Title Page
Progress Review
Apprenticeships - TQMS
Level -2 Templates, Guidelines & Operating procedures
Process Reference: AOG-05- Apprenticeships Delivery – NVQ
Today's Date
Start Time
End Time
Learner name
Assessor name
Review Number
ERR Workbook Progress
Technical Certificate Progress
Functional Skills Progress
Previous Objectives
Assessment Objectives
Assessor Feedback
What is to be completed before your next visit?
What will the next visit be? (Obs, Disc, etc)
When will your next visit be? (Approx.)
Have your next steps been discussed?
Assessor Signature
Health and Safety
Can you tell me where the fire exits are?
Have you had any work place accidents in the last four weeks?
What is the procedure to follow if you have an accident? Why is this in place?
Can you tell me where the first aid box is in your department?
Can you tell me who your first aiders are in your department?
Equality and Diversity
What is meant by a 'protected characteristic'?
Protected characteristics are the grounds on which discrimination is unlawful. Everybody has one or more protected characteristics. For instance, race includes a range of ethnic groups, such as Asian or Asian British, Black or Black British, Chinese, Mixed White/Asian/Black African/Caribbean or Other Asian/Black/Ethnic/Mixed/Other and White British/Irish/Welsh/Other. Age covers all age groups. Sexual orientation includes heterosexual, lesbian, gay and bisexual people. Religion and belief includes religions and philosophical beliefs, including lack of belief (e.g. atheism). Disability includes not just physical disability but also a range of learning disabilities. -
What are the protected characteristics that The Equality Act 2010 covers?
Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation -
In the last four weeks have you encountered any issues of equality, welfare or diversity in your work place?
If you do who can you go to?
Do you know what is meant by the term E Safety?
The knowledge of maximizing the user's personal safety and security risks to private information and property associated with using the internet, and the self-protection from computer crime in general. -
What can you do to protect yourself and others?
Have you encountered any abuse or bullying via social media in the last four weeks?
What should you do if you recognise negative or positive internet activity relating to Bewiser?
What do you understand by the term safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the process of protecting vulnerable adults within the work place. -
How do we safe guard learners at Be Wiser?
Sue Ezard of Personnel is your safeguarding officer. -
Are you aware of the appeals process?
What is Prevent?
Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. Prevent is 1 of the 4 elements of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. -
What is Channel?
Channel provides support across the country to those who may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. The overall aim of the programme is early intervention and diverting people away from the risk they may face. -
Please give us your feedback
Have you had other training or support recently?
What extra training or support have you had recently?
Do you need extra training or support?
What training or support do you need?
Learner Signature
Manager Feedback
Manager Signature