Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 - Previous inspection
1.1 - Has the last inspection been reviewed?
1.2 - Are there no outstanding actions?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
2.0 - Health and Safety Systems
2.0 - Are correct HSE notices in place with the right information displayed?
2.1 Are up to date policies available?
2.2 - Are training records up to date?
2.3 - Are risk assessments up to date or scheduled for review?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
3.0 - First Aid Facilities and Accident/Incident Reporting
3.1 - Are first aid dispensing boxes available, easily accessible and correctly stocked?
3.2 - Are eyewash bottles available, easily accessible and correctly stocked?
3.3 - Are first aid officers accessible?
3.4 - Are correct emergency numbers displayed?
3.5 - Are accidents/incidents recorded and reviewed?
3.6 - Are any accident/incident remedial actions still not complete?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
4.0 - Fire Protection
Principle legislation Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
4.1 - Fire evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?
4.2 - Fire Risk Assessment carried out and up to date?
4.2.1 - Fire risks?
4.3 - Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire?
4.4 - Extinguishers recently serviced and/or checked? (Check 12 monthly inspection tag)
4.5 - Extinguishers clear of obstructions, clearly visible and mounted correctly?
4.6 - Clear way marking for fire exits?
4.7 - Exit doors easily opened from inside and in direction of travel?
4.8 - If sliding doors (as in chillers, freezers etc) do these move easily and freely?
4.9 - Exits clear of obstructions both inside and out?
4.10 - Fire alarm system in place and functioning correctly?
4.11 - Emergency lighting functional?
4.12 - Fire drill carried out within the last 12 months?
4.13 - Fire assembly point unobstructed, clearly sign posted and free from hazards?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
5.0 - General Lighting
5.1 - Good natural lighting?
5.2 - Reflected light from walls & ceilings not causing glare to employees?
5.3 - Artificial lighting functioning and fit for purpose?
5.4 - Light fittings clean and in good condition?
5.5 - Exterior lighting illuminating where needed?
5.6 - Exterior lighting emergency back up in case of power failure?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
6.0 - Office Hazards
6.1 - Condition of filing cabinets?
6.2 - Condition of office chairs? (Five star bases.)
6.3 - Desks in good condition? (No damage.)
6.4 - Screen Based Equipment positioned to reduce glare from windows etc?
6.5 - Photocopiers positioned to avoid fumes?
6.6 - Tasks designed to prevent Repetitive Strain Injury? (Breaks included)
6.7 - Air conditioning systems in use and regularly maintained?
6.8 - Stable non-slip floor coverings in good condition?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
7.0 - Building Safety
7.1 - Building Safety - Internal
7.1.1 - Floor surfaces and coverings even, undamaged and uncluttered?
7.1.2 - Entry points and walkways kept clear?
7.1.3 - Walkways adequately and clearly marked?
7.1.4 - Intersections kept clear of boxes etc?
7.1.5 - Stair and risers kept clear?
7.1.6 - Are there no items stored under stairs that may result in a fire trap hazard?
7.1.7 - Are stair rails in good condition?
7.1.8 - Are doors and windows easy opening, safe to operate and in a good state of repair?
7.1.9 - Furniture in sound condition?
7.1.10 - Are there no repairs needed that may become unsafe if left?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
7.2 Building Safety - External
7.2.1 - Are footpaths in good condition?
7.2.2 - Is there good traffic management with designated pedestrian walkways?
7.2.3 - Entry points and walkways kept clear?
7.2.4 - Loading area clean and tidy?
7.2.5 - Are there no external trip hazards or obstacles that are unmarked or need otherwise resolving?
7.2.6 - Are fragile roof signs in evidence around the vertical cladding and roofs?
7.2.7 - Are there external repairs required that would otherwise become dangerous?
7.2.8 - Is there an asbestos survey/review/assessment required? Have any of these surfaces suffered any damage?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
8.0 - Electrical Safety
8.0.1 - Are electrical mains supply cabinets and isolators in good order and unobstructed?
8.1 - Safety switches installed?
8.2 - Safety switches and circuits tested and checks recorded?
8.3 - Extension leads used correctly if in use?
8.4 - Portable equipment tested and tagged?
8.5 - No broken plugs, sockets or switches?
8.6 - No power leads across walkways?
8.7 - No frayed or damaged leads?
8.8 - No strained leads?
8.9 - Portable power tools in good condition?
8.10 - Where required are emergency shut-down procedures in place?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
9.0 - Maintenance work shop areas
Maintenance workshop present?
9.1 - Clear of rubbish and with clear walk ways/evacuation route?
9.2 - Tools not in use kept in place?
9.3 - No damaged hand or power tools in use?
9.4 - Sockets not overloaded and wire wool kept separate from battery storage and charging area?
9.5 - Work height correct for the type of work and the employee?
9.6 - Hazardous materials safely stored and gas cylinders secured?
9.7 - Oily/polish/solvent rags and combustible refuse in covered metal containers?
9.8 - PPE available?
9.9 - Power tools safety checked?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
10.0 Ladders/working at height
10.1 - Are all ladders Industrial strength? (Non Household rated, check label.)
10.2 - Are ladders in good condition?
10.3 - If used for electrical work are they non conductive? (Wood or fibre glass.)
10.4 - Used according to instructions?
10.5 - For extension ladders are ropes, pulleys, locking mechanisms and treads in a good state of repair?
10.6 - Are other working at height processes followed? If so, are safe systems of work followed and equipment in good order?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
11.0 - Rubbish Removal
11.1 - Bins located at suitable points around site?
11.2 - Bins emptied regularly?
11.3 - Compactor only used by trained staff?
11.3.1 - Compactor electrically isolated or locked off at night to avoid misuse?
11.4 - Are there no areas of accumulation or stockpiling of waste and/or redundant equipment in or adjacent to premises that could cause safety risks?
11.5 - Are there procedures for bulk waste disposal and passage of refuse vehicles onto site?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
12.0 - Storage Design and Use
12.1 - Materials stored in ordered pallet rows, racks and bins wherever possible?
12.2 - General condition of racks and pallets?
12.3 - Storage follows good warehouse practice? Are pallets well loaded, stacked on to racking safely?
12.4 - Storage designed to minimise lifting problems?
12.5 - Condition of flooring?
12.6 - Floors around racking clear of rubbish/debris or loose materials?
12.7 - Are exclusion zones marked and are these obeyed?
12.8 - Are non-palletised items stored safely and securely?
12.9 - Condition of pallet trucks and type used?
12.10 - Mezzanine gates controlled and procedures in place for safe operations?
12.11 - Are there no repairs required that would otherwise become dangerous?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
13.0 - Fork lift checks
Principal Legislation Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)
13.1 - Statutory LOLER certification current? e.g. 6 or 12 monthly certification
13.2 - Fork lift serviced and checks carried out on daily/weekly basis?
13.3 - Fork lift procedures in place and only driven by currently trained person?
13.4 - Is any other equipment requiring inspection under LOLER (e.g. lifting slings, safety cages etc) and if so what is it's condition?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
14.0 - Chemical Safety
Principal Legislation The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)
14.1 - COSHH or Hazardous Substance Register complete and available?
14.2 - Material Safety Data Sheets available for all chemicals?
14.3 - Risk assessments completed for hazardous substances?
14.4 - All containers labelled correctly?
14.5 - Unused substances disposed of in a safe, controlled manner?
14.6.1 - Is there safe bulk storage and control of fuel oil and diesel on site?
14.6.2 - Is there safe bulk storage for other chemicals on site? e.g. Bulk containers or IBCs
14.7 - If applicable are other special storage conditions followed? e.g. cool storage for low flash-point chemicals or degradable items
14.8 - Workers trained in the use of hazardous substances, including dealing with spillages?
14.9 - If required is PPE available?
14.10 - Is adequate ventilation provided?
14.11 - Are eye washes and/or emergency showers easily accessed?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
15.0 - Machines
Principal Legislation Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
Are machines used on site apart from lifting equipment?
15.1 - Are they kept clean?
15.2 - Are the floors around the machines kept clean?
15.3 - Guards in good condition and interlocks in place?
15.4 - Starting and stopping devices within easy reach of operator?
15.4.1 - Are warning indicators and signs placed at relevant points?
15.5 - Waste removed and stored safely?
15.6 - Drip pans/storage bins on floor to catch spillage and/or waste?
15.7 - Adequate work space?
15.8 - Is lighting adequate?
15.9 - Noise levels controlled?
15.10 - No bending or stooping required?
15.11 - Operators trained/inducted into the operation of the machines?
15.12 - Is the training recorded?
15.13 - Do operators comply with the training?
15.14 - Are lockout procedures implemented and followed?
15.15 - Are gas bottles stored, transported and secured correctly?
15.16 - Are pressure relief/regulating valves checked/calibrated? (e.g. Homogeniser)
15.17 - Are there no items requiring repair that would otherwise become dangerous?
15.18 - Are there no visible issues with processing equipment (e.g. milk silos, homogeniser, maturation tanks, holding vessels, water tank, freezers, feeders, conveyors etc) that need to otherwise be raised?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
16.0 - Freezers and chillers
Are walk in freezers or chillers used on site?
16.1 - Are workers trained in safe access, use, ice hazards and emergency procedures?
16.2 - Is no there a risk of being shut in or trapped, including within a separate section of the freezer?
16.3 - Is there a lone worker policy or "buddy system" in place and being used?
16.4 - Is PPE available?<br>
16.5 - Is the door easy to operate both externally and internally?
16.6 - Do all doors have an over ride function from the inside and is it easy to operate?
16.7 - Is there an alarm system available and functional?
16.8 - Are operators trained in removing/reducing ice build up?
16.9 - Are walk ways clear and free of obstructions?
16.10 - Do stored items, including high racked items look stable and secure?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
17.0 - Plant Services Equipment (Boilers, Compressors, refrigeration plant, water tower etc)
Is plant or services machinery on site?
17.1 - Is there a current maintenance and management system in place for the cooling tower ensuring compliance?
17.1.1 - Is it compliant?
17.1.2 - Are there any visible issue with the cooling tower?
17.2 - Is there a current maintenance and management system in place for the air compressor(s)? Has the receiving vessel and PRV been checked/certified?
17.2.1 - Are there any visible issue with the air compressor(s)?
17.3 - Is there a current maintenance and management system in place for the boiler system?
17.3.1 - Are there any visible issues with the boiler system?
17.4 - Is there a current maintenance and management system in place for the chiller systems?
17.4.1 - Are there any visible issues with the chiller systems?
17.5 - Is there a current maintenance and management system in place for the back up generator?
17.5.1 - Are there any visible issues with the back up generator?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
18.0 - Noise
18.1 - Are there any areas which require noise assessments or are inherently noisy?
18.1.1 - Are signs placed to warn of noise levels and mandatory wearing of ear protection?
18.1.2 - Is hearing protection freely available where required?
19.0 - Vibration
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
19.1 - Are there any activities which require vibration monitoring assessments?
20.0 - Dust and particulates
20.1 - Are there any areas which require assessing for dust and particulate measurement?
20.1.1 - Is local exhaust ventilation available in such areas?
20.1.2 - Are dust masks freely available in such areas?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
21.0 - PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
21.1 - Is this freely available for areas where a need has been determined? Summarise the areas in text box below.
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
22.0 - Manual Handling
22.1 Are there any areas which require a manual handling assessment?
22.1.1 - Are there any manual handling aids available for this area?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
23.0 - Asbestos management
Principal Legislation The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
23.1 - Is there an asbestos register for the buildings?
23.1 - Is an asbestos survey required?
23.2 - Is the register up to date?
23.3 - Have all operatives who need asbestos awareness training had the training?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
24.0 Legionella risks
24.1 - Does the building have showers and other water points that require flushing?
24.2 - Is there a management regime and is this followed?
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
25.0 - Kitchen and canteen facilities
25.1 - Issues affecting kitchen/canteen/recreational facilities.
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
26.0 - Toilet areas
26.1 Issues affecting toilet areas
What actions are required by whom and when for resolution?
Sign Off
Any other comments before sign off?
On site representative
Auditor's signature