Observed by
Conducted on
Behavior-based Safety Checklist
Safety Observation Steps:
1. Introduce yourself, put the worker at ease, and explain the process. Ask permission to do an observation.
2. Ask the person to explain the job that is being performed and define the hazards and precautions associated with the task/s they are performing.
3. Ask open-ended questions to learn more about at-risk barriers. (Ex: What’s the worst accident that can happen? How could you
be hurt doing this task?) -
4. Observe the job and add comments by tapping NOTE/photos by tapping IMAGE. Provide positive feedback by praising safe behaviors first. Draw out the corrective action that may be required (create this action by tapping ACTION).
5. Obtain a commitment that the individual will carry out this action and thank the person for participating.
The worker is positioning his body to avoid injury by any moving hazards (caught between, falling objects)
At-Risk Barrier
- Training Issue, Unfamiliar
- Facility or Equipment Condition
- Personal Factors or Distractions
- Environment-related
Lifting (proper lifting techniques - using legs, back straight, weight close to the body, feet flat on the ground, knees bent)
At-Risk Barrier
- Training Issue, Unfamiliar
- Facility or Equipment Condition
- Personal Factors or Distractions
- Environment-related
Pinch Point (aware of and avoid pinch points - pinch points blocked, maintaining body parts out of pinch points)
At-Risk Barrier
- Training Issue, Unfamiliar
- Facility or Equipment Condition
- Personal Factors or Distractions
- Environment-related
Awkward Position (proper body mechanics - over-extended, using leg not back when pulling)
At-Risk Barrier
- Training Issue, Unfamiliar
- Facility or Equipment Condition
- Personal Factors or Distractions
- Environment-related
Tool Use/Selection (using the right tool for the job and using it properly - correct style wrench, pry bar)
At-Risk Barrier
- Training Issue, Unfamiliar
- Facility or Equipment Condition
- Personal Factors or Distractions
- Environment-related
PM Condition - tools, even if correct for the job, must be in good condition (air hoses, hose connections, pipe wrench, etc)
At-Risk Barrier
- Training Issue, Unfamiliar
- Facility or Equipment Condition
- Personal Factors or Distractions
- Environment-related
Eyes On Path (watching where you're going and go where you're watching - looking for/being aware of hazards).
At-Risk Barrier
- Training Issue, Unfamiliar
- Facility or Equipment Condition
- Personal Factors or Distractions
- Environment-related
Eyes On Hands (aware of hand placement - watching where hands are placed during work or near hazard, not being distracted)
At-Risk Barrier
- Training Issue, Unfamiliar
- Facility or Equipment Condition
- Personal Factors or Distractions
- Environment-related
Travel Path (non-hazardous route of travel, a path of the least potential incident)
At-Risk Barrier
- Training Issue, Unfamiliar
- Facility or Equipment Condition
- Personal Factors or Distractions
- Environment-related
Work Speed (rate of speed to minimize potential incidents based on environment, surroundings or changing conditions)
At-Risk Barrier
- Training Issue, Unfamiliar
- Facility or Equipment Condition
- Personal Factors or Distractions
- Environment-related
Additional Observations
Observer Name & Signature