Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Warehouse & Branches Safety Inspection
Fire system
The fire alarm system tested and working functioning properly
All the sprinkler in a good condition
Exit doors easily opened from the inside
The colleagues in the place aware of the evacuation procedures in case of fire
Is there a clear fire evacuation plan posted in each area
The fire extinguishers properly easily accessible
Emergency exit lighting working probably
The emergency exits clear of obstacles and are the exit signs in good condition
The safety signs correctly displayed in the place
The fire risk assessment been carried out in the place
Escape routes clear
The staircase clear for any storage
Is there a fire extinguisher inside the office and are the staff trained to use it
First Aid
The colleagues take the first aid training
The first aid boxes instilling in the place
The First aid box checks completed
The colleagues aware the location of first aid kit
Evacuation plan trained and understood by all the colleagues
The colleagues take the training how to use the fire extinguishers
The colleagues in the place received the fire evacuation drill training
The storage racks not overloaded and goods in a good condition
The goods receiving dock in a good condition & safe
The colleagues in warehouse use the safety shoes
Any maintenance issues in the place
The pillar protection racking install
Check the racks and must be the distance between the shelf and the roof three feet!
The operator of forklifts must be checking daily before starting the work
Is there a safety instructions for the forklift movement located in the warehouse
A fire extinguisher inside the store in each area
Fire Alarm System
Dose The fire alarm panel working
The smoke detector & sprinkler and speaker they have the safety maintains contract and they checked before
The MCP system has been checked before and the result is it effective
Housing inspection
The general cleanliness of the accommodation and the contact number of the housing supervisor
Firefighting systems and first aid box
Is there a sign with the emergency numbers posted in a clear place
our staff in the accommodation took the training for the emergency evacuation plan
The fire extinguishers should be distributed on all the accommodation floors