Title Page

  • Add media

  • BMP Inspection Report - Wet Pond

  • Project Name

  • SWM Permit #

  • Conducted on

  • BMP Location
  • BMP Map #

  • Prepared by

  • This BMP is currently:

  • Overall View of BMP

Inflow Points

  • Overall Picture

  • Obstruction: vegetation/debris/sediment

  • Comment:

  • Erosion/Undercutting

  • Comment:

  • Displacement of fabric/rip rap

  • Comment:

  • Pipe Condition

  • Comment:

  • Other (describe)

  • Comment:

  • Photo: issues for Inflow Points

  • Comment on Picture


  • Forebay Picture

  • Sediment/debris accumulation

  • Comment:

  • Side slope erosion

  • Comment:

  • Invasive vegetation

  • Comment:

  • Other (describe)

  • Comment:

  • Photo: issues in Forebay

Vegetation Shelf/Main Treatment Area

  • Visible pollution/muddiness

  • Comment:

  • Sediment/debris accumulation

  • Comment:

  • Plants are dead, diseased or dying (replace such plants as necessary per original approved construction plans)

  • Comment:

  • Vegetation Length (too short/too long)

  • Comments:

  • Bare soil/erosive gullies

  • Comment:

  • Invasive vegetation

  • Comment:

  • Other (describe)

  • Comment:

  • Photo : for main treatment area


  • Erosion and/or loss of dam material

  • Comment:

  • Shrubs/trees present

  • Comment:

  • Animal burrows

  • Comment:

  • Soft spots or boggy areas

  • Comment:

  • Other (describe)

  • Comment:

  • Photos for Embankment

Outlet Device

  • Obstruction: vegetation/debris/sediment

  • Comment:

  • Erosion/undercutting

  • Comment:

  • Joint failure/loss of joint material

  • Comment:

  • Leaking Device

  • Comment:

  • Other (describe)

  • Comment:

  • Photos for Outlet Device


  • Picture for Misc:

  • Trash/debris

  • Comment:

  • Access

  • Comment:

  • Vandalism

  • Comment:

  • Fence Condition (if applicable)

  • Comment:

  • Fish/wildlife observations

  • Comments:

  • Signage (if applicable)

  • Comments:

  • Other (describe)

  • Comment:

  • Photos for miscellaneous issues

  • Comment for Photo/Photos

  • Additional Comments:

  • Inspectors Name

  • Pass or Fail

  • If any item is marked as "Work Needed", the entire BMP Inspection fails. Repairs, re-inspection and report must be completed and PASSED within 30 days.

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