Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Stock Take

  • Does stock match most recent report?<br>If performed this week accuracy can only be good or bad<br><br>If performed in a previous week, do a mathematical confirmation to bring up to date.<br>If there is a wetstock error 'Poor'. <br>If there is only ingredient issue > 1kg malt variety and/or > 500g hops variety then 'Fair'

Cask Ale Quality

  • Is Best Bitter available

  • Rate the beer on temperature, appearance and flavour

  • Is Cask IPA available

  • Rate the beer on temperature, appearance and flavour

  • Is Project Cask available

  • Rate the beer on temperature, appearance and flavour

Keg Beer Quality

  • Is APA available

  • Rate the beer on temperature, appearance and flavour

  • Is IPA available

  • Rate the beer on temperature, appearance and flavour

  • Is Tropical IPA available

  • Rate the beer on temperature, appearance and flavour

  • Is Oatmeal Stout available

  • Rate the beer on temperature, appearance and flavour

  • Is Seasonal IPA Available

  • Rate the beer on temperature, appearance and flavour

  • Is Seasonal Lager Available

  • Rate the beer on temperature, appearance and flavour

The Bar

  • are all pump clips clean and attached correctly (tasting notes, cask marque toppers, sample jars)

  • Are all tap handles correct, fitted tightly and lenses in place

  • are glasses clean and free from scale

  • Is the glasswasher free from scale

  • is mini keg fridge full, clean and lights working

  • is daily beer quality and temperature check done correctly on compliance centre


  • Is opening cellar check done correctly

  • is cellar generally clean and tidy

  • Is there an accurate, signed, physical line clean record

  • Has the Weekly Beer Line Clean Checklist been done correctly

  • are tapped casks clean, orderly and tapping information filled in

  • are casks and kegs labelled correctly (site, name, gyle, dates, allergens, sold)

  • are spare cask taps clean and stored dry

  • is there a cask widge sampler

  • is line cleaning container clean and empty

  • is there at least 500ml of eye wash, fixed in place and bottles in date

  • are all couplers and cleaning sockets clean

  • are all gas bottles chained up or chocked if lying down

  • are all empty casks sealed


  • is malt store tidy and free from pests

  • are water treatment salts stored dry and in sealed containers

  • are hops stored in the cellar and bags sealed

  • is yeast stored in a fridge or cold cellar

  • is spent grain store clean and grain taken away promptly


  • is brewpad clean and tidy

  • Is the Brewer's area well organised and clean

  • Does the brewer have suitable rubber mats for protecting the brewpad tiles

  • Does the brewer have a racking filter

  • Is there a chain or suitable method to block the brewery off

  • are brewing tanks exterior clean and polished

  • is hot liquor tank free from scale

  • is mash tun clean

  • is boiler clean and elements free from carbon

  • is condenser clean on the inside

  • is heat exchanger clean and rinsed with water

  • are fermenters clean and free from scale and tops free from dust

  • Does the brewer have dated video evidence (within 7 days) from inside a clean FV, if all vessels are full

  • are FV chiller clean, properly filled and vents free from dust

  • are all hoses clean and in good condition

  • is underback and/or transfer pump clean

  • is cask washer clean and well maintained


  • is scale for measuring grain working, in good condition and clean

  • does the brewer have their own thermometer and is it working

  • does the brewer have a density meter, is it clean? Please test with distilled water.

  • does the brewer have hydrometers and are they clean and stored in dry containers

  • is pH meter working correctly

  • Does the brewer have in date pH buffer solution

  • Does the brewer have a laptop or tablet?

  • is it in good working order

  • Is there a brewing schedule available (Electronic, paper, whiteboard etc) covering at least 4 weeks

  • Are there pH indicator strips available

  • Is there chlorine indicator paper available

Health & Safety

  • does the brewer have a full set of PPE (visor, gloves, wellies, dust masks)

  • is there at least 500ml eye wash in the brewery and bottles in date

  • are chemicals stored securely in lockable COSHH cabinets

  • are printed chemical safety data sheets, technical data sheets and signed risk assessments stored with the chemicals

  • is there a printed copy of the HACCP plan available

Training Sign Off

  • Is there a training sign off saved in the group head brewers folder?

  • print and fill in a training record, get it signed.


  • Brewer

  • Auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.