Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Please do not add photos to the Title Page

  • Overall Result:

  • Please do not add photos to the Title Page

  • Check Type:

  • Please do not add photos to the Title Page

  • Supplier:

  • Please do not add photos to the Title Page

  • Transfer / Container #:

  • Please do not add photos to the Title Page

  • Stock Type:

  • Please do not add photos to the Title Page

  • Conducted on:

  • Please do not add photos to the Title Page

  • Prepared by:

Consignment Section

  • Visual Assessment

  • Variety

  • Temperature (6-10 Green, 10.1-14 Amber, 14.1 and above Red)

  • Oldest Packed on Date

  • Count Sizes

  • Please Specify

  • Country of Origin

  • For Tray Weight the tray and paper/fibre liner must be tarred off ∴ eg: 5.25Kg of fruit + weight of tray & liner

  • Tray / Carton Net Weight (Ct16/18/20 - min 5.25Kg, Ct23/25 - min 5.0Kg, Ct28 -min 4.8Kg)

Quality and Product Assessment

  • Consignment Presentation

  • If Data Loggers are found please take photos of the barcodes and/or Container Information

  • Temperature Loggers Present

  • Avocado Appearance

  • Firmness - (85Fff and Above)

Major Defects <2%; Minor Defects <10%

  • Total Minor Defects (Skin Marks, Healed Insect Damage, Surface Bruising, Nodule Damage, etc):

  • Total Major Defects (Rots & Mould, Pest & damage, Anthracnose, Misshapen, Vascular browning, Chill Injury, etc):

Overall Result

  • Overall

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.