
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Guest Interaction

  • 1. Greet & Welcome guest upon arrival.

Guest #1

  • Time

  • Guest Name

  • Room Number

  • Period of Stay

  • Guest visit

  • Number of visit

  • Marriott Bonvoy

  • Comment

  • Photo attached (if any)


  • Time

  • Guest Name

  • Room Number

  • Period of Stay

  • Guest visit

  • Number of visit

  • Marriott Bonvoy

  • Comment

  • Photo attached (if any)


  • Time

  • Guest Name

  • Room Number

  • Period of Stay

  • Guest visit

  • Number of visit

  • Marriott Bonvoy

  • Comment

  • Photo attached (if any)

  • 2. Meet at least 3 guests and have quality interaction.

  • Guest #1

  • Guest name

  • Type of guest

  • Comment

  • Photo attached (if any)

  • Guest #2

  • Guest name

  • Type of guest

  • Comment

  • Photo attached (if any)

  • Guest #3

  • Guest name

  • Type of guest

  • Comment

  • Photo attached (if any)

Public Area Inspection

Hotel Exterior

Hotel Main Entrance

  • Porte Cochere/Front Entrance

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Driveways/Pavement

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Hotel Signage

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Digital Signage

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Water pond, hotel flag, planting

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Security Guards presenting and well groom.

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Driveway Soi 19 side trough the receiving area

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

Associates Entrance

  • Security Check point - staff present and alertness <br>

  • Receiving area - office locked, light and A/C turn off, overall receiving area is clean, tidy and in good condition.

  • Signages, board and information in front of elevator. In good condition and information updated.

Hotel Interior

Lower Lobby - look for condition floor, ceiling, planting, staff well presented, well groom, lighting and air con.

  • Bell desk / Bell associates

  • Description

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Concierge desk/ Concierge associates

  • Description

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Furniture/Fixtures

  • Description

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Digital signage - information updated

  • Description

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Lobby Pond

  • Description

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Lighting/Background Music/White Tea scent

  • Description

  • Picture/Video (if any)

Lobby Floor

  • Reception/Guest Activities

  • Tour Desk & Spa Desk

  • Furniture/Fixtures

  • Lighting/Background Music/ White Tea Scent

  • Haven wall garden - planting condition

  • Restroom

  • Elevator No. 1- 4

  • Seasonal Tastes

  • Zest Bar

Grand Ballroom

  • Condition

  • Is there any event?

Floor 8

  • Business Center & Conference Room 1- 2

  • Kisso

  • Swimming Pool & Bar

  • Westin Workout & Locker Room

  • Vareena Spa

  • Lighting and Background Music

  • Furniture/Fixture

  • Foyer area

  • Public Restroom Floor 8

Botan Room

  • Condition

  • Is there any event?

Board Room 1- 2

  • Condition

  • Is there any event?

State Room 1 - 3

  • Condition

  • Is there any event?


  • Condition

  • Is there any event?

Back of the House 6 - 8 Floor

  • Laundry

  • Housekeeping Office

  • Flower Room

  • Associates Locker Male/Female

  • Kitchen Area

  • Car Park 5 - 6

  • Engineering - Carpenter room


  • Engineering Office

  • Associates relaxing room

Safety & Emergency Checklist

  • Emergency House Phone at these 4 areas (Swimming Pool, Westin Workout men & women locker and inside Westin Workout) are in good condition, functional and ready to use. Respond within 3 rings.

  • Comment:

  • Photo attached (if any)

  • Elevator emergency button in guest elevator is in good condition, functional, and ready to use.

  • Comment:

  • Photo attached (if any)

  • First Aid Kit is in good condition, equipped, and prompt use. (Randomly check only 1 point; F&B outlets, Front Office, Concierge, Westin Workout, Pool Bar, Westin Club.)

  • Comment:

  • Photo attached (if any)

Experiencing Hotel Restaurants and Associates Canteen ( 1time/outlet)

Seasonal Tastes - look for condition, level of business, associates alertness and presence.

  • Please select for inspection

  • Condition / Cleanliness

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

Kisso - look for condition, level of business, associates alertness and presence.

  • Please select for inspection

  • Condition / Cleanliness

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

In Room Dinning - look for condition, level of business, associates alertness and presence.

  • Please select for inspection

  • Condition / Cleanliness

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

Westin Club - look for condition, level of business, associates alertness and presence.

  • Please select for inspection

  • Condition / Cleanliness

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

Associate Canteen - look for condition, quality of food and cleanliness.

  • Please select for inspection

  • Condition / Cleanliness

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

  • Quality of food

  • Description:

  • Picture/Video (if any)

Guest room Inspection

Inspect at least 3 guest rooms

  • Room #1

  • Room Number

  • The following areas need to be inspected:

  • 4 Deadly Sins

  • Garbage in the Room

  • Hair in the Bed

  • Mold on the Tiles

  • Hair in the Bathroom

  • Minibar Items (check on condition and expiry date)

  • Alarm clock - Time set accurately within 5 minutes

  • Cloth Hanger meet standards <br>- 6 Open hooks<br>- 4 with clips

  • TV (check all channels including hotel promotion channel)

  • Telephone

  • Safe

  • AC

  • Lighting

  • USB/ Power sockets are working properly and in good condition

  • Other Comments (if any)

  • Room #2

  • Room Number

  • The following areas need to be inspected:

  • 4 Deadly Sins

  • Garbage in the Room

  • Hair in the Bed

  • Mold on the Tiles

  • Hair in the Bathroom

  • Minibar Items (check on condition and expiry date)

  • Alarm clock - Time set accurately within 5 minutes

  • Cloth Hanger meet standards <br>- 6 Open hooks<br>- 4 with clips

  • TV (check all channels including hotel promotion channel)

  • Telephone

  • Safe

  • AC

  • Lighting

  • USB/ Power sockets are working properly and in good condition

  • Other Comments (if any)

  • Room #3

  • Room Number

  • Inspect all following areas:

  • 4 Deadly Sins

  • Garbage in the Room

  • Hair in the Bed

  • Mold on the Tiles

  • Hair in the Bathroom

  • Minibar Items (check on condition and expiry date)

  • Alarm clock - Time set accurately within 5 minutes

  • Cloth Hanger meet standards <br>- 6 Open hooks<br>- 4 with clips

  • TV (check all channels including hotel promotion channel)

  • Telephone

  • Safe

  • AC

  • Lighting

  • USB/ Power sockets are working properly and in good condition

  • Other Comments (if any)

Service Express / In - Room Dining

Service Express Telephone Etiquette

  • Warm welcome / greeting provided

  • Guest name used during conversation when known

  • Provide department name

  • Provide associate name

  • Further assistance offered to the guest

  • Warm and sincere closing offered to the guest

Service Express/In-room dining taking order

  • Associate must answer the phone per brand standards - Upon answering the phone the associate must greet the guest saying: "Service Express"

  • Guest name used during conversation

  • Provide department and associate name

  • Take the order, upsell beverages or desserts

  • Repeat the order and room number

  • Promise time ( Serve within 30 minutes )<br>

  • Warm closing word provide ( Please enjoy your meal )<br>

In - Room Dining Delivery Standard Check List

  • Room delivery announcement meets standard - Ring the bell and say ‘’ Service express please ‘’ wait for 10 second for respond not over 3 times until open the door

  • Warm welcome/greeting provided <br>- Greeting with call guest by name and introduce her/his name and say May I come in please ?<br>- Well-groomed and professional, wearing a uniform<br>- Good posture, smile, eye contact, and attentive listening maintained throughout the Interaction <br><br>

  • Enter the room carefully and place the trolley in the location that specified by guest<br>

  • Guest name used during the experience, when known

  • Once trolley or tray is in place present all items to the guest

  • Offer to pour beverage (If have beverage order )

  • Inform guest to touch Service express for trolley clear

  • Further assistance offered to the guest - Before leaving the room asking guest "Anything else I can do for you ?"<br>

  • Warm and sincere closing offered and appreciation demonstrated - Thank you guest and wish the guest to enjoy the meal

  • The overall experience met guest expectations and was free of negative detractors

  • Picture/Video of item which had been ordered

Associates Knowledge - Westin Brand Program and Telephone Etiquette (randomly check)

Westin Brand Program (select 3 questions and randomly ask associate)

  • What is Heavenly Bed?

  • Answer: Our Westin signature superior bed that creates special sleep experience for our guests.

  • Associate name:

  • Department:

  • Comment (If any):

  • What is Eat Well Menu?

  • Answer: Delicious dishes crafted by our chefs, focusing on guest's well - being. Guests have freedom to choose when it comes to portion size, nutritional balance and quality of ingredients.

  • Associate name:

  • Department:

  • Comment (If any):

  • What is WestinWORKOUT?

  • Answer: Our 24/7 (opens 24 hours per day and 7 days per week) Fitness Studio with modern equipment and amenities for our guests.

  • Associate name:

  • Department:

  • Comment (If any):

  • What is RunWESTIN?

  • Answer: A host of running - related programs that ensure guests can stay active and maintain a running routine. We offer Running Maps of 3 - 5 miles and a group running program for our guests.

  • Associate name:

  • Department:

  • Comment (If any):

  • What is Gear Lending?

  • Answer: New fitness partnerships, "Bala" and "Hyperice", which is enable Westin to bring top of the line fitness and recovery equipment to guests. Empowering them to maintain their active lifestyles while traveling.

  • Associate name:

  • Department:

  • Comment (If any):

  • What is Sensory Welcome?

  • Answer: A welcoming sense of our lush vertical gardens and signature White Tea scent that help guests reset and get ready for a great stay ahead.

  • Associate name:

  • Department:

  • Comment (If any):

Telephone Answering Standards

  • External: "Sawasdee Ka/Krub"(Good morning/Afternoon/Evening, for foreigner or Oversea call.)<br>" Thank you for calling The Westin Grande sukhumvit, Where may I direct your call?"

  • Associate name:

  • Department:

  • Comment (If any):

  • Internal call:<br>"Sawasdee Ka/Krub, guest name" <br>" Thank you for calling (department name)"<br>" Associate name, speaking"<br>" How may I assist you?"<br>

  • Associate name:

  • Department:

  • Comment (If any):

Service General (BSA Touch Point - randomly check 1 area.)

  • Associates provided warm welcome/greeting.

  • Associates used guest name during the experience.

  • Associates proactive and further assistance offered.

  • Associates provided warm and sincere closing.

  • Comment (If any):

Other Incidents

  • Is there any incidents during your MOD shift?

  • Incident
  • Incident Time

  • Incident Type

  • Incident Details

  • Incident Status

  • Other comments

  • Picture/Video (if any)


  • Other overall MOD comments (If any)

  • Add media

  • Sign Off

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.