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Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
shop Exterior
Is the exterior signage clean and with no damage? Take photo evidence.
Is the shop front clean and the paint in good standard? Please include the shutter. Take photo evidence
Is the POS in the windows to plan and are the windows clean? Please take photo evidence.
Is the store displaying the correct opening times?
( store specific) - Are A boards and sales flags out?
Shop Floor Standards
Are all staff wearing appropriate O2 uniform, correct shoes, lanyards and jewelry?
Are both front doors open and music playing? Photo evidence.
As you enter the store were you greeted and was the person in strategy using Qudini?
Is the shop floor clean and displays dust free? Please take photos.
Is all lighting working, are all lights that have failed escalated through appropriate channels?
Are there any gaps for dummy units or demo's on the phone walls or gondola's? Please take a picture of any gaps.<br>If store can show email evidence chain of chasing please award the mark.
Are all accessory displays full, faced up, locked and priced correctly - please check a min of 5 and photo any missing gaps
Are the leaflets on the shop floor current and inline with O2 reg's? - photo evidence
Is the counter area clean, clear, no drinks and with no paperwork not stored correctly? Evidence with photo's.
Do you have balloons, sweets and bottled water fully stocked and available for customers?
Are the bins clean and not over flowing with rubbish?
Have all demo units been flashed and returned to factory settings so all customer content has been removed?
Back of house
Is the staff area door and the stock room door secured?
Is all storage boxes removed from the floor to ensure there are no trip hazards? Photo evidence.
is the staff area clean I.e microwave, fridge, sink etc? -photo evidence
Is the toilet area clean with toilet rolls and hand wash available?
Is the area around the outside bin (Biffa) clean and tidy? None of our rubbish on the floor - photo evidence
Health and Safety
Has the fire alarm test, emergency lighting and fire fighting equipment test been completed and recorded on a weekly basis?
Are all the fire escape roots clear, fire door locks removed well trading. ( shutters in the up position)?
Is the store displaying all health and safety posters including liability insurance?
Have all health and safety concerns been reported?
Store Operations.
Do the floats in the till match the float checklist?
Are all monies to be banked stored in the safe and does the amount match what is stated on the envelope? Is the banking being done weekly?
Have the cash sheets been posted to head office every Monday?
Does the store have a working UV light or detector pen and is it being used to check all bank notes and any suspicious cards?
Is the CCTV working? Are the time and date correct and is there a minimum of 21 days of recordings?
Are the store using the CCTV log and is this updated for each time the CCTV system has been accessed?
Is there a copy of the fraud prevention manual available in store, and have the team signed of that they have read and understood the contents?
Are all staff logging off evolution when they have finished with sales? Are all evolution and micros used ID's confidential and used only by the person they are allocated to?
Is the shredder in the back area, is it working and being used to destroy and confidential information?
Is all O2 and customer data being appropriately secured? - This should be behind two locked doors.
Is there a minimum of 1 live observation on compliance for each staff member being completed per week?
Is a morning briefing being carried out daily - please take photo evidence and ask staff on content.
Does the store have plans in place for KPI's? - photo evidence
Are all Q sheets being signed off by managers?
Are all SA's filling out a minimum of two different tariffs - starting on the highest tariff and then working down after rejection? Has the SA also had a conversation around tablets and attach - please include photo evidence of 5 minimum Q sheets
Is the diary being used correctly and are solid appointments being booked. Are diary appointments being followed up on for the past 4 weeks?
Is store entrapping to hit GSVN+? If not what actions are being taken?
Is store entrapping to hit GSVU+? If not what actions have you taken?
Is store entrapping to hit SMB New and digital products? If not what actions have been taken?
Is the store above 40% insurance? if not what actions are in place?
Is the store above 8% tablets? If not what plans and actions are in place to improve?
Is the store over £90 revenue per box? If not what actions have been taken?
Is the store over £15 accessories per box? If not what actions have been taken?
Has the manager contacted Rebecca to request CRM data for call backs? Are these being done in down time?
Are the end of day workbooks being completed on time and correctly?
Is discount being used correctly and how is this being tracked in store?
Are managers getting involved with sales on the shop floor and actively trying to help close the business? - please observe two sales at random?
Stock Management
Are all core lines stocked appropriately? If not what actions have been taken?
Is accessory stock being managed appropriately? <br><br>-Are we trying to clear through old stock. <br>- Are we trying to cross sell rather than reorder in some cases?
Has SOR being completed in store?
Are all audits up to date? Have any high losses been reported?
Are all staff reviews being carried out weekly/EOM?
Are the bottom performers vs KPI's being managed correctly. Are PIP's in place with followed up actions and support where needed?
What staff training days have we got planned this month to help on underperforming KPI's?
Are rota's being completed in advance and company policy being adored to? Is there one manager in per day as a minimum and all management in on Saturday unless otherwise authorized?
Are the team aware of all current incentives available to them? Are all staff registered for BE Brilliant?
What date is the next staff meeting date set for?
Has all holidays been booked on people HR in advance and all SA's holiday signed off in store in blocks of 5 as a minimum where applicable.
Have all staff completed the Refresh and Insurance modules on CLMS?
Do staff know the last 3 Need to Know releases on the Need to Know section on the franchise home page?
Is there stores current FAN score above 95%? Is the team aware of there current score MTD?
Are the store reviewing current FAN comments and reviewing these with SA's. Are the celebrating good scores and holding people to account on poor scores?
Is FAN being tracked instore?
Are 7 day calls being completed daily?
What current marketing events do we have in the diary for this quarter?
What charity events do have booked in the diary for this quarter?
Next Steps/Actions:
Agreed next steps/Actions - By who, with clear time scales.
Any Additional Media?
Branch manager/Deputy - I understand that this must be maintained to the evidenced Level and failure to follow through next steps in agreed time or maintain to level stated could lead to disciplinary action.
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