Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Document Number as A.AUS.YYYY.MM.DD (Studio Name), e.g. A.AUS.2021.06.24 (Southport)

  • Audit Date + Time

  • Audit Location/Studio
  • Auditor/Assessor

  • Type your name

  • Auditee/Operator 1

  • Auditee/Operator 2

Audit Particulars

  • Disclaimer of Liability
    These findings were compiled in good faith, exercising all due care and attention. Moreover, this report is based on matters which were observed, or came to the attention of the Auditor, during the review and studio assessments and should not be relied upon as an exhaustive record of all possible risks or hazards that may exist or potential improvements that can be made.

    Confidentiality Statement
    To maintain the integrity and credibility of the audit process and to protect the parties involved, it is understood that Auditors shall not divulge, to unauthorised persons, any information obtained during this audit, unless legally obliged to do so.

    Copyright 2021
    All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the Chief Compliance Officer, Mr Jason Somerville-Kimlin.

    The purpose of this audit is:

    a) To identify and measure the performance of the Auditee/Operator against a range of legislative requirements, specifically; Acts, Regulations, Australian Standards, Codes of Practice, or 5EF developed Minimum Performance Criteria;
    b) To make an objective determination as to whether the Auditee/Operator Meets Expectation (ME) or Exceeds Expectation (EE) or Does Not Meet Expectation (DNME) against the audit question/requirement;
    c) To summarise, by means of this audit report, all findings; and
    d) To provide the Auditee/PCBU with a compliance score derived as a percentage of 100 (refer to ‘Compliance Scoring’ hereafter for detail).

    The scope of this audit is limited to the examination and evaluation of activities undertaken by the Auditee/Operator at this studio, in relation to conforming to legislative requirements or 5EF Minimum Performance Criteria.

    Compliance Scoring
    The compliance score represents the score achieved, by the Operator or studio, against the audit tool, and can be used to benchmark the studio from year to year, audit to audit, or, as an evaluation measure against other 5EF studios. The compliance score is derived as a percentage of 100 employing the following methodology:

    - For each assessment item that Meets Expectation (ME) or Exceeds Expectation (EE), a value of one (1) is applied—the ‘numerator’
    - For each applicable assessment item, a value of one (1) is applied—the ‘denominator’
    - The numerator is divided by the denominator and multiplied by 100 to provide a percentile of 100
    - NOTE: The highest achievable compliance score = 100%

Prior to the Group Session:

  • Is your session set up correctly according to the MPC | Preparedness template?

  • Is your workout TV screen shared properly with the correct exercise slides for the day?

  • 5-minutes prior to the start of a Group Session, Did you announce “5-minute warning team! Fill up your water bottles, have your workout towel ready, HRM’s on, and get ready to bring your A-game!”?

  • Upon walking over to the Workout Screen, did you tell the members to meet you on the black workout mats?

  • Before walking over to the Workout Screen (Primary Screen), did you hit start on the HRM iPad?

  • Did you decrease the volume of your music to 30% in preparation for your workout demonstration?

  • Did you turn the fans off before beginning the workout demonstration?

Start of the Group Session

  • Did your session start on time?

  • Did you introduce yourself to the group by the following; “Hey team! My name’s XXXXX and I’ll be your trainer for the next 45 minutes!”?

  • Did you welcome any Intro’s, by name, to the group announcing the following, ““Please give a round of applause for “Susie” as this is her first session! Let’s all give her a warm welcome today, team!”?

  • Did you announce the name of the Session? (e.g. “Chaos”)

  • Did you announce the emphasis of the Session? (e.g. lower body strength)

  • Did you give clear instructions of the Session by following the workout slides in the following order:

  • Title Slide (e.g. “Chaos”);

  • Today’s Goals (e.g. Chaos explanation and timing intervals);

  • Heart Rate Goals; and

  • Exercise Demonstration.

  • Warm Up

  • Did you leave the exercise slide screen-shared on the Workout Screen (Primary Screen) while you completed the entire exercise demonstration?

  • For each exercise, did you state the name of the exercise?

  • For each exercise, did you show a regression, if applicable?

  • For each exercise, did you state which heart rate zones the members should work towards?

  • For each exercise, did you demonstrate with 2-3 reps of perfect form?

  • For each exercise, did you demonstrate using an appropriate weight that ensures your form isn’t compromised?

  • Did you use the correct terminology for the workout? (e.g. “exercises”, “pods”, “medballs”, “Deadballs”, etc.)

  • Did you complete the exercise demonstration with “Does anyone have any questions?

  • Did you exude a positive attitude in your voice variance as to create excitement for your members?

  • Are you varying the tone of your voice, so as to not sound monotone?

  • Was the pitch of your voice uplifting and delivered in a positive tone?

  • Was the entire workout demonstration, from start to finish, less than 6 minutes?


  • Did you instruct the members to grab some floor space?

  • After the exercise demonstration, did you demo the first exercise of the warm up and start immediately after that with a proper countdown of “5,4,3,2,1!”?

  • Did you increase the volume of your music to 100% upon the commencement of the warm up?

  • Did you demo each exercise of the warm up correctly?

  • Did you demo each exercise 10 seconds before that exercise is about to occur?

  • Did you use the correct warm up for the day?

  • Was your warm up timed correctly specific to that particular workout? (e.g. 2 minutes in total)

  • Did the volume of your music stay at one level, and not move until the warm up is complete?

  • Did you increase the pitch and tone of your voice to motivate your members in a positive manner?

  • After the warm up is complete, did you turn the volume of your music down to 30%?

  • After the warm up is complete, did you instruct the members to partner up/find a station/pod to start at?

  • Did you switch the warm-up slide back to the exercise slide?

  • Did you give a clear “5,4,3,2,1” countdown prior to starting the Session?

During the Group Session

  • Did you increase the volume of your music to 100% upon starting the workout interval?

Member interaction

  • Did you interact with the members during the working intervals?

  • Are you correcting the members' form?

  • Are you correcting the members form using the 3 C’s?

  • Are you giving motivational cues to the group to keep the energy levels of the members at an elevated state?

  • Are you giving individual motivational cues to the members, using their names? (e.g “Let’s go, Susie!”, “Keep pushing through those reps, Susie!”, or “Don’t give up Susie, you only have 15 seconds left!”)

Timing cues

  • Are you giving accurate half way cues? (e.g. if the interval is 60 seconds, a 30 second cue must be given, along with a cue to signify the final 15 seconds, and then one final cue with a 5,4,3,2,1 countdown)

  • Are your working intervals accurate?

  • Are you giving clear countdown cues that are less than 5 seconds?

  • Are you giving resting interval time cues? (i.e. “Rest! 30 seconds to breath, team!”)

  • Are your resting interval cues accurate?

  • Are you giving resting interval cues when applicable? (i.e. “continue to breath”, “slow your breathing, let your heart rate come down to the green zone”, or “time to catch your breath!”).

Pitch/Tone/Expressional Cues

  • Are you decreasing the pitch/tone of your voice when during a resting interval?

  • Are you increasing the pitch/tone of your voice upon getting ready to start an interval? (i.e. “Starting in 10 seconds, team! Are you ready? 5,4,3,2,1, let’s go!”).

  • Does the pitch/tone of your voice match the motivational cues?

  • Are you ensuring to vary the tone of your voice so as to not sound monotone when giving motivational cues?

  • Is your body language/posture represented in the positive for example:

  • Head held high;

  • Shoulders pulled back (chest open);

  • Arms by sides (not crossed); and

  • Stand tall.

  • Are you giving eye contact when talking/delivering members any type of cues?

  • Are you giving happy facial expressions during the session when talking with members?

  • Are you ensuring all cues are genuine/uplifting and delivered in a positive tone?

  • Are you decreasing the volume of your music for a resting interval?

  • Are you increasing the volume of your music when starting a working interval?

  • Are you ensuring the volume of the music doesn’t hinder your ability to communicate with members?

  • Are you striving for a complimentary balance between your spoken words and the volume of the music?

  • Are you available to answer any questions from your members during resting intervals?

Heart Rate Zone Cues

  • Are you coaching the members to the correct zones specific to those exercises?

  • Are you encouraging your members to give their best when trying to reach designated zones, but to not over exhaust the member or push the member beyond the extremities of the Red Zone?

  • Are you using the HRMS to congratulate the members for giving their best?

  • Did you complete your session with a proper countdown?

Boxing Sections (if applicable)

  • In Round 1, are you demoing the exercises in the following order?

  • 1. Demo the boxing combo, as if you were the boxer;

  • 2. Demo the boxing combo, as if you were a pad holder;

  • 3. Demo the next step (e.g Core exercise OR speed punches, etc.)

  • 4. Tell them the time intervals (i.e. how long they’re working for and how long they will rest)

After the Session

  • Did you complete your session with a proper countdown? (i.e.”1 minute to go! Last 30 seconds, let's go! Final 15, do not stop! 5,4,3,2,1 rest!”)

  • Did your session end on time?

  • Did you tell your members to put one piece of equipment back to its original station/pod?

  • Did you instruct members to find some floor space in readiness for the cool down?

  • Prior to commencing the stretches, did you change the workout slide to the “announcements” slide?

  • Did you focus on stretching the muscle groups targeted during that specific session?

  • Are you engaging with the members and talking about any upcoming events occurring at your studio?

  • Are you giving a clear and concise explanation of the Heart Rate results as a group?

  • Did you explain to the members the overall goal of the session is to achieve EPOC?

  • Did you inform the members/intros that upon achieving an afterburn effect, or EPOC, they will burn calories for the next 24-36 hours?

  • Are you available to answer any questions members may have in regards to their results?

  • Did you hit “Stop” on the iPad at the front desk for the HRM results to be appear?

  • Did you ask your members if they wanted a post-workout drink?

  • If members are getting a post-workout shake, did you tell them to put their names on the shake board?

  • Did you congratulate everyone as a group?

  • Did you encourage other members to high five/fist bump each other in creating community?

  • Did you complete the workout with the 5EF Battle Cry?

  • Did you switch the workout slide on the Workout Screen (Primary Screen) back to the title slide to be ready for the next Session? (e.g. “Chaos”)

Audit Close-Out Meeting

  • Close-Out Meeting Date + Time:

  • Auditor/Assessor:

  • Attendees:

  • NB: Thank the Operator(s) for their time and commitment during the audit process before briefly discussing the positive findings, particularly any EE's.

  • Positive Findings:

  • Opportunities for Improvement (OFI's):

  • The following section is for the Operator to provide you with any relevant feedback, e.g. they've been without a,b,c for the last 2 weeks etc.

  • Opportunity for Operator Feedback (OOF):

  • Recommended Training:

  • NB: The Pass Mark for this Audit is 90%

  • Your Audit Score was:

  • Auditor/Assessor

  • Auditor/Assessor Signature

  • Auditee/Operator 1

  • Auditee/Operator 1 Signature

  • Auditee/Operator 2

  • Auditee/Operator 2 Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.