Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Company details
What does the company operate as.
What is the location of the company.
Risk improvements
Building construction?
Construction details.
Floor Details
Roof Construction details.
Site exposures.
Occupancy Hazards.
Risk improvements
Risk improvements
Risk improvements
Site operations, staff etc.
What are site operations.
What are staff numbers and detail breakdown of levels.
What are operating hours and details of any shutdown periods.
Risk improvements
Management Systems
Electrical testing with certificates?
Programme of machinery maintenance?
Contractor controls and permits to work
Fire risk assessment
Risk improvements
Risk improvements
Fire detection
Fire detection system fitted.
Sprinkler system fitted.
Fire brigade location and response?
FWS available
FEA provision
Risk improvements
Intruder Alarm and system.
Door locks and other security measures.
Cash handling, safe and amounts.
Risk improvements
Special perils and Malicious Damage.
Type of peril noted
- Combustable materials
- city or town centre
- housing estate
- workforce
- Third parties on site
- Attractive Goods.
Type of peril noted
- Combustable materials
- city or town centre
- housing estate
- workforce
- Third parties on site
- Attractive Goods.
Type of peril noted
- Combustable materials
- city or town centre
- housing estate
- workforce
- Third parties on site
- Attractive Goods.
Type of peril noted
- Combustable materials
- city or town centre
- housing estate
- workforce
- Third parties on site
- Attractive Goods.
Flood risks
Windstorm risk.
Risk improvements
Loss history
Have there been any losses or claims noted?
Mains Gas
Mains ELectricity Lv
Mains ELectricity HV
LPG Tanks.
Mains Water.
Transformer units.
Risk improvements
Business Interuption
Business Interruption details.
Health and Safety Organisation.
Is there a formal Health and Safety organisation?
Have there been accidents reported - provide details.
Are any Occupational Health arrangements in place.
Risk improvements
Risk improvements
Primary Hazards and Exposures.
Materials and Manual Handling.
Cut and Burn Hazards.
Slips Trips and Falls.
Machinery, Plant and Equipment Safety.
Vehicle Management.
Maintenance and Process Safety ( heights,isolation, confined spaces)
Gradually Developing Disease.
Emergency Planning.
Risk improvements
Risk improvements
Risk improvements
Product Liability.
Property and Corporeal Liability
QA Management and Accreditations.
Packing and Instructions, User and Maintenance manuals.
Terms and Conditions.
Traceability and recall.
Recourse against suppliers.
Supply to USA?
Risk improvements
Risk improvements
Public and Pollution Liability.
Site specific - fencing etc.
Control of visitors and Contractors.
Maintenance of Public areas.
Neighbouring Exposures deemed sensitive.
Work Away.
Potential for sudden and unintentional pollution.
Risk improvements