
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Time Audit Started

  • Store #

  • District #

1. TSS/Store Exterior

  • 1.1 Is this CSI based on the store being listed on the Regional TSS store list?

  • 1.2 If this is a TSS store visit, is the District Manager or Temp DM for this store present?

  • 1.3 If this is a TSS store visit, is the Regional Director or temp RD assigned for this store present?

  • 1.4 Inspect the store exterior and look inside the dumpster. Has merchandise present been captured by a damage to zero markdown or other inventory adjustment? Pull on the receiving doors, are they properly secured?

2. Communication Center

  • 2.1 Are the Operations and Inventory Management sections of the panel C of the Communication Center up to date?

  • 2.2 Is the Transaction Analysis Log complete and current with sign off by each employee?

  • 2.3 Is the SM following cash over/short accountability SOP? Identify last 3 overages/shortages of =/-$2.00. We're SOP and counseling guidelines followed correctly?

  • 2.4 Are damage to zero markdowns at or below the store assigned goal and are they processed each week?

3. Inventory Management

  • 3.1 Enter the total inventory build that has occurred since the previous physical inventory.

  • 3.2 Is the 7 day Workflow Process being followed?

  • 3.3 Is the store following the weekly OHA process?

  • 3.4 Were all add on orders performed in the previous 4 weeks for large customer orders only and not for stock replenishment?

  • 3.5 Review the previous month's Monthly Transaction Sheet. Have all invoices been highlighted and cleared by the store manager?

  • 3.6 Are all unmatched vendor invoices in the pending files less than 60 days old?

  • 3.7 Are vendor invoices properly matched?

  • 3.8 Are DSD Deliveries being conducted in view of a CCTV camera and is the DSD SOP being followed?

  • 3.9 Are all Store Use items identified with control numbers?

4. Point of Sale CCTV Review

  • 4.1 Review 5 exception item voids from the Associate POS Activity Summary report. Validate that the voided item was left at the store or re-rang if the merchandise left the store?

  • 4.2 Review 5 exception refunds from the Associate POS Summary report. Is the customer and merchandise present at the time of the refund?

  • 4.3 Are the MOD, customer and employee's names signed on the refund receipt?

  • 4.4 Review 5 Transaction Cancels (Aborted Transactions) from the Associate POS Summary report via CCTV. We're the voided items purchased on a subsequent transaction or were they left at the store?

  • 4.5 Of the Transactions Cancels that were reviewed, did the store employees follow all processes/procedures for properly documenting the transaction slip?

  • 4.6 Review EBR for any Price Inquiry exceptions populated by this store. Choose 5 to research via CCTV. We're the items sold if they left the store? If there are no exceptions, run the Associate POS Activity Summary report and review 5 for the employees with the highest quantity.

  • 4.7 Review 3 openings of the receiving doors via CCTV. Was the SOP followed for proper receiving door key control, if trash was being removed was the SM or MOD present and were boxes or totes being removed inspected for potential merchandise theft?

  • 4.8 Is the CCTV system being utilized daily by the SM?

5. Loss Prevention Controls

  • 5.1 Is the keypad enunciator audible when the front door opens?

  • 5.2 Inspect all emergency exits. Are the panic alarms operational and is each emergency exit tested monthly?

  • 5.3 Is the safe combination changed upon the voluntary or involuntary departure of any key holder from the store staff?

  • 5.4 Are alarm codes controlled with each eligible key holder assigned their own code?

  • 5.5 Are employees adhering to the Employee Presentation Policy by having bags and personal belongings inspected and receipts for purchases verified?

  • 5.6 Do employee purchases which are being immediately consumed or used in the store have a receipt attached, per SOP?

  • 5.7 Is the store following the proper procedures for conducting cash pick ups?

  • 5.8 Is the store following deposit policy by making daily deposits as outlined in the SOP? Are the deposits being validated with bank validated slips and the deposit log completely filed out?

6. Sales Floor

  • 6.1 Is the register free of personal items?

  • 6.2 Are employees present knowledgeable of how to handle pre-paid financial card phone scams?

  • 6.3 Are all employees executing One Item/One Scan for every SKU including items involved in BOGO and other special promotions?

  • 6.4 Are only damaged packages or packages with missing merchandise (not empty) or non perishable food that is 2-4 weeks from its expiration date located on the markdown cart?

7. Loss Prevention Awareness/Employee Training

  • 7.1 Were employees that you engaged with knowledgeable of the "ASAP" shoplifting procedure?

  • 7.2 Have all employees completed the Robbery CBL within their first week of employment?

  • 7.3 Have all employees completed the Sales Associate Shrink Awareness CBL and any key carriers completed the Key Carrier Shrink Awareness CBL?

8. Defensive Merchandising

  • 8.1 If the store equipped with defensive merchandising fixtures, are they installed in the correct POGs and functioning properly? Choose N/A if the store is not eligible for the fixtures.

  • 8.2 Is the Secure Selling Area set per POG and are placeholders located in the home selling location for all SKU's?

  • 8.3 Are spiral peg hooks installed on the approved SKU's in foot care, shave, and batteries where applicable?

  • 8.4 are Dollar General anti-theft labels applied to the approved items?

  • 8.5 Are ink tags properly installed on the approved items on the sales floor? Choose N/A if the store is not a part of the ink tag program.

  • 8.6 Are there two functional decouplers in the register area? Choose N/A if the store is not a part of the ink tag program.

9. Tobacco

  • 9.1 Is the store conducting Tobacco Cycle Counts daily? Is the daily variance being noted on the TAL?

  • 9.2 Is the Tobacco case locked and the key secured out of reach of customers? Are overstock tobacco products secured in the approved overstock locations- tobacco case, locked tobacco cabinet or locked in the store office under CCTV?

10. Staffing

  • 10.1 Is the store fully staffed? If no, list open positions in the comments.

  • 10.2 Are all employees including the SM, scheduled appropriately to meet business needs with at least two employees scheduled to close every night? Is the SM closing per Atlas guidelines?

  • Comments:

  • Time Audit Ended

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.