded & Maintained

  • Personal Items neatly placed

  • Nurses station clean and tidy

  • Isolation room appropriately ventilated

  • Is there patient call system in the unit/functional

  • Are patient aware of the system

  • Does staff respond to alarms/buzzers

  • Broken beds, stretchers, Wheel Chair/tables/lockers/mattresses

  • Handrails/grab bars in bathroom

  • non skid tiles/bath boards in shower

  • Are patient aware of the system

Equipment Procedure

  • Autoclave clean & in good working condition

  • Frequent Microbiological testing

  • Microwave clean & in good working order

  • Glucometer, oximeters, monitoring equipment clean

  • Patient lift available, maintained & clean

  • Bedpan flusher/sterilizers clean and in good working condition

  • Oxygen Cylinder storage appropriate

  • Cleaning procedure appropriate

  • Guarding safety device in place

  • Start/stop switches clearly marked and easy to reach

  • Safe operating procedure available

  • Lockout procedure available

  • Training given in safe use of tools and machinery

  • Manufacturer's manuals available for all tools and machinery


  • Schedule cleaning for water storage tank

  • Residual chlorine present in tap water

  • Plumbing Fixture

  • Air Conditioning unit


  • Suitable ergonomics chairs available

  • Foot rest provided for desk

  • Countertops & Work station at appropriate height & adjustable

  • Ergonomic lifting device available

  • Store heavy items at waste height

Sharps Handling

  • Sharps disposal at point-of-use

  • Sharps container not overfilled(2/3)

  • Sharps container appropriate

  • Safety Engineered needles available

  • Sharps containers elevated

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - Physical Environment

  • Floor slip-proof

  • Floor, walls doors, and ceiling clean & intact

  • Floor & doorway clear and free of obstructions

  • Good drainage for spills

  • Changes in floor level clearly marked

  • No mold or fungus

  • No cords on floors & other tripping hazards

  • Shelves present and adequate to support material

  • Steps and rails adequate

  • Ramps for disable present


  • Lighting adequate, maintained

  • Task specific lighting present where appropriate

  • Natural lighting adequate

  • Emergency lighting provided and Maintained

  • Electrical outlets well located

  • Outlets sufficient to avoid overloading


  • Minimum 15 total air changes per <br> hour

  • Minimum 3 air changes of outdoor <br>air per hour

  • Negative pressure in Isolation areas, autopsy suite

  • Positive pressure in operating room

  • Mechanical ventilation for hazardous emissions such as sterilizing chemicals

  • Temperature Satisfactory

  • Relative Humidity Satisfactory

  • CO2 satisfactory

Exhaust Fume Hood

  • Physical integrity satisfactory

  • Signs of blockage

  • Unusual Noise


  • Type of Filters satisfactory

  • Filter efficiency satisfactory

  • Filter clean

  • Signs of by passing

  • Change out schedule

Duct Work

  • Physical integrity satisfactory

  • Dryness & Cleanliness satisfactory

  • Signs of blockage from static pressure

  • Air balancing records

Reheat Coils/Mixing Boxes

  • Dryness & Cleanliness Satisfactory

  • VAV(Variable air volume) calibration set for at least minimum

  • Required outside air delivery at all times

HVAC Equipment( e.g. Heating/cooling units, stacks and condensers)

  • Physical integrity

  • Dryness & Cleanliness satisfactory

  • No slime, mold, dirt bird dropping, soot accumulation

  • Integrity & cleanliness of chamber floor, wall and ceiling

  • Cleanliness & operation of various components satisfactory


  • Type & Location appropriate

  • Set appropriately

  • Access controlled


  • Emergency exits visible

  • Emergency exit free from obstruction

  • Emergency evacuation plan posted

  • Fire extinguishers present

  • Fire extinguishes regularly inspected

  • Fire Protection equipment (e.g hoses) accessible & maintained

  • Clear access to electrical panels/no combustible material stored

  • Sockets in good condition

Staff Areas: Clean and Orderly Appearance, enough room to work

  • Staff lockers/change area accessible and available

  • Staff lounge present & clean with no medical supplies or device

  • Staff toilet clean

  • Refrigerator in good working orde

  • Furniture/office equipment secure from tripping: appropriate work being done

  • Treatment room

  • Equipment storage

  • Chemical storage

  • Staff Areas

  • Work areas(e.g.lab benches, maintenance rooms

  • Containers with proper lids

Untitled page

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.