Title Page

Marina General Information

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Person Completing the Assessment

  • Title

  • Telephone:

  • E-Mail

Facility Information

  • Facility Type

  • Facility Ownership

  • Size of Facility - Building in Sq Feet

Boat Storage Information

  • Is Winter Storage Offered

  • Number of indoor storage available

  • Number of outdoor storage available

  • Sail Boats


  • Full time (year round)

  • Full time (summer seasonal)

  • Part time (summer seasonal)

Services Provided as Profit Centres of the facility

  • Docking

  • Mooring

  • Fuel Docks

  • Please choose

  • Pump Out Facilities

  • Boat Storage

  • Vehicle parking

  • Recreational Facilities (on land)

  • Hauling/Lifting/Launching

  • Boat Ramp

  • Hull maintenance

  • Welding/Metal Fabrication

  • Bottom Cleaning

  • Mechanical Maintenance

  • Fiberglass Boat Repair

  • Air Conditioning Services

  • Engine Sales

  • Retail Store

  • Bait/Tackle Sales

  • Boat and Boat Part Sales

  • Brokerage

  • Non Boat Sales & Service (snowmobile)

Visitor Facilities

  • Campground

  • Laundry Facilities

  • Accommodation Facilities

  • Golf/Tennis

  • Beach Activities

  • Swimming Pool

  • Food/Refreshments/Ice

  • Restaurant

  • On-Site Restroom

  • Charter Boat

  • Transportation provided

  • Boat Valet Service

  • Boat Rentals

  • Boat Cleaning Service - On site

Marina Use

  • Do you offer slips

  • How many slips do you have

  • Most Customers Use:

  • Live Aboard (residential boats)

  • Average launch date

  • Average Haul Out date

Facilities Documents

  • Facility Layout including all buildings, docks/slips and grounds on file

  • Building Plans on File

  • Ground Drains and Water Runoff Plan on File

  • Water, Sewer, Fuel and Gas line layout on File

  • Inside/Outside Storage tank and Chemical storage Facility lay out on File

Utility and Chemical Use

  • Water Source

  • Solid Waste Disposal (metal, etc)

  • Quantity Disposed of in sq meters

  • Waste Sent for Recycling

  • Number of square meters disposed

  • Approximate Cost of recycling

  • What company do you use for recycling

  • Liquid Waste Removal

  • Number of Litres Disposed

  • Approximate Cost

  • Hazardous Waste Removal - (other than engine oil)

  • Quantity Disposed

  • Approximate Cost

Environmental Conditions

  • Is your facility on the water

  • Water is Free of floating garbage, oil sticks, dead fish etc

  • Water Quality is believed to be (check one)

  • Water Testing has been carried out

  • Are Results available to facility management

  • When was the testing completed

  • Are Facility grounds clear of clutter and debris

  • Are Facility grounds generally free of patches of dead or dying vegetation

  • Are Facility trees, shrubs and other vegetation healthy

Legislative Compliance

  • Facility is in compliance with all applicable legislation identified in Section 6 of the CMPH and has all required certificates, license and permits

  • Any environmental concerns based on facility operations in the past

  • Describe how they were dealt with

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment requires Clean marine participants to track and report on the use of specific products and take all necessary efforts to obtain environmentally friendly alternatives. Please provide information on the following:

Waste Oil

  • Do you handle waste oil

  • Estimate the amount of waste oil from boat engines in Litres

  • Method of storage

  • Waste Oil is recycled

  • Where does it go

  • Location that it is sent to

  • Amount of new oil purchased annually


  • Do you use shrink wrap for winter storage of boats

  • Do you use biodegradable wrap

Use of Ecology products - Check of EcoLogo products purchased for use in your facility and record the name

  • Vegetable based Industrial Lubricants

  • Product Name

  • Wastewater Treatment System

  • Product Name

  • Hand Cleaners

  • Product Name

  • Paper Products

  • Product Name

  • Boat Bilge Cleaners

  • Product Name

  • Low VOC Paints/Surface Coatings

  • Product Name

  • Cleaning Products/Detergents/Disinfectants

  • Product Name

  • Drain Cleaners/Septic Treatments

  • Product Name

  • Marine Oil Absorbents

  • Product Name

  • Rechargeable Batteries

  • Product Name

Section 1.0 Clean Marine Policy - A formal environmental policy is critical to the development of improvement strategies. While improvements may result from an informal commitment and ad-hoc practices, a formal, over-reaching written policy is the best tool to develop and implementation of effective strategies. A policy's value is maximized through communication, target setting, regular monitoring and finally a comprehensive review.

Section 1.1

  • Does your Facility have a clean marine policy which is regularly reviewed

  • Policy is in the form of a formal, written statement

  • Initial implementation date

  • Policy is reviewed at least annually

  • Date of last review

Section 1.2

  • Management & Staff (operators, new or seasonal workers, etc) are aware of this policy

  • Why not

Section 1.3

  • Are your customers made aware of your Clean Marine certificate

  • How are they made aware?

Section 1.4

  • Where Necessary are Suppliers and contractors made aware of and comply with this policy.

  • Why not

Section 2.0 Environmental Performance Goals and Objectives - While the importance of a formal environmental policy cannot be understated, it is only a starting point. Specific goals and targets must guide environmental improvements. Audits on various environmental parameters in turn lead to effective goal setting.

Section 2.1

  • Environmental performance strengths and weaknesses have been / are determined through the use of environmental audits(s) of the marina. (eg CMPH, Appendix E)

  • List most recent audit

  • List up to 3 strengths determined by the audit

  • List up to 3 weaknesses determined by the audit

Section 2.2 Environmental Performance improvement goals have been formally set, reviewed, revised and potentially achieved for (check all that are appropriate)

  • Waste Reduction

  • Water Quality

  • Water Conservation

  • Habitat Maintenance / Enhancement

  • Proper Handling of Hazardous Substances

  • Reduced use of Hazardous Substances

  • Energy conservation / Energy Efficiency Improvements

Section 2.3

  • Commitment to Continuing Environmental Improvement through Strategies / Activities

Section 3.0 Waste Management - This section deals with how waste (both hazardous and general) is dealt with at your facility.

Section 3.1

  • Audit(s) of waste generated by the marina has/have been conducted (see page 19 of the Handbook)

  • Date

  • Date of most recent

Section 3.2

  • Facility has a waste reduction strategy/program

  • Is it written

  • Facility monitoring records show a reduction in waste generations/disposal over the past two years

Section 3.3

  • To minimize waste, the following reduction measures have been undertaken (check all that apply)

Section 3.4

  • Efforts are made to reuse some materials that would otherwise be disposed of as waste

  • Examples

Section 3.5

  • A recyclables collection service, operated by public and/or private sector agencies, is available to the marina

  • Who is the agency?

Section 3.6

  • Facility has implemented/participates in a recycling program

  • Check all that Apply

  • List Other Materials

  • Are you able to receive materials from outside sources

Section 3.7

  • Facility operates and/or participates in a materials exchange program (e.g sharing left over products like varnish instead of discarding it).

Section 3.8

  • Facility has separate containers for waste and for recyclables situated at convienient locations around the marina

Section 3.9

  • Customers are encouraged and assisted in participating in facility waste reduction strategies

Section 3.10

  • Facility is kept tidy through inspection of premises and adjoining water body and collection of any discarded waste on a routine basis.

Section 3.11

  • Facility has a pet waste management strategy

Section 3.12

  • All hazardous wastes are properly handled, collected, stored and transported to a proper treatment/disposal facility

Section 3.13

  • Are you collecting more than 25 Litres of waste oil, antifreeze and other liquid industrial wastes,

  • Are you using a license hauler to dispose of this waste

  • How are you disposing of this waste

  • Who is the Licensed hauler

Section 3.14

  • Relevant staff have been instructed and receive regular reviews on proper procedures for handling and storing hazardous wastes.

Section 3.15

  • Hazardous wastes are properly identified and stored as recommended on page 19 of the Clean marine Practices Handbook.

Section 3.16

  • Facility offers a service to collect hazardous wastes directly from customers boat's

Section 3.17

  • Organic wastes (e.g seaweed, food waste, etc) are collected and made use of for composting, fertilize, animal feedstock, or some other purpose (s).

Section 4.0 Dock Management - This section deals with your facility's refuelling operations, pump-out services and other aspects of environmental performance on and around your docks and slip. (see CMPH, section 4.1)

Section 4 Fuel & Waste Handling

  • Does marina have docks

  • Fuel dock or other refuelling facility on site

  • Fuel pump attendants are trained in proper use of the equipment and procedures for dispensing product

  • Signs are posted which identify the correct refuelling procedures

  • Fuel pump nozzles are equipped with automatic back pressure shut-off

  • Fuel storage tanks are checked regularly

  • Standard refuelling procedures are designed to prevent spills

  • Standard procedure for reporting spills

  • Spill Response Kit installed and ready for immediate deployment

  • Signage directs staff and customers to available absorbents and instructions for their use

  • Designated area for filling portable gas tanks which incorporates impermeable pad with catchment

  • Special arrangements have been made to properly fuel personal watercraft (PWC) and small outboard motors with integral fuel tanks

  • Do you have a "not allowed" policy with regards to owners refuelling their own boats within the marina with their own "jerry cans" or other small containers

  • Pump out services offered

  • Standard pump-out procedures are in place to prevent spills and contamination of the water body

  • Customers are directed to the nearest marina that provides this service

  • Standard instructions are provided about pumping bilges and/or handling grey water for boats, to limit possibility of environmental contamination/spills

  • Boat owners are encouraged to use onshore toilet facilities whenever possible (during COVID question has been discontinued)

  • Unnecessary lights are routinely turned off, or area lighting is operated on automatic timers

  • Taps/hoses are provided with automatic shut-off valves

  • Customers are informed of restrictions on excessive speed, noise and exhaust fumes in the marina area and of the requirement to properly handle and dispose of own wastes (through possible use of marina facilities.)

  • Use of oil-absorbing materials in the bilge areas of all boats with inboard engines is promoted

  • Herbicides are used to control aquatic plant growth and weeds are cut, collected and used as mulch or given away locally for use as mulch

  • How do you control aquatic plant growth and/or weeds around your property.

  • Do you collect and compost and organic material

  • Any dredging has been performed in accordance with the conditions identified on page 31 of the CMPH

  • General maintenance of dock systems is performed on a regular basis and in accordance with the steps recommended on page 29 of the CMPH

  • Are docks cleaned using a pressure washer

  • Do docks use any styrene for floating

  • Do you have a plan to remove the use of these?

  • What is that plan?

Section 5.0 - Yard Management - This section deals with your ability to manage and keep organized all aspects of the exterior land used in operations in order to haul/lift/store and launch boats all the while using sound environmental process's and procedures.

  • Is there Facilities for hauling/lifting/launching boats?

  • Standard procedures to prevent the release of hydrocarbons into the natural environment

  • Standard procedures for washing down boats to prevent the release of heavy metals

  • Standard procedures to prevent the transfer of nuisance aquatic organisms

  • Facility has converted all of its craft and rental fleet to either 4-Stroke or newer DI 2-Stroke engines

  • Does the location have facilities for storing boats during off season

  • What type of facility do you use

  • Standard procedures to prevent the release of hydrocarbons into the natural environment

  • Shrink-wrap is recycled or multi-use boat covers are used. (see OME required documentation)

  • Before boats are returned to the water, anti-freeze is recycled and /or collected and transported to an appropriate facility (see OME required documentation)

  • Is storage of liquids (e.g fuel, used oil, antifreeze) in bulk and/or any chemicals for various purposes done on site

  • Storage tanks are tested and inspected on a regular basis

  • All storage tanks have been upgraded in accordance with the Gasoline Handling Code

  • Tank contents are measured and reconciled with the amount drawn every day during the operating season

  • Drums are stored on an impermeable pad with a dike or an approved system preventing surrounding area contamination

  • Secondary containment (e.g curbs, berms or other barriers) have been installed around areas used for the storage of liquid materials

  • Vehicles are operated and /or parked on marina property

  • Restrictions control the operation and parking of all vehicles while on marina property

  • Appropriate use and proper maintenance of company vehicles (to conserve energy and minimize air pollution)

  • Granular surfaces used on roads and parking areas to maximize absorption and minimize runoff

  • Is Environmentally appropriate dust suppressant used on granular road/parking surfaces

  • Hazardous chemicals used at the facility (check all appropriate responses)

  • Identify level of use

  • Identify level of use

  • Identify level of use

  • Identify level of use

  • Identify level of use

  • Identify level of use

  • Identify items

  • Identify level of use

Section 5.6

  • Please identify measures implemented to control Storm-water runoff (check all appropriate responses)

Section 5.7

  • Fish cleaning station are in place which include a filtered drain that leads into the sewer main, and collection of fish waste for recycling

Section 5.7.1

  • Alternatively, or further, boaters are encouraged to clean their catch in open waters returning to port

Section 5.8

  • Grounds are watered only when absolutely necessary

Section 5.9

  • Higher energy efficiency equipment and lighting are in use

Section 5.10

  • Timers and motion sensors have been installed to control lighting and /or HVAC systems

Section 5.11

  • All machinery is regularly maintained and leaks are repaired immediately

Section 5.12

  • Drip trays and/or other containment methods are used wherever leaks may occur.

  • Fish cleaning stations are in place which include a filtered drain that leads into the sewer main and collection of fish waste for recycling

  • Alternatively or further boaters are encourage to clean their catch in open waters before returning to port.

  • Grounds are watered only when absolutely necessary

  • Higher energy efficiency lighting are in use

  • Timers and motion sensors have been installed to control lighting and or HVAC systems

  • High energy efficient equipment are in use

  • Please list

  • All machinery is regularly maintained and leaks are repaired immediately

  • Drip trays and or other containment methods are used wherever leaks may occur

Section 6.0 - Boat Maintenance - This section deals with your facility's hull and mechanical maintenance operations and includes consideration of those functions when performed by subcontractors (CMPH sec 4.3)

Section 6.0 Boat Maintenance

  • Is there any boat maintenance performed on site by facility owner, sub-contractors or boat owner? This includes, engine & all components of the boat

  • Hull maintenance activités are performed on site

  • All work is conducted in designated areas and not over the water

  • Fibreglass repair/paint shop is approved by MOL

  • Work is performed over a hard non-porous surface or tarpaulins are used to contain dust and particles

  • Work surfaces (refer to 6.1.5) are regularly vacuumed to collect dust and particles

  • Major work is performed indoors and /or with hanging tarpaulins around the boat

  • Procedures to control the release of waste products resulting from hull maintenance work are communicated to all parties doing such work and enforced

  • Environmentally-preferable cleaners, polishes, solvents and paints are promoted and used as often as possible, (see OME required documents)

  • Antifouling paint selections involve the least toxic that is compatible with the water conditions and required surface finish

  • Solvent use during paint and refinishing process has been reduced

  • Measures have been implemented to reduce paint and solvent waste

  • Fibreglass dust and waste is handled as hazardous waste, collected and properly disposed of

  • Paint residues are handled as hazardous waste, collected and properly disposed of

  • All other dust and debris is collected and properly disposed of

  • All commercial on-site work is pre-approved by the marina management

  • Wash water is collected and recycled

  • Non-toxic bottom waxes are used in compatible waters

  • Mechanical maintenance work is performed on site

  • Work is carried out in designated areas only with the pre-approval of marina officials

  • Procedures are in place to control the release of "waste products" (e.g batteries, used oils & filters, greases, antifreeze, contaminated fuel, scrap metal, etc). (check all appropriate)

  • "Waste products" are collected and reused/recycled to the extent possible

  • Identify

  • Keeping engines well tuned is advocated and communicated to all appropriate parties and enforced

  • All spills are cleaned up immediately using dry methods

  • commercial air conditioner servicing is carried out by license personnel only (yard or subcontract)

  • Some work performed by subcontractors

  • Subcontractors have valid WHMIS Certificates

  • Subcontractors members of the Clean Marine program

  • Subcontractors remove their own waste for proper disposal and/or have made arrangements with the facility to ensure reuse and/or proper disposal of such wastes

  • Boats which are worked on by subcontractors are moved to a designated repair area for all but minor service work

  • Subcontractors use their own safety equipment and/or the yards safety equipment (e.g. ABC fire extinguisher)

Section 7.0 Retail Operations - This section deals with environmental aspects of your facility's retail operations. (see CMPH, section 4.4)

Section 7.0

  • Do you have a retail section?

  • Environmentally-preferable products (e.g those bearing the "EcoLogo", those with long life/durable, items available in bulk, those with high recycled content, lower or no toxicity alternatives, etc.) are purchased for sale to marina customers. (see OME required documentation)

  • Environmentally-preferable products are selected and supplied in the course of providing other services (e.g boat maintenance) and /or offered to customers on a rental basis

  • Environmental considerations are factored in to inventory control strategies

  • Customers are encouraged to consider the environmental impact of their purchases (e.g through promotion of environmentally-preferable products)

  • In making purchasing decisions, manufacturers and suppliers with environmental policies are given some preference when appropriate

  • Volumes of packaging being thrown out as waste have been reduced through application of the 3R's (reduce, reuse, recycle)

  • Marina provides and exchange forum for customers used goods. (ie - partially used products or items that have been previously enjoyed, preventing them from being discarded to land fill)

Section 8.0 - Visitor Facilities - This section deals with environmental aspects of accommodations provided at your facility, including washrooms, laundries and lodgings (see CMPH, Section 4.5)

Section 8.1

  • Washroom facilities are provided

  • Washrooms are clean, tidy and regularly maintained

  • Do you keep a record of when they have been cleaned

  • Water conserving equipment / products (tap aerators, low-flow shower heads, water-saving toilets) have been installed

  • Facilities are routinely monitored and leaks / problems are corrected as quickly as possible

  • Energy efficient equipment / appliances / systems have been installed

  • Controls / sensors have been installed to conserve energy

  • Environmentally preferable cleaners and disinfectants are used (see OME required documentation)

Section 8.2

  • Laundry facilities are provided

  • Laundry customers are encouraged to only wash full loads

  • Laundry customers are encouraged to use environmentally preferable soaps and detergents

  • Grey water is prevented from flowing directly in to the natural water system (ie. treated or recycled)

  • Waste reduction strategies (ie, the 3R's) are practiced by staff in this area, and customers are encouraged to do likewise (provide examples)

  • Provide examples

Section 8.3

  • Onshore accommodation and/or other hospitality facilities are provided

  • Guests are informed of the facilities environmental policy commitment and measures implemented and encouraged to participate

  • Accommodation guests offered the option to have their towels and linens washed less frequently than every day.

  • A recycling program exists which involves guest participation

  • Environmentally preferable products are utilized as much as possible (if yes provide examples) (see OME required documentation

  • Some examples

  • Other items

  • Staff exercise "good housekeeping practices" which address environmental issues

  • Environmental considerations are factored into the purchase of products and materials for and in the operation of club and social faciliities

  • Please provide examples

Section 9.0 Office Facilities - This section deals with environmental aspects of your facility's office and administration. Areas covered include energy conservation and waste reduction (see CMPH Section 4.6). Check all appropriate boxes for each question

  • Do you have Office Facilities

  • Energy conservation and/or efficiency improvements have been implemented

  • Identify these improvements

  • Heating, ventilating and / or air conditioning (cooling) requirements have been reduced through the application of appropriate measures

  • Please check all that are applicable

  • Other measures

  • Lighting efficiency has been improved through the application of appropriate measures

  • Please check all that apply

  • Please list all other measures

  • Equipment and appliances are properly maintained and operated in an energy efficient manner

  • Please check all that apply

  • Please list all other measures

  • Waste reduction/reuse/recycling measures have been implemented in this area

  • Please identify measures implemented

  • Do you promote the use of reusable water bottles and coffee cups around the facility?

  • Levels of waste generated have been reduced through the application of appropriate measures

  • Please check all that apply

  • Reusable products are being purchased and used in place of "disposable" as appropriate

  • Extended product / materials use initiatives are in place to reduce disposal levels

  • Other initiatives - 3 only

  • Paper conserving practices have been implemented

  • Please check all that apply

  • Do you promote and use the Boating Ontario Digital forms?

  • Products with recycled content are purchased and used

  • Please check all that apply

Section 10 - Emergency Preparedness Spill Protection and Handling/Emergency Preparedness An important aspect of effective environmental performance is to have a plan in place to prevent and mitigate chemical/fuel spills and other emergencies. This section deals with several concepts related to this key area of your operations (see CMPH Section 5.0)

  • An assessment of potential causes of spills and emergencies has been conducted at least once and possibly on a regular basis

  • An emergency response plan has been prepared which contains all of the items identified on page 50 of the CMPH

  • Please provide details or copy of plan

  • Does Operation have docks?

  • Marina has a plan and /or an operational strategy to deal with sinking or submerged boats

  • Please provide details or copy of plan

  • Plan in place to address a fire on the dock, in the main facilities and on boats in the marina

  • Please provide details or copy of plan

  • The emergency response plan includes strategies and procedures to be followed with respect to marina facilities and boats in the case of severe storm conditions

  • The emergency response plan is tested and updated as necessary on a regular basis, with all relevant staff and external support services (e.g local fire department, independent oil spill response team, etc) involved

  • A record is kept of emergency drills, inspections of equipment and emergency plan revisions

  • What is the date of the last drill?

  • Customers are made aware of the location of emergency response equipment and basic procedures to follow (e.g reporting, use of spill response kits (absorbent pads and materials), fire extinguishers, etc)

  • Do you have a COVID safe access plan in place

  • Please provide

  • Any spills/emergencies in the past year have been handled properly and effectively

  • Material Safety Data Sheets and /or an inventory are/is kept available for all chemicals in use and stored at the marina

  • Used oil spill response materials and equipment are reused or properly disposed of

  • Do you participate in a flare recycling program

  • Do you recycle small green propane containers

Section 11 - Training, Awareness Raising and Education Another important key to effective environmental performance is to make staff training and education a priority. Environmental responsibility begins with awareness and knowledge. Facility management should ensure that employees, customers and suppliers understand the consequences of carrels or wasteful practices and the benefits of sustainable behaviour (see CMPH, Section 7.0)

  • Training program in place for all employees

  • Who does the training

  • Staff training and instruction is performed on a continual/re-fresher basis (e.g requirements of maintenance and proper use of handling of all fire extinguishing equipment, emergency response plan practices, etc.)

  • Who does the training

  • Training and/or information programs are provided to customers (e.g requirements for, maintenance and proper use of marine Sanitation Devices, boat maintenance tips, etc).

  • Have you used the Boating Ontario student training in the past

  • Why Not?

  • Do you keep a written record of any or all training

  • Information programs are provided to subcontractors and/or instruction in clean marine practices required on site

  • Newsletters, E-Mail, Notices in monthly bill, positions, informal visits with boaters, and/or other similar means are used to promote the benefits of Clean Marine best practices

  • Have you or anyone employed by your marina or dealership, participated in the Spills workshop

  • If available would you or someone within the business by interested in participating in a spills workshop

Section 12 - Other Services Special Services Some marinas choose to offer certain special services which incorporate environmental considerations (refer to Section 4.7 of the CMPH).

  • Do you offer special services - This can be anything not identified in this audit - Elaborate!

  • Please identify these services and their respective environmental considerations - ie (Molly Maid-type services for boats, Boat Valet Launching and preparation services, Water taxi, are only some examples)

  • Does your facility make available PPE to your customers

  • Do you have a secure disposal for any PPE that maybe brought onto your facility

  • Have you participated in the Sea Bin or other similar plastics removal program

  • If available, would you be interested in participating

  • Are you able to handle electric vehicle parking and charging

Section 13 - Other Environmental Initiatives If your facility has incorporated any other environmental initiatives (not covered earlier), please indicate these below (see CMPH, Section 8.1)

  • Is this location a marina

  • Facility has inserted environmental protection/conservation requirements in staff, client and /or supplier agreements

  • Shoreline stabilization measures have been implemented

  • Please describe

  • Natural buffer area between the marina and the shoreline

  • Facility officials participate in (e.g sponsor) local or regional clean-up/clean water activities

  • Local wildlife and natural species encouraged

  • Please describe how this is done

  • Non-aggressive measures are utilized to control pest wildlife (e.g using hawks to discourage gulls)

  • Please give examples

  • Facility has undertaken/particpated in other significant environmental initiatives.

  • Please describe

Signature Page

  • Person authorized by member to provide information with regards to this audit

  • Person who completed audit on behalf of Boating Ontario

Results - Areas of Improvements

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.