Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Health & Safety

  • Please take a photograph of the front of the building

  • Is the health & safety policy statement displayed, signed and dated?

  • Are employees aware of the contents and their individual responsibilities in the health & safety policy statement?

  • Is there a health & safety law poster displayed in the workplace and completed with correct information?

  • Is there a copy of the current employers’ liability certificate available for inspection?

  • Is there a health and safety notice board displaying an up to date list of:

  • Evacuation route?

  • Fire marshals?

  • Fire bell test?

  • First aiders (with contact numbers)

  • AED trained staff (with contact numbers)?

  • Evac chair trained personnel? (With contact numbers)


  • Do arrangements exist to ensure that contractors are inducted and controlled in the building?

  • Is evidence available?

  • Do arrangements exist to ensure that contractors are aware of the company’s health and safety policy and safe systems of work relevant to the performance of their work?

  • Is evidence available?

  • Are visitors inducted into, and controlled around the building?

  • Is there evidence available?

  • Do arrangements exist for hosting visitors?

  • Is there evidence available?

  • Please note any other observations in relation to Health and Safety.

Asbestos Management

  • Has the building got an asbestos survey?

  • Is there an asbestos register in place?

  • Please note any other observations in relation to asbestos

Risk Assessment / Training

  • Has a suitable and sufficient general workplace risk assessment been undertaken for the premises?

  • Is the risk assessment regularly reviewed to take into account changes in working practice?

  • Is evidence available of a pregnant workers assessment?

  • Is evidence available of a lone worker assessment?

  • Is evidence available of a young worker assessment?

  • Is evidence available of an event assessment?

  • Is evidence available of a DSE assessment?

  • Is evidence available of a Manual Handling assessment?

  • Have all employees received local induction training?

  • Is the local induction training documented?

  • Is all health and safety training provided by a fully competent person?

  • Have all people managers received health and safety for managers’ training?

  • Are there sufficient trained fire marshals’ for the building?

  • Are there sufficient trained first aid staff?

  • Are there sufficient trained AED staff?

  • Are there sufficient trained evacuation chair operators?

  • Please note any other observations.

Fire Control

  • Is there an up to date Fire risk assessment for the building?

  • Have all the actions been carried out?

  • Is emergency lighting tested?

  • Are all fire doors kept closed?

  • Are all fire doors damage free?

  • Are fire extinguishers in place and signed?

  • Are fire extinguishers within service date?

  • Are all fire and emergency exits signs in place?

  • Has there been a full fire evacuation of the building in the last 12 months?

  • Are all fire exits clear of obstructions?

  • Is there evidence of the fire bell being tested weekly from call points in rotation?

  • Please note any other observations regarding fire control.

First Aid / Accident Reporting

  • Is there sufficient trained first aid staff for the building covering the opening hours?<br>(ratio 1-50)

  • Are first aid kits adequately stocked and in date?

  • Are first aid records kept?

  • Is staff aware of the accident/incident reporting process?

  • Are AED’s in situ in the building?

  • Are the AED batteries in date?

Electrical Safety

  • Are all plugs and sockets free from damage?

  • Are all leads free from damage or fraying?

  • Are all fixed wiring installations inspected on a regular basis by a qualified and competent person?

  • Is there evidence of up to date PAT testing on all electrical items?

  • Are all extension leads in trunking or secured? (free from trailing and trip hazard?)

  • Are ITEC rooms tidy?

  • Please note any other observations regarding electrical safety

Walkways, Stairs and Housekeeping

  • Are floor areas clean, dry and free from slip/trip hazards?

  • Are coats/bags stored correctly?

  • Are desks clean and rubbish free?

  • Are work areas clear of rubbish?

  • Are bins clean to a suitable standard? (not overflowing)

  • Is the office space generally clutter free?

  • Are stairs/handrails in good condition?

  • Are stairwells free from stored items?

  • Are walkways clear of obstructions?

  • Are items stored correctly?

  • Are library steps (with handrail) available to reach high areas?

  • Please note any other observations


  • Are all flammable substances stored correctly in a fire proof cabinet?

  • Does the building have showers?

  • Are there suitable water testing procedures in place?

  • Are there Legionella tests undertaken?

  • Have risk assessments been completed by the on-site contractors?

  • Are they up to date and available for inspection?

  • Is there access to MSDS for all chemicals used on site (cleaners)?

  • Have the MSDS been reviewed?

  • Please note any other observations around chemicals

Plant/Work Equipment

  • Are all passenger lifts serviced and maintained?

  • Is all work equipment identified, in good condition and suitable for use?

  • In plant room (if applicable) are all switches labelled?

  • Please note any other observations in regards to plant or work equipment

Office Safety

  • Are staff aware of the eye test policy?

  • Do all blinds close and work effectively?

  • Are workstation layouts suitable?

  • Is lighting adequate for work tasks?

  • Are light fittings in good condition?

  • Is air conditioning maintained?

  • Is furniture appropriate and sound?

  • Is there adequate ventilation?


  • Are materials stored so they will not fall?

  • Are materials stored so that good manual handling practices can be applied?

  • Are storage racks/cupboards in sound condition, not over-loaded?

  • Are racks free from projection, sharp edges?

  • Are incompatible hazard substances segregated?

  • Please note any other observations regarding storage

Welfare Matters

  • Are toilets/washrooms clean?

  • Are kitchens/breakout areas clean?

  • Is drinking water available?

  • Please note any other observations regarding welfare matters

Any Other Issues

  • Please use this space to note any other issues or observations noted as part of the health and safety survey

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.