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OSHA and EPB General Requirements and Postings
1. Is First Aid kit on site, well stocked, and inspected?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.50(d)(2)
2. Is the First Aid register in kit and in use?<br>Company Policy in Chapter 8 of EHS Manual.
3. Are the Emergency numbers posted?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.50(f) and Company Policy
4. Is the five in one poster & emergency action plan posted?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.35(d)
5. Is the OSHA 300 log posted in a conspicuous place?<br>OSHA Standard 1904.32(b)(5)
Fall Protection Systems
6. Are employees using fall protection when required?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.501(b)(1)
7. Are employees using the system properly?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.502(d)
8. Are employees trained in the use of fall protection systems?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.503(a)(1)
9. Is fall protection equipment inspected and stored in good condition?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.502(d)(21)
10. Are toilet facilities adequate and clean?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.51(c)(1)
11. Are hand washing stations or hand sanitizers readily available on site?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.51(f)
12. Are there individual drinking cups/bottles available next to or inside of cooler? <br>OSHA Standard 1926.51(a)(4)
13. Is all trash and debris picked up in work area?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.25(c)
Fire Protection
14. Are employees trained in the use of fire extinguishers?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.150
15. Are fire extinguisher inspections current?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.150(c)(1)(viii)/NFPA
16. Are there fire extinguishers within 100 feet of all work areas?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.150(c)(1)(i)
17. Are all fire extinguishers in good working order?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.150(a)(4)
18. Is there an extinguisher within 50 feet of all flammable liquids of 5 gallons or more?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.150(c)(1)(vi)
19. Are flammable liquids stored in approved safety cans?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.152(a)(1)
20. Is there a 20lb. ABC extinguisher on all tank trucks or other vehicles used for transporting or dispensing flammable liquids?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.152(d)(4)
21. Are there "NO SMOKING OR OPEN FLAME” signs posted in the storage areas?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.151(a)(3)
22. Is there a 20lb., ABC extinguisher within 50 ft. of acetylene and oxygen tanks?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.152(d)(2)
23. Is there a 20lb., ABC extinguisher located in welding/cutting area?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.352(d)
Housekeeping and Material Handling
24. Are all stairways and aisles clear of material and debris?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.250(a)(3)
25. Is material stored or stacked properly to prevent injuries?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.250(a)(1)
26. Is all pipe/conduit blocked to prevent material from rolling?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.250(a)(4)
27. Are all nails removed from all boards not in use?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.250(b)(8)(i)
28. Is material from upper floors secured from blowing/falling?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.250(b)(1)
29. Are employees using proper material handling techniques/ergonomics?<br>COMPANY POLICY
30. Is there adequate material handling equipment on site?<br>COMPANY POLICY
31. Is trash and debris removed daily?<br>OSHA standard 1926.25 (c)
Signs and Barricades
32. Are signs and barricades used to protect the public from job hazards?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.200
33. Are all signs and barricades adequate?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.200
34. Are all barricades removed when task is completed?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.200 (a)
35. Are there signs identifying all hazards? I.E. Electrical, Excavations, Caution, Danger, etc.<br>OSHA Standard 1926.200
36. Do all power operated tools have the proper guards?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.300(b)(1)
37. Are all electrical cords and plugs in good condition?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.403(b)(1)
38. Are employees trained in powder actuated tools?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.302(e)(1)
39. Are tools being inspected and stored properly?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.300(a)
40. Are GFCI breakers tested daily and documented?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.404(b)(1)(iii)(d)
41. Are temporary lights properly suspended and maintained?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405(a)(2)(ii)(F)
42. Are the temporary power cords protected from heavy traffic?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405(a)(2)(ii)(E)(F)
43. Are the temporary power panels in good condition and maintained?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405(b)(2)
44. Are all unused knockouts blanked?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405(b)(1)
45. Are all panel schedules in place?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.403(h)
46. Are all panels marked and made inaccessible to unauthorized persons?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.408(a)(3)(ii)
47. Is LO/TO equipment on site, used, and documented?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.417
48. Is the written LO/TO procedure on site?<br>Company Policy Chapter 2 of EHS manual.
49. Are the authorized personnel identified, trained, and qualified to LO/TO?<br>Company Policy Chapter 2 of EHS manual.
50. Are the LO/TO tags/logs properly filled out and up to date? Example: Name, phone number, company)<br>OSHA Standard 1926.417
51. Is there a copy of Energized Electrical/Hot Work policy on site?<br>Company Policy Chapter 2 of EHS manual.
52. Is all hot work in full compliance with most recent NFPA 70E?<br>NFPA 70E
53. Have all authorized persons received hot work/NFPA 70E training?<br>NFPA 70E
54. Are there covers, faceplates, or fixture canopies?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405(b)(2)
55. Other items/concerns:
Welding and Cutting
56. Are all leads and stringers in good condition?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.351(b)(2)
57. Are all bare spots on welding leads properly repaired?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.351(b)(4)
58. Is the first 10 feet of the leads free from damage?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.351(b)(2)
59. Is proper eye protection available and in use?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.353(e)(2)
60. Are all cylinders in a secured, upright position?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.350(a)(9)
61. Do all cylinders have protective caps when not in use?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.350(a)(1)
62. Is there a suitable (20lb.) ABC Fire Ext. located in welding/cutting area?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.352(d)
63. Is there a fire watch needed/used?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.352(e)
64. Is a welding screen utilized to protect personnel?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.351(e)
65. Is there a 20 foot separation between O2 and acetylene when stored?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.350(a)(10)
66. Are spreaders on step ladders down and locked?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(a)(8)
67. Are all ladders inspected daily and in good condition?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(b)(15)/Company Policy
68. Are all ladders rated for task uses?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(a)(1)(i)
69. Are side rails 3 feet above landings for extension ladders?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(b)(1)
70. Are extension ladders secured at the top/as needed?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(b)(1)
71. Are doorways barricaded when necessary?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(b)(8)
72. Are employees trained on and using ladders properly?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1060
73. Is proper fall protection used when required?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.502(d)
74. Is fall protection used while working on scaffolds?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.451(g)(2)
75. Are scaffolds on secure footings with base plates and mud sills?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.451(c)(2)
76. Has a competent person inspected the scaffold before the current work shift?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.451(f)(3)
77. Are adequate guardrail systems in place?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.451(g)(1)(iv)
78. Are employees trained in the proper erection and use of scaffolds?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.454(b)
79. Is scaffolding documented as erected by a competent person?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.451(f)(7)
Aerial Lifts and Platforms
80. Are employees trained/certified on equipment?<br>Company Policy/ OSHA standard 1926.453(b)(2)(ii)
81. Do employees stay in/on platform at all times?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.453(b)(2)(iv)
82. Are all lift/platform safety devices operational?<br>ANSI 92.2-1969/ OSHA standard 1926.453(b)(2)(i)
83. Is fall protection used properly?<br>Company policy EHS manual chapter 14.
84. Are lifts/platforms operated according to manufacturer? <br>Company policy EHS manual chapter 10.
85. Are the Dailey Equipment Checklists completed according to procedure?<br>ANSI 92.2-1969/ Company policy chapter 10.
86. Has LaOne Call been called, notified, and the ticket maintained?<br>STATE LAW
87. Are employees protected from falls to a lower level?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.651(i)(2)
88. Is there a competent person present that has inspected the excavation prior to current shift?<br>OSHA 1926.651(k)(1)
89. Are excavations properly sloped or benched?<br>OSHA 1926.652(b)
90. Are all spoil piles at least 2 feet from the edge of excavation?<br>OSHA 1926.651(j)(2)
91. Is water control adequate?<br>OSHA 1926.651(h)(1)
92. Is there adequate access and egress points?<br>OSHA 1926.651(c)(2)
93. Are trenches 20ft. or more in depth designed by RPE?<br>OSHA 1926.652(b)(4)
94. Are protective systems adequate to protect employees from cave-ins?<br>OSHA 1926.652(a)(1)
Floor/Wall Openings, Stairwells, and Roofs
95. Are all holes 2 inches or larger in diameter covered?<br>OSHA 1926.501(b)(4)(ii)
96. Are all hole covers marked accordingly?<br>OSHA 1926.502(i)(4)
97. Are all employees protected from falling objects?<br>OSHA 1926.501(c)
98. Do all guard rails meet OSHA requirements?<br>OSHA 1926.502(b)
99. Are steel stair pans filled?<br>OSHA 1926.1052(b)(1)
100. Is fall protection provided/used for fall exposures in excess of 6 feet?<br>OSHA 1926.501(b)(15)
Confined Space
101. Has the CF been tested for toxic/combustible gases, oxygen content?<br>1926.1203(e)(2)(iii)
102. Is all required PPE in place and being used according to procedure?<br>OSHA 1926.1211(b)(1)
103. Is there a method of communication between attendant and entrants?<br>OSHA 1926.1204(d)(3)
104. Are the site specific requirements/procedures in place?<br>Company Policy EHS manual chapter 13.
105. Is there a competent person in place?<br>OSHA 1926.1203(a)
106. Are all the required permits completed?<br>OSHA 1910.146(f)
107. Is the emergency action plan posted?<br>OSHA 1910.146(d)(9)
108 Is energy isolation (LO/TO) required/performed according to procedure?<br>OSHA 1910.146(f)(8)
109. Are all entrants and attendants properly trained?<br>OSHA 1926.1207(a)
Heavy Equipment
110. Are all operators properly trained and certified?<br>OSHA 1926.602(d)
111. Is there a competent person present, if necessary?<br>OSHA 1926.602
112. Are all operators using seat belts?<br>OSHA 1926.602(a)(2)
113. Are there no riders allowed on any equipment?<br>OSHA 1926.602(c)(1)(vii)
114. Does equipment have functional back-up alarms?<br>OSHA 1926.602(a)(9)
115. Are the Daily Equipment Checklists being completed according to procedure?<br>ANSI B56.1-1969/ Company policy EHS manual chapter 10.
116. Are all safety devices on equipment operational?<br>OSHA 1926.602(c)(1)(vi)
117. Is equipment operated at safe speeds?<br>ANSI B56.1-1969
118. Is all proper safety equipment/signage available on site?<br>OSHA 1926.602
119. Is all equipment repaired/maintained properly?<br>OSHA 1926.602
Review of Activity Since Last Inspection
120. Are JSA's performed and documented according to procedure?<br>COMPANY POLICY
121. Are accident reporting and investigations done according to procedure?<br>COMPANY POLICY EHS manual chapter 8.
122. Are all employees wearing the appropriate PPE?<br>1910.132
123. Do all employees know what and where their HAZCOM plan is?<br>1910.1200
124. Are all impalement hazards adequately protected? <br>OSHA standard 1926.701(b)
Silica Awareness
125. Are employees protected from any Silica related hazards on site? Company policy.
126. Is a Silica Exposure control plan being utilized properly? <br>Company policy.
127. Are all tools being used, equipped with either integrated vacuum or water system? Company policy.
128. Have all employees working around potential Silica exposure been fit tested and are they wearing the proper respirator? Company policy.
129. Other
130. QAQC - Do all installations, work areas, employees, equipment, etc. reflect our most dependable legacy in quality of work?
Additional Comments:
OSHA 1926 Link: