Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Scoreboard Audit
Can you tell within 5 seconds if the team is<br>winning?
Are the property's WIGs posted near the scoreboard and updated weekly?
Does the Scoreboard shows the WIG?
Can you tell where the current score is?
Does the Scoreboard shows the Lead<br>Measure(s)?
Does Scoreboard shows the Data Tracking<br>Sheet?
Is the WIG on top and the Lead Measures<br>underneath?
Are the WIG and Lead Measures written in<br>the proper format? (X to Y by When)
Is the WIG graph a line graph?
Are the Lead Measure graphs in bar chart<br>format?
Is the data tracking sheet posted near the<br>scoreboard, if possible?
Are the associates individually updating the<br>data tracking sheet?
WIG Session Audit or WIG Huddle
Was the WIG Session held as scheduled?
Did the Leader report out first and model<br>best practices?
Did each STAR acknowledge completing last week's commitment and report out next week's<br>commitment?
Were the participants held accountable for follow-through?
Was the Scoreboard reviewed during the Session or Huddle?
Was the whirlwind kept out of the session?
Are the commitments Specific, Aligned and Timely?