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Equipment - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Para 2.15 - 2.119 A/L 39

  • Is equipment requiring special handling stored appropriately?

  • Check that stock is stored IAW NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Para 2.15 - 2.119 A/L 39

Personnel - NZAP 256, Pt 2, Ch 14, Paras 14046 - 14049 A/L 4

  • Select two personnel and ask them, "What are the first aid actions to be taken if superglue comes into contact with the skin or causes body parts to bond together?

  • "ANSWER: Refer NZAP 256, Pt 2, Ch 14, Paras 14046 - 14049 A/L 4

Publications - NZAP 6000.001-1 Ch 1 Para 1.18 A/L 18

  • Are personnel aware of their responsibility with regard to the accuracy of the content of publications and servicing schedules?

  • Select two personnel and ask them, "What are you required to do if you find an error in a publication or servicing schedule".

  • ANSWER: Required to have amendment action initiated.

Publications - NZAP 6000.001-1 Ch 2 Para 2.54 A/L 18

  • Are personnel aware of the order of precedence that is to apply when a conflict exists between NZAPs?

  • Select two personnel and ask them the following two questions:1. "You are servicing a component and note that the maintenance manual gives a servicing periodicity of 100 hrs and the CMMS auto scheduled work order (which comes from the MMS) states 120 hr

Publications - NZAP 6000.001-1 Ch 5 Para 5.5 A/L 18

  • Are personnel aware of the procedures for controlling amendments of publications?

  • Select an NCO and ask them, "What mechanism is to be used for controlling amendments of publications".

  • ANSWER: They are controlled using preformatted CMMS work orders (preplans) pertaining to the Base and situation controlling the publication.

Authorisations - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 Lft C4.1 Para 1.8 A/L 21

  • Is the authorisation of individuals to supervise and inspect work formally recorded?

  • Obtain the F125s of supervisors working in the unit and check that entries show personnel are suitably authorised to supervise and inspect the type of work carried out by the unit.

Authorisations - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 Lft A7.1 Para 1.11 A/L 21

  • Are personnel certified as competent to be employed on the maintenance of aircraft or technical equipment without close supervision?

  • Select three personnel who are working without close supervision and check that they: a. Have completed aircraft or equipment familiarisation training/courses and OJE/OJT as appropriate, iaw the 'Unit Manual of Training', for the work they are undertaking.

Publications - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 Lft E1.3 Para 3.2 A/L 21

  • Are personnel aware of the requirement to only use approved engineering drawings when manufacturing, modifying or repairing aeronautical and support equipment?

  • Select two personnel and ask them, "What are the only types of drawing that can be used for the manufacture, modification or repair of aeronautical and support equipment".

  • ANSWER: An approved engineering drawing

Parts - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 C2.9 A/L 21

  • Are personnel aware of the reporting action required when a locally manufactured part fails or gives unsatisfactory service?

  • Select two SNCOs and ask them, "What reporting action is required when a locally manufactured part fails or gives unsatisfactory service".

  • ANSWER: Major Defect Reporting (MDR) action is to be taken (unless waived by SENGO on a case by case basis).

Tools - NZAP 6003-1 Sec C Lft C3 Para 3.5 A/L 17

  • Are the composite tool kits being controlled, maintained and used properly?

  • Check a. the tool board has tags for location (aircraft) and personnel. b. there are no untagged tools. c. U/S tags are being used properly. d. there is a means of recording removal of tools for use outside the area covered by the composite tool kit

Tools - NZAP 6003-1 Sec C Lft C3 Para 3.20 A/L 17

  • Are tradesmen aware of their responsibilities for accounting for tools?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What are your responsibilities with regard to accounting for tools when a task is completed".

  • ANSWER: That they are responsible for ensuring all tools used are accounted for on completion of aircraft or component servicing.

Parts - NZAP 6003.004-1 Ch 6 A/L 62

  • Are personnel aware of the procedures for using equivalent parts in electrical and electronic equipment?

  • Select a SNCO and the NCOIC Trade and ask them, "When are you allowed to use an equivalent part and how are you to mark an item containing such a part".

  • ANSWER: a. when there is an authorised concession and only when the item has an AOG or URR priority.

Personnel - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 1 Para 1.4 A/L 26

  • Have all personnel read NZAP 6000-1 (Air Force Maintenance Orders)?

  • Check unit signature sheets to determine that orders have been read by all section personnel: a. On arrival on base. b. Annually in January: and c. On amendment as directed in Base Routine orders.

Maintenance - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 5 Para 5.14 A/L 26

  • Are personnel aware that all electronic circuit card maintenance is to be carried out in the appropriate AV Sqn Repair Bay unless specifically authorised otherwise?

  • Select one avionics tradesman and ask, "Where is circuit card maintenance to be carried out and on what occasions are deviations from the normal location allowed".

  • ANSWER: The appropriate AV Sqn Repair Bay unless authorised by OC AV

Cleanliness - 6000-1 Ch 10 Sect 1 Para 10.33 A/L 26

  • Are quantities of combustible materials in the work area kept to a minimum?

  • Check that: a. the only combustible materials (i.e: oils, greases, dopes, paints, etc) in the work area are those that are required for immediate use. b. quantities are the minimum amount required to complete the task

Authorisations - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 12 Para 12.3 A/L 26

  • Have all technical personnel signed the signature sheets for Technical Orders A and applicable trades Technical Orders B

  • Select three personnel and check that their signature sheets are current (e.g: signed within the last 12 months and on amendment)

Maintenance - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 12, Lft A-20, Para 20.2 A/L 26

  • Are minor repairs to electrical equipment inspected prior to re-issue of the equipment?

  • Check that a process is in place that ensures any mains operated electrical equipment (e.g: extension cords, etc) which has had minor repairs undertaken on it is inspected by B&M before re-issue

Quality Control - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 12, Lft B-2, Para 2.2 A/L 26

  • Are the quality control procedures for oxygen replenishment rigs being complied with?

  • Check that the precautions and recording procedures in NZAP 6000-1 Ch 12, Leaflet B-2, Para 2.2 are being complied with: Odour test of LOX trolley after replenishment of trolley Record replenishment and test results in register Test bulk supply vessel every 3 months

Publications - NZAP 6008-1 Sec G Lft G2 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware of the requirement to have maintenance manuals within the working environs where prescribed electrical work is being undertaken?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What publications are to be available within the working environs when carrying out prescribed electrical work".

  • ANSWER: Authorised maintenance manuals

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 Sec D Lft D1 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware of the procedures that are to be adhered to in the event of an item of electronic test equipment, that is under warranty, failing?

  • Select two personnel and ask them, "What are the procedures that are to be adhered to in the event of an item of electronic test equipment that is under warranty failing".

  • ANSWER: a. failure is to be reported to RNZAF ETE Manager. b. if it is more efficient

ETE - NZAP 6008-1 Sec D Lft D2 A/L 16

  • Is local manufactured electronic test equipment correctly documented?

  • 1. Select one item of locally manufactured ETE and check that it has an NZAP containing: a. Operating description. b. Circuit description and diagrams. c. Maintenance procedures. d. Illustrated Parts Breakdown. e. Check that it is listed in the NZAP 6620

Personnel - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 Sec A Lft A7.1 A/L 21

  • Are Section Commanders aware of when F125s are to be reconciled?

  • Ask the Section Commander, "When are you required to reconcile F125 entries with ATLAS history file (ACFT, AV and S&S trades)".

  • ANSWER: Annually

Authorisations - NZAP 6001-1 Sec B Lft B2 A/L 8

  • Are RNZAF125 authorisation entries being countersigned by the tradesmen?

  • Select three RNZAF125s and check that all the authorisations have been countersigned by the tradesman concerned (ACFT, AV and S&S trades)

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 B2 A/L 16

  • Are authorised servicing records being used for support equipment?

  • Select five items of support equipment and check that authorised servicing records are being used iaw NZAP 6002.013-1, Chapter 12.Note: Records may be held at SEMS

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 B2 Para 2.6 A/L 16

  • Does a F4022 'Support Equipment Class 4 Machine Tool Log' complete with servicing schedule, exist for each item of machine tool equipment?

  • Select three machine tools and check: a. F4022s exist for each item (if less than 3 items then sample all). b. servicing schedules are contained in each F4022 folder

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 B2 Para 2.9 A/L 16

  • Has an F4023 been raised for each item of Class 1 and 2 support equipment?

  • Select three items of Class 1 or 2 support equipment and check that the unit is holding F4023 for each item

Equipment - NZAP 6003.004-1 Ch 16 Sec 2 A/L 62

  • Are personnel aware of the documentation check requirements when acceptance checking new items of support and minor operational equipment?

  • Select a NCO and ask them, "What document check are you required to do when acceptance checking new items of equipment to ensure that the correct item has been received".

  • ANSWER: The item is to be checked against the ordering description or specification is

Documentation - NZAP 6003-1 Sec B Lft B4 Para 4.10 A/L 17

  • Do all unfitted aircraft components have a F432 attached?

  • Select five items and check

Equipment - NZAP 6003-1 Sec C Lft C12 Para 12.17 A/L 17

  • Are personnel aware of the occasions that a warranty claim should be raised?For Tech units.For Supply units, this should have been done

  • Select a SNCO and ask them, "What are you required to do when it is believed that a warranty claim should be made against a contractor who carried out a servicing or a vendor who provided an item".

  • ANSWER: Raise a warranty claim report.

Documentation - NZAP 6003-1 Sec C Lft C12 A/L 17

  • Are personnel aware of the F432 annotation requirements when processing a warranty claim?For Tech units.For Supply units, this should have been done

  • Select a SNCO and ask them, "What are you required to annotate on F432Bs that accompany items having a warranty claim made against them".

  • ANS: They are to be annotated with the words 'WARRANTY CLAIM' in large felt tip letters.

Supervision - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 A9.1 Para 1.5 A/L 21

  • Are supervisors ensuring all the necessary tools, equipment and publications are available to personnel in the Section to enable tradespeople to carry out jobs correctly iaw authorised procedures?

  • Select one job carried out in the Section and check that the necessary equipment, tools and publications (servicing schedules, overhaul manual, IPB, drawings, etc) are readily available to perform the task

Management - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 C4.1 Para 1.7 A/L 21

  • Are managers aware of their responsibility to carry out regular random checks of supervision and workmanship?

  • 1. Select a manager and ask them, "What are you responsible for checking during your regular random checks of supervision and workmanship".

  • ANSWER:a. tradesmen are competent to carry out the work required of them. b. supervisors are competent and effective.

Supervision - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 C4.1 Para 1.8 & 1.9 A/L 21

  • Have all technical NCOs appointed to supervisory posts completed a TSMA course?

  • Check the Section NCO's F125s to ensure that all eligible NCOs appointed to supervisory posts have successfully completed a TSMA course or equivalent, or have been authorised by SENGO

Publications - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 Lft C3.1 & Lft C3.3 A/L 21

  • Are all publications in the Section at the latest amendment state?

  • Select five maintenance publications in use by the Section. Obtain the latest A/L number from the Publications Library (or PICS) and check against the Amendment Certificate in the publication.If publication is uncontrolled, ensure that it is marked. "Un

Maintenance - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 C4.1 Para 1.23 A/L 21

  • Are personnel aware of the occasions that progressive inspection checks are to be carried out?

  • Select two personnel and ask them, "On what occasions are progressive inspection checks required".

  • ANSWER: Refer NZAP 6000 Pt 2 Leaflet C4.1 Para 1.23

Maintenance - NZAP 6003.004-1 Ch 16 Para 16.26 A/L 62

  • Are acceptance inspections of components being carried out when required?

  • Select five completed maintenance tasks and check the documentation to determine if acceptance inspections are signed for, where required by the MMS, iaw NZAP 6003.004-1 Ch 16 Para 16.26 A/L 62

Training - NZAP 6008-1 Sec G Lft G10 Para 10.7 A/L 16

  • Have all technical tradesmen completed the appropriate emergency training?

  • Check the Section personnel’s F125s to determine that personnel have received training as follows: a. All technical personnel working in areas where there is a risk of contact with live electrical circuits - resuscitation training within the last 24 months.

Personnel - NZAP 6008-1 Sec G Lft G11 A/L 16

  • Do tradesmen know the correct colour coding configurations for 230V power cords?

  • Select two tradesmen employed in the work area and orally test their knowledge of the colour codes as detailed in NZAP 6008-1 Sec G Lft G11 A/L 16

Safety - NZAP 6003-1 A12 Para 12.9 A/L 17

  • Are tradesmen aware of the safety precautions for handling cadmium-plated metals or cadmium bearing alloys?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "Can you list the applicable safety precautions to be observed when working with cadmium plated components and alloys (e.g: filing, machining, soldering or welding)".

  • ANSWER: Refer NZAP 6003-1 A12 Para 12.9 A/L 17

Safety - NZAP 6003-1 A13 Para 13.5 A/L 17

  • Are tradesmen aware of the precautions for handling and disposal of beryllium oxide ceramics?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What are six of the nine safety precautions to be observed when working with beryllium oxide ceramics."

  • ANS: Refer NZAP 6003-1, Leaflet A13, Para 13.5. NOTE: Beryllium oxide ceramics can be found in compact ceramin-typ

Safety - NZAP 6003-1 A6 Para 6.3 A/L 17

  • Are all tradesmen aware of the precautions for servicing on installed or un-installed high-energy ignition units?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them to, "List the five safety precautions to be observed when carrying out servicing on installed or un-installed high-energy ignition units.

  • ANSWER: Refer NZAP 6003-1 A6 Para 6.3 A/L 17

Personnel - NZAP 6008-1 C3 Para 3.3 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware who must supervise any lifting operation?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "Who must supervise any lifting operation".

  • ANSWER: An officer, NCO, or a technician authorised by DEA

Safety - NZAP 6005.009-1 Ch 6 Para 6.10 Warning A/L 27

  • Are personnel aware of the restrictions on using CRC CO Contact Cleaner?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What is the restriction on using CRC CO Contact Cleaner on electrical circuits".

  • ANSWER: CRC CO Contact Cleaner is only to be used on deactivated electrical circuits

Safety - NZAP 6005.009-1 Ch 6 Para 6.34 Warning A/L 27

  • Are personnel aware of the precautions for the use of cleaning agents?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What are the items of personal protective equipment that are to be worn when using cleaning agents"

  • .ANSWER: Suitable eye protection and protective clothing

Safety - NZAP 6005.009-1 Ch 7 Para 7.39 Warning A/L 27

  • Are personnel aware of the restrictions on the use of Loctite anaerobic compounds?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What type of adhesive must not be used for bonding oxygen equipment".

  • ANSWER: Loctite anaerobic compounds

Safety - NZAP 6005.009-1 Ch 7 Para 7.44 Note A/L 27

  • Are personnel aware of the restrictions on the use of 400 series cyanoacrylate adhesives?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "Is it permissible to use 400 series cyanoacrylate adhesives (e.g: Loctite 401, 406, 415 and superglues) to bond primary and secondary aerospace vehicle structures".

  • ANS: No

Safety - NZAP 6008-1 B20 Para 20.4 A/L 16

  • Are the precautions and servicing requirements for grinding wheels being complied with?

  • Check that: a. a notice warning of the need for eye protection is visible to operators. b. wheel guards and tool rest are correctly fitted. c. grinder wheel is to run up to operating speed without load. d. ensure there is adequate levels of lighting in th

Regulations - NZAP 6003-1 C5 Para 5.4 & 5.5 A/L 17

  • Are personnel aware of the regulations for re-use of self-locking nuts, screws and bolts?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "When can self-locking nuts, screws and bolts be reused".

  • ANS: Only in non-critical areas. Nuts - only when they at least equal the minimum breakaway torque (finger force for nuts 6mm or less).Bolts and Screws - when

Tools - NZAP 6008-1 B12 Para 12.4 - 12.9 A/L 16

  • Are all torque wrenches held by the Section being checked and maintained correctly?

  • Select three torque wrenches held by the unit and check that records for checks and adjustments are complete and up-to-date. (For OH - check that there is a current green F85 label attached to the torque wrenches and that a current MD778 is co-located on

Equipment - NZAP 6003-1 C9 Para 9.3 A/L 17

  • Are approved protective covers and blanks used whenever lines, accessories or components are disconnected, for servicing, repair, transit or storage?Tech's to do, Supply to make sure is done before accepting

  • Either:a. select an aircraft undergoing servicing and check that the required blanks are fitted, or b. select five components and check that the required blanks are fitted

Safety - NZAP 6008-1 B17 Para 17.3 A/L 16

  • Are clean rooms and laminar flow clean work benches tested annually by a civilian contractor to AS 1807-1976?

  • Check servicing records at Works Flight to determine if testing has been carried out (May also be indicated on the bench itself)

Safety - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 C5.4 Para 4.16 A/L 21

  • Are personnel aware of the fluids that are harmful to elastomeric materials?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What fluids are harmful to elastomeric materials".

  • ANSWER: CPCs, some flushing and high pressure lubricating oils, chlorinated hydrocarbons, turpentine, acetone, dope, paint removers/thinners, kerosene, P-D-680, carbon te

Tools - NZAP 6008-1 B10 Para 10.6 A/L 16

  • Does the Unit maintain a tyre gauge register?

  • Check that there is a register that contains: a. unit serial number for each gauge. b. date of last test. c. test result. d. disposal details for U/S gauges

Safety - NZAP 6008-1 B5 Para 5.6 A/L 16

  • Are all isolating transformers in the Section clearly and correctly stencilled?

  • Check that all isolating transformers have their capacity stencilled on the case immediately below the outlet socket

Safety - NZAP 6008-1 B5 Para 5.7 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware of the occasions that Class II isolating transformers are required to be used?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What are the occasions that Class II isolating transformers are required to be used".

  • ANSWER: They are to be used when working: a. outdoors. b. in any damp situation indoors. c. on aircraft connected to earth or static ppint.

Safety - NZAP 6008-1 B5 Para 5.8 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware of the precautions for using portable isolating transformers?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What are the safety precautions for using portable isolating transformers".

  • ANSWER:a. inlet leads are to be as short as possible. b. Class l or ll units are to be used where they may become accidentally wet. c. only one

Safety - NZAP 6008-1 Leaflet B6 Para 6.7 A/L 16

  • Are all RNZAF owned ground support gas cylinders (N2, O2, etc) clearly and correctly marked?

  • Select three RNZAF owned ground support gas cylinders to confirm that they comply with all the requirements of NZAP 6008-1 Leaflet B6 Para 6.7 A/L 16

  • NZAP 6008-1 Leaflet B6 Para 6.7 A/L 16

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 C2 Para 2.6 A/L 16

  • Are Base lifting tackle records complete?

  • Select three items of lifting tackle (includes aircraft tie downs) and check that: a. they are listed in the ‘Register of Lifting Equipment' for the Base. b. there is a seParate ‘Record of Inspections’ sheet for each item, including a copy of any manufact

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 Lft A2 Para 2.9 A/L 16

  • Does all lifting tackle (including aircraft tie downs) have a metal identity tally plate, manufactured to drawing AFTS 40177, with the required stamped data, attached securely?

  • Inspect all lifting tackle held on charge and check that the tally plate has:- Safe Working Load (SWL) Date of initial test. Part number and NSN. Serial number of item

Personnel - NZAP 6008-1 C3 Para 3.3 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware of who can supervise lifting operations?

  • Select two personnel at random and ask them who can supervise lifting operations.

  • ANSWER: An Officer or NCO or a technician that is specifically authorised by SENGO on his or her F125

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 C5 Para 5.3 & 5.5 A/L 16

  • Are the monthly and three monthly servicings being carried out for all fibre rope slings held on the Units charge and is the sling within the three year working life (calculated from date of issue)?

  • Check that the: a. 'Record of Inspections' sheets indicate monthly and three monthly inspections are up to date. b. identity tally plate of all fibre rope slings to ensure the three year working life, taken from date of issue, has not been exceeded

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 C6 Para 6.5 & C7 Para 7.7 & 7.10 A/L 16

  • Are the three monthly and annual servicings up to date for all wire rope slings, chains, chain slings, grabs and allied lifting tackle held on the units charge?

  • Select one of the following; wire rope sling, chain, chain sling, grab or allied lifting tackle; and check that the 'Record of Inspections' sheet indicates that the item of equipment has received: a. a three monthly examination within the last three month

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 C8 Para 8.6 A/L 16

  • Are the annual servicings up to date for all chain pulley blocks held on the Unit's charge?

  • Examine the 'Record of Inspections' sheet for chain pulley blocks and check that they indicate that the blocks have received an inspection within the last year

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 C10 Para 10.5 A/L 16

  • Are before use inspections being carried out for all nylon belt slings on the section’s charge?

  • Select one nylon belt sling and check that the 'Record of Inspections' sheet indicates that before use inspections are being carried out

Personnel - NZAP 6008-1 C1 Para 1.9 A/L 16

  • Is the person carrying out the servicing of lifting equipment held on the section's charge authorised on their F125?

  • Select one piece of lifting equipment, locate its 'Record of Inspections' sheet and identify the tradesmen who carried out the most recent servicing of the lifting gear held on the unit. Check that person’s F125 for correct authorisation

Cleanliness - NZAP 6005.053-1 Ch 1 Para 1.37 A/L 13

  • Are servicing personnel aware of the basic house keeping rules with respect to minimising the risk of grease contamination?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What are the basic house keeping rules to minimise the risk of contaminating grease".

  • ANSWER: Refer NZAP 6005.053-1, Chapter 1, Para 1.37

Equipment - NZAP 6000 Lft H1.1 Para 1.8 A/L 21

  • Are personnel aware that no modifications, changes, or alterations are to be carried out on support equipment unless justification has been approved through TS SE?

  • Select two personnel and ask them, "Who must approve the justification for modifications, changes or alterations on support equipment before they are carried out".


Equipment - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 6 Para 6.3 A/L 26

  • Are personnel aware that justification for the purchase or local manufacture of new support equipment is to go through TS SE?

  • Select an NCO and ask them, "Who is justification for the purchase or local manufacture of new support equipment to go through".


Publications - NZAP 6000.001-1 Ch 3 Para 3.33 Note A/L 18

  • Are personnel aware of the occasions that an IPB can be used as an authority to perform maintenance tasks?

  • Select two personnel and ask them, "When is it permissible to use an IPB as an authority for the assembly or dismantling of equipment".

  • ANSWER: Only when specifically authorised by text references in the maintenance or overhaul manuals

Supervision - NZAP 6008-1 Sec G Lft G1 Para 1.1 A/L 16

  • Are supervisors of prescribed electrical work aware of their responsibilities with regard to the Employer Licence and Electricity Regulations 1997?

  • Ask an Avionic or Armament NCO "As a supervisor of prescribed electrical work, what are your responsibilities with regard to the Employer Licence and Electricity Regulations 1997".

  • ANSWER: Refer NZAP 6008-1 Sec G Lft G1 Para 1.1 A/L 16

Authorisations - NZAP 6008-1 Sec G Lft G2 Para 2.1 A/L 16

  • Are personnel, who carry out, supervise, certify and independently check prescribed electrical work (electrical appliances and hard wired items), authorised?

  • Select the F125s of two tradesmen and two supervisors and check for seParate authorisations iaw NZAP 6000, Leaflet A12.2, Para 2.17 and NZAP 6002.006-2, Leaflet B1 as applicable

Personnel - NZAP 6008-1 Sec G Lft G11 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware of the action to be taken when power cords do not conform to the Electricity Regulations 1997, Regulation 71

  • Select two personnel at random and ask them, "What action are you required to take when power cords do not conform to the Electricity Regulations 1997, Regulation 71".

  • ANSWER: Change them so that they do conform

Safety - NZAP 6003-1 D8 Para 8.23 A/L 17

  • Are personnel aware who is to be consulted when mercury is disposed of?

  • Select an NCO and ask them, "Who must be consulted when mercury is disposed of".

  • ANSWER: The Base Hazardous Waste Manager/Co-ordinator

Safety - NZAP 6008-1 C3 Para 3.10 - 3.12 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware of the safety precautions relating to suspended loads?

  • Select a person who is likely to be in charge of a lifting operation and ask them, "What are the safety precautions for suspended loads".

  • ANSWER:a. Lifting loads are to be applied smoothly and without shock. b. Suspended loads are not to be left unattended

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 D2 Para 2.5 A/L 16

  • Do ETE items have a ETE contractor serviceable label placed on the item so that the label is clearly visible to the operator

  • Select three items of ETE and check: a. That a ETE contractor serviceable label has been placed on each item so that it is clearly visible to the operator. b. That the maintenance interval expiry date on the label is current

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 Sec G Lft G3 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware that they have to check portable electrical equipment before use to ensure that the test due date on the contractor’s tag has not expired?

  • Select two personnel and ask them, "What are you required to check on the contractors label/tag before you use portable electrical equipment".

  • ANSWER: That the test due date has not expired

Publications - NZAP 6000.001-1 Ch 1 Sect 2 A/L 18

  • Confirm that there are no unauthorised pen/pencil amendments in any technical or maintenance publications

  • Select five manuals/servicing schedules/work cards at random in the work area and visually confirm that there are no unauthorised pen or pencil amendments.Note: Single word amendments are permitted on work cards (one amendment per card).

Personnel - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 C3.4 Para 4.12 A/L 21

  • Are tradesmen aware of what they are certifying when signing for work?

  • Select three tradesmen and ask them, "What are you certifying when signing for work you have performed".

  • ANSWER:a. Was briefed by the supervisor on the scope and felt competent to carry out the task and perfomed the task. b. Completed the job iaw instructi

Personnel - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 C3.4 Para 4.14 A/L 21

  • Are SNCOs aware of what they are certifying when counter-signing for work?

  • Select two SNCOs and ask them, "What are you certifying when counter-signing work".

  • ANSWER:a. Has supervised the work. b. Has inspected the work at the appropriate intervals. c. Accepts the quality of the work signed for by the tradesman. d. All the work r

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 C3 Para 3.13 A/L 16

  • Are steel chains used for lifting operations?

  • Select one chain used for lifting operations and ensure that it is made of steel and not wrought iron

Safety - NZAP 6003-1 A15 Para 15.10 & 15.16 A/L 17

  • Are personnel conversant with the safety precautions when dealing with mercury?

  • Select two tradesmen and ask them, "What are the safety precaution to be observed when dealing with mercury".

  • ANSWER:a. Mercury should only be worked within a well ventilated area. b. Mercury should only be worked on a smooth seamless tray. c. Avoid spillage

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 Sec D Lft D1 Para 1.5 A/L 16

  • Does the Squadron/Unit/Bay Electronic Test Equipment (ETE) loan card holder have a directive?

  • Find out who the Squadron/Unit/Bay ETE loan card holder is, and see if they have a signed directive as per NZAP 6008-1 Sec D Lft D1 Para 1.5 A/L 16

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 Sec G Lft G10 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware of the correct lubrication to be used when fitting identification sleeves, binding sleeves or sealing glands to electrical cables?

  • Select one person and ask them to show you what lubricant they would use when fitting identification sleeves, binding sleeves or sealing glands to electrical cables.

  • ANSWER: It should be 'Hellerine M, DTD900/4877A' (NSN 99-2203658)

Publications - NZAP 6000 B9.1 Para 1.16 A/L 21

  • Are approved software configuration for aeronautical equipment recorded in the IPB/IPC for both the equipment and aircraft which the equipment is installed?

  • Select one piece of equipment that uses software and insure that it is recorded in the equipment's IPB/IPC and the applicable aircraft's IPB/IPC

Procedures - NZAP 6003.004-1 Ch 16 Para 16.3 A/L 62

  • Are the procedures for work scoping being complied with?

  • Obtain the last work scope and check that the accompanying work orders comply with the requirements of NZAP 6003.004-1 Ch 16 Para 16.3 A/L 62 and that the work content has actually been signed for having been carried out

Personnel - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 Lft A7-1 Para 1.16 & 1.17 A/L 21

  • The purpose of the form RNZAF 125 'Section Record', is to provide a comprehensive written record of the service member's personal information, employment history and trade ability, to assist Flight/Section Commanders in the management of his or her task a

  • By reference to all staff member's F125s, ensure that any relevant formal trade training courses they have passed have been recorded.Obtain an ATLAS printout and LMTC record showing the courses passed and check that they have been recorded on the individual

Safety - NZAP 6005.009-1 Ch 1 Para 1.2 & 1.4 A/L 27

  • Are all FOLs used in the Section authorised in the NZAP 6005.009-1 Ch 1 Para 1.2 & 1.4 A/L 27?

  • Select five FOL products from the Section's FOL cabinet and ensure they are authorised for use, or are an acceptable alternate, as detailed in the NZAP 6005.009-1 Ch 1 Para 1.2 & 1.4 A/L 27.

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 Sec D Lft D6 A/L 16

  • Is locally manufactured Electronic Test Equipment (ETE) authorised?

  • Select one item of locally manufactured ETE and check that documented evidence exists that it has been authorised by the SENGO, or an appropriate specialist officer authorised by SENGO, prior to its initial use in the RNZAF

Personnel - NZAP 6004.001-1 D7 Para 5 & 6 A/L 23

  • Are personnel aware that the use of cell phones in the hanger/flight line/technical servicing areas is prohibited?

  • 1. Observe personnel in the hanger/flight line/technical servicing areas to see if anyone is using/carrying a cell phone. 2. Check the Squadron Standing Orders to see if cell phone usage has been specifically authorised for use in that area

Personnel - NZAP 6008-1 Sec C Lft C1 A/L 16

  • Are personnel aware of their responsibilities relating to lifting operations?

  • Select at random two personnel who are likely to be in charge of a lifting operation and ask them, "What must you ensure prior to commencing the lift".

  • ANSWER: a. The lifting equipment is adequate for the job. b. The correct slinging arrangement is adopted

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 C11 Para 11.6 & 11.7 A/L 16

  • Are the annual servicings up to date for all single piece lifting tackle and individual shackles held on the Unit's charge?

  • Select three single piece lifting tackle or individual shackles and check that the 'Record of Inspections' sheets indicates that the annual NDT inspections are being carried out

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 B7 Para 7.8 A/L 16

  • Are all pressure gauges calibrated at the required intervals?

  • Select five items and check that a serviceable label is attached which shows the items have been calibrated within the last year by the Base instrument section

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 B7 Para 7.9 A/L 16

  • Are all tensionmeters, dynameters and mechanical force gauges calibrated at the required intervals?

  • Select five items and check that a serviceable label is attached which shows the items have been calibrated within the last year by the Base Electronic Test Equipment Centre (ETEC)

Personnel - NZAP 6005.023-1 WP 004 00 A/L 2

  • Have all personnel (this includes Engineering Officers, Suppliers, Civilian Technicians and personnel recruited from overseas) received a lecture on Electro Static Damage (ESD) precautions from either the NCOIC Section/Bay, or formal instruction.

  • Ask any non RNZAF Avionics personnel or AVMECH UTs if they have received recognised RNZAF formal training, or a lecture from the Unit Training NCO, on ESD precautions. Check their F125s (if applicable) to see if this training has been recorded

Safety - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 10 Para 10.21 A/L 26

  • Are personnel aware of the precautions to be observed with luminescent instruments?

  • Select two tradesmen at random and ask them, "What are the safety practices to be observed when dismantling or on finding a damaged luminescent instrument".

  • ANSWER:a. Instruments are to be dismantled only at an authorised repair point. b. Any items found damaged are to be disposed of correctly.

Safety - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 10 Para 10.44 A/L 26

  • Are personnel aware of the approved solvents to be used for cleaning printed circuit boards containing aluminium electrolytic capacitors?

  • Select two personnel at random and ask them, "What are the five approved solvents to be used when cleaning printed circuit boards containing aluminium electrolytic capacitors".

  • ANSWER: Dylene, Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol), Methyl alcohol (Methanol), Propyl alcohol.

Safety - NZAP 6550.000-13-2 Ch 5 A/L 6

  • Are transport caps being installed before oxygen cylinders are moved?

  • Check that transport caps are correctly fitted to all oxygen cylinders while they are being moved

Safety - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 12 B-5 A/L 26

  • Are personnel involved in servicing masts, aerials or feeders connected to ground transmitters aware of the safety precautions to be observed?

  • Select at random two personnel likely to be involved in servicing masts, aerials or feeders connected to ground transmitters and ask them to state the safety precautions to be observed.

  • ANSWER: Refer: NZAP 6000-1 Ch 12 B-5 A/L 26

Safety - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 12 B-5 A/L 26

  • Are personnel who are NCOIC of aerial servicings aware of the safety precautions to be observed?

  • Select at random an NCO who is likely to be NCOIC of servicing masts, aerials or feeders connected to ground transmitters and ask them to state the safety precautions to be observed.

  • ANSWER: Refer NZAP 6000-1 Ch 12 B-5 A/L 26

Personnel - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 C4.1 Para 1.12 A/L 21

  • Are personnel aware of the occasions when close supervision is to be exercised?

  • Select two NCOs and ask them, "On what occasions is close supervision to be exercised".

  • ANSWER: Close supervision is mandatory when: a. Specifically called for in maintenance instructions. b. A tradesperson is not certified on his or her F125 as competent.

Authorisations - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 3 Para 3.45 A/L 26

  • Authorisation to replenish liquid oxygen trolleys

  • Check that Avoinics personnel replenishing the LOX equipment for qualified to do so. Qualified personnel are to be re-tested and re-certified annually

Equipment - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Para 2.15 - 2.119 A/L 39

  • Is equipment requiring special handling stored appropriately?

  • Check that stock is stored IAW NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Para 2.15 - 2.119 A/L 39

Parts - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 6 A/L 39

  • Are all aeronautical parts and materials purchased iaw NZAP 6083.001-1, Chapter 6?

  • Select two recently purchased aeronautical items from the storage area and check that: a. a manufacturers release note or certificate of conformance exists. b. they have been purchased from an approved supplier. c. they appear new and unused

Safety - NZAP 6000-1 Ch 10 Sect 1 Para 10.33 A/L 26

  • Are quantities of combustible materials in the work area kept to a minimum?

  • Check that:a. the only combustible materials (i.e: oils, greases, dopes, paints, etc) in the work area are those that are required for immediate use. b. quantities are the minimum amount required to complete the task

Equipment - NZAP 6003-1 Sec B Lft B4 Para 4.10 A/L 17

  • Do all unfitted aircraft components have a F432 attached?

  • Select five items and check

Publications - NZAP 6000.001-1 Ch 1 Para 1.2 A/L 18

  • Are all publications in the Section at the latest amendment state?

  • Select five maintenance publications in use by the Section. Obtain the latest A/L number from the Publications Library (or PICS) and check against the Amendment Certificate in the publication.If publication is uncontrolled, ensure that it is marked.

Safety - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Para 2.43 - 2.49 A/L 39

  • Are sealants and adhesives tested and inspected for deterioration before being granted an extension to their shelf life?

  • Check if any of the sealants or adhesives in the area have had their shelf life extended. If so, check for evidence to prove that the items have been tested iaw NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Para 2.43 - 2.49 A/L 39

Equipment - NZAP 6003-1 Sec C Lft C9 Para 9.3 A/L 17

  • Are approved protective covers and blanks used whenever lines, accessories or components are disconnected, for servicing, repair, transit or storage?Tech's to do, Supply to make sure is done before accepting

  • Either:a. select an aircraft undergoing servicing and check that the required blanks are fitted, or b. select five components and check that the required blanks are fitted

Documentation - NZAP 6003-1 Sec C Lft C28 A/L 17

  • Are aircraft bearings, held by the Section, labelled and stored correctly?

  • Select three bearings held in storage and check that are stored: a. in a cool, dry area. b. in sealed, unbroken packages that are marked with the date of receipt into storage

Equipment - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 C5.4 Para 4.13 A/L 21

  • Are the storage requirements for elastomeric materials used in aircraft and airborne equipment being complied with?

  • Check that subject materials are stored: a. in a dark room. b. at 10 - 12 degrees C and 80% humidity. c. with new and old items not in contact with each other

Personnel - NZAP 6000 Pt 2 C5.4 Para 4.19A/L 21

  • Do qualified technical tradesmen carry out pre-extension examinations on lifed elastomeric items, before their shelf life is extended?

  • Check that documented evidence that a qualified technical tradesman is carrying out pre-extension examinations on lifed elastomeric items, before their shelf life is extended

Equipment - NZAP 6003-1 C13 Para 13.26 A/L 17

  • Are all critical aircraft hoses (including locally manufactured items) physically and clearly identified?

  • Identify two types of critical hoses (refer to the aircraft MMS for a list of critical hoses) and check that a physical example of each type in the FSS is clearly identified with: a. Hose serial number. b. Organisation (for locally manufactured assemblies

Equipment - NZAP 6003-1 C13 Para 13.34 A/L 17

  • Are tests carried out on new locally manufactured flexible aircraft hose assemblies?

  • Select two new locally manufactured flexible aircraft hose assemblies and check the documentation to confirm that testing has been carried out

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 B6 Para 6.5 A/L 16

  • Are all RNZAF owned ground support gas cylinders (N2, O2, etc) reconditioned at intervals not exceeding 5 years?

  • Check the servicing records of three cylinders to confirm that they have been reconditioned within the last 5 years

Equipment - NZAP 6008-1 Lft B6, Para 6.7 A/L 16

  • Are all RNZAF owned ground support gas cylinders (N2, O2, etc) clearly and correctly marked?

  • Select three RNZAF owned ground support gas cylinders to confirm that they comply with all the requirements of NZAP 6008-1 Lft B6, Para 6.7 A/L 16

Publications - NZAP 6000.001-1 Ch 1 Sec 2 A/L 18

  • Confirm that there are no unauthorised pen/pencil amendments in any technical or maintenance publications

  • Select five manuals/servicing schedules/work cards at random in the work area and visually confirm that there are no unauthorised pen or pencil amendments.Note: Single word amendments are permitted on work cards (one amendment per card).

Procedures - NZAP 6083.001-1 Forward Para 6 A/L 39

  • Although NZAP 6083.001-1 takes precedence over unit orders and operating procedures, this does not negate the requirement for Unit Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) to cover local unit issues and procedures. Do Unit SOPs exist?

  • View a copy of Unit SOPs

Procedures - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 1 Annex A Para 3 A/L 39

  • In the interests of inventory visibility, the use of SVR numbers is to be limited. Are personnel aware when they should be allocated?

  • Select a staff member and ask them, "Name the two instances when a SVR number is to be used".

  • ANSWER:a. As a receipt document for equipment, when the item will not be held in stock and no further action is required. b. As a transfer document number

Equipment - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Sec 1 Para 2.6 A/L 39

  • Equipment stored outside is to be raised clear of the ground and suitably covered, care being taken to leave space between stacks and covers so as to permit overall air circulation

  • Check any equipment stored outside is raised up off the ground and air circulation is able to occur

Equipment - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Sec 1 Para 2.11d A/L 39

  • Items of equipment should never be placed directly on the floor, unless this is unavoidable, but in a position which permits easy handling

  • Check around the storage area for any items that are on the floor

FOLs - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Sec 1 Para 2.82 A/L 39

  • Aviation Lubricants and Allied Products must be stored under cover in cool, dry conditions with air circulation. A year round temperature between 0oC and 30oC with minimal fluctuation is ideal. Containers must be stored out of direct sunlight.

  • Sight the storage areas and check they conform to the requirements above

Equipment - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Sec 1 Para 2.83 A/L 39

  • Stock in storage is to be inspected annually for: a. External condition of Container. b. Legibility and presence of: 1. Name. 2. Batch Number3. 3. Specification Details. 4. Date of Manufacture. 5. Shelf Life details. Note: There is no need for documented proof

  • Choose five lines of stock and check the condition of the stock.Sealant or adhesive agents are to be checked for shelf life expiry

Equipment - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 3 Sec 2 Para 3.55 A/L 39

  • Certain financial approval levels are required for the write-off of equipment and spares

  • Obtain copies of the last three MD311s raised within the section and confirm the correct approval level has been given

Equipment - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 13 Sec 2 Para 13.15 A/L 39

  • During a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), C Class issues are to continue as long as stock is held. The Z10 pre-issue sheet is to be used to record all the issues made from a FSS

  • Sellect one person and ask them, "During a BCP (when SAP goes down for a prolonged period of time), C Class issues are still to take place. What is the name of the sheet one uses to ensure issues will be accounted for once the BCP has finished".


Procedures - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 13 Sec 2 Para 13.36 A/L 39

  • Are personnel aware that no SAP stocktaking will be carried out during the downtime period of a BCP, open PI documents at period end will be cancelled?

  • Select a staff member and ask them, "If an Existing Physical Inventory (PI) document is in place when a BCP takes place, what will need to happen once a SAP upload is completed".

  • ANS: A recount is to be completed

Documentation - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 9 Sec 1 Para 9.7 A/L 39

  • Are items which may conceivably contain explosive material that are returned to Supply contain the appropriate documentation?

  • Check three items to see if they have a certificate endorsed on the appropriate identification lable (Form MD 750) stating the item is free from explosives.Check to see if the certificate is signed by the Armament Officer or a Senior Armament NCO

Documentation - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 6 Sec 1 Para 6.12 & 6.14 A/L 39

  • Flight Safety Parts (FSPs) are equipment that if fails can result in a direct compromise to the safety of the aircraft and/or occupants. FSPs must be accompanied by an appropriate type of conformance or release documentation.

  • Choose two recently purchased FSPs and check to see if a COC is held by Transit

Reports - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 12 Annex A A/L 39

  • Inventory Management Reports will be produced on an 'as required' basis and used predominately by Forward Support Sections

  • The following Inventory Management Reports will be produced on an 'as required' basis and used predominately by Forward Support Sections: a. Goods in Transit. b. Restricted/QI/Block Stock. c. Display Material in a Storage Bin. d. View Batch Inspection Dat

Equipment - NZAP 6003-1 C13 Para 13.13 & 13.14 A/L 17

  • Are bulk synthetic rubber elastomeric flexible hoses held by the Flight/Section/Bay within their designated shelf life?

  • Select at random two bulk synthetic rubber elastomeric hoses or hose assemblies (non-Teflon) and check that the hose is within its shelf life iaw NZAP 6003-1, Leaflet C13, Paras 13.13 & 13.14

Equipment - NZAP 6003-1 C13 Para 13.33 A/L 17

  • Are hoses stored correctly?

  • a. Check that hose is stored away from direct sunlight in a cool, dry environment. b. If hose is not contained in a sealed carton, the ends are to be sealed with adhesive tape or blanking caps fitted to unions

Equipment - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 2 Para 2.74 A/L 39

  • Are all aeronautical bearings, other than PTFE (Polytetrafluroethelene (i.e. rubber) bearings, issued from storage on a first-in, first-out basis?

  • Randomly select two lines of bearings and review the Batch Numbers on the items, then using SAP determine if old stock is being issued first

Procedures - NZAP 6083.001-1 Ch 3 Sec 1 Para 3.5 A/L 27

  • Are personnel aware of the initial action to be taken when a descrepency is found by a receiving unit when receiving goods?

  • Select two personnel and ask them, "What initial action is to be taken when a descrepency is found when receiving goods".

  • ANSWER:a. make a thorough check of all packing material to ensure that a discrepancy does exist, all packing should be retained until

Safety - NZAP 6550.000-13-2 Ch 5 A/L 6

  • Are transport caps being installed before oxygen cylinders are moved?

  • Check that transport caps are correctly fitted to all oxygen cylinders while they are being moved

Publications - NZAP 6083.001-1 Foreword Para 6 A/L 39

  • Errors or recommendations relating to changes in processes are to be forwarded through command channels to DAS(F) in accordance with NZAP 6000.001−1.Amendment proposals should be actioned in accordance with NZAP 6000.001−1, however if this option is unavailable.

  • Select an NCO and ask them,"What are you required to do if you find an error in a publication?".

  • ANSWER: Required to have amendment action initiated

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